I have spent about an hour trying to break into my blogger account....why does this happen....I blame the small boys who have been using the computer, changed everything around and then silently crept away...I have no idea if I will ever be able to sign back in again, so maybe I should just say everything I have to say now ;-)
So 2017 is well under way and the routine has become the norm again, after the bliss of the holidays. Christmas was good, although quickly over. There was knitting
and crochet, a corner to corner piece which grew and then turned into rather a nice cushion cover
I took part in a lovely christmas present swap and received some beautiful gifts from a generous lady who had found out all about the things that made me tick. It was so exciting opening up gifts from a stranger on Christmas night when the boys were all settled to their own things.
One brilliant gift among all the lovely suprises was a candelabra, which I know is supposed to be used in a cake, but I put it on the grasshopper pie I made on News Year's day when we had family for lunch.
Isn't that the coolest thing ever??
I sent my gifts to America, lots of bits and bobs.... my favourite sort of presents.
I knitted these mitts with some wool I bought in the Cotswolds when we were there in October....and packaged them up too for my giftee, (I'm assured by a genuine Californian knitter that people from California do sometimes have the need to wear gloves etc... (I had a small wobble half way through making and wondered if I'd lost the plot!))
I took part in my second 10k race in two months, which was a fun filled (apart from the huge mile and a bit hill at the beginning) run with other nutty people dressed in christmassy clothes. I crocheted my hat the night before and managed to keep it on the entire race, which was an endurance in itself :-)
After the run, the finishers were given glühwein and a christmas pudding to take home....you can't say fairer than that!
And then it was done....just like that...and me being me, started feeling the need for some fresh air and new plans....so that is what has been happening in small amounts.
No big challenges, or difficult-to-keep resolutions, just some good intentions which will be worthwhile and reasonable......watch this space :-)