Showing posts with label liebster award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liebster award. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Reasons to be cheerful

Since the new year, I've tried to post this earlier in the week, but here I am squeezing it in on a Saturday again!  Today,  I am linking up with Planet Penny with my

Reasons to be Cheerful

First reason?  It is a beautiful, sunny morning and this is the view of the calm waters outside my back door, its cold, crisp and blue-skyed......what could be be better?

Secondly, I have been given a Liebster award by Planet Penny, but have to admit to being totally lazy to mention awards, as before Christmas I was also given this award by Stocki, Hazel's Crochet, All4meggymoo, The Green Dragonfly and Tea at Weasels.

Do you know.... the blogging world never fails to make me cheerful, I have had my mind opened to new ideas, been inspired to push myself further and been treated to more than a few giggles.  These bloggers above, are all truly lovely ladies, whose blogs I love to read and be challenged by, so to be given an award by them makes me feel very special (most people who know me in real life would say I am a bit....well....'special'!)  I know that a lot of the brilliant blogs that I read, have also been  recipients of this award and I am at a bit of a loss as to know who to award, without inadvertently leaving someone out..........soooo..........can you hear the cop-out coming......

Please take a look along my blogroll, and if you see a new place you've not been to before, give it a try.....I've nosied around a few times, clicking on people's side bars and where the road goes nobody knows!  I have to say, rather annoyingly, I have sometimes found somewhere nice but never got back there again! 

This is turning out a little longer than I normally whitter on for, but don't want to leave out my last reason for being cheerful.....and that is......... I've learnt to knit continental style. 

I've recently started knitting a sweater for myself, which has a lot of moss stitch (seed stitch). Knitters will know this is knit1, purl1,  a lot of throwing the wool and pretty tedious. I was toying with the idea of re-learning, but thought my tension would change, however after making a mistake which meant ripping back and that going wrong too (oh, dear, you know those times, when something happens, you try to rectify it and then it just gets worse....) I decided to start again totally. I even learnt a new method of casting on...who knew??

So it is a little slow, but I am already finding a pace and I think it is quicker than my 'English' style moss stitch.....I am a little smug, I can tell you and keep telling my unimpressed hubby to look at my knitting.....bless him too!

Anyway, if you reached the bottom of my ramblings you'll probably be needing a cuppa by now!

Please do check out Planet Penny's place and maybe even join in too, with your

Reasons to be cheerful!