Showing posts with label hexagons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hexagons. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

One a day (which day?)

It is still Tuesday?

Well, if I use the excuse that I missed the day, I will never get back to it........ so,I'm late I know.....but enthusiastic!

So I actually finished my last one-a-day project (which came in the shape of a sunnyspread blanket) in November and then did some Christmas presents, but I am back in earnest now with a WIP blanket, here on in known as the boring blanket.

I actually started this when I first learnt to crochet...I was young, naive and a little wet behind the ears!  I soon realised I had no staying power and was drawn into quick crochet flings, promising bright colours, quick fixes, no commitment.........

So I am back, admitting I've done wrong and wanting to put things right.

This week I have done five hexagons and actually found since my crochet has improved they didn't take too long (although I still haven't learnt to sew my ends in!)  I will probably end up doing two a day I should think.

So here comes the maths, I have done 89   hexagons so far, with 5 added this week that makes 94 and I think I need ......well, lets not think about it, as that is why it become the boring blanket a year ago!

To see other people's one a day projects, pop on over to  gingerbread girl's blog.

In other news, I have discovered that knitting is not quite like riding a bike.  As I've previously mentioned, I have got it stuck in my head to knit a jumper, and today, I began!  Funny how it didn't come naturally at all and it took some time to remember I needed to reposition the yarn to my brain works, I have been looking this evening at continental knitting thinking that if I could get my head around it, it would probably sit better with my crocheting position, particularly as I am a yarn grabber.  Anyone have a preference?  Wish me luck as knitting is maybe not my forte!  But I'm very determined!