Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste miniature. Näytä kaikki tekstit
Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste miniature. Näytä kaikki tekstit

lauantai 25. marraskuuta 2017

Jänisten häät

Löysin metsästä salaisen portin. Siellä oli hyvä ottaa jänisten hääkuvat.
Jänikset liittyvät tarinaan, joka pikkuhiljaa kasvaa mielessäni. Rakennan niille myös omaa mökkiä.

Pirkko Punarinta ja kadonnut polkupyörä

Kuvittamani kirja ilmestyy toukokuussa! Kirjoittanut Eppu Nuotio, kustantaja Bazar kustannus.


lauantai 21. lokakuuta 2017

keskiviikko 31. toukokuuta 2017

Little Mice

Here are some tiny mice that I made. Funny how they each have a character of their own, even though they are so small.

sunnuntai 7. toukokuuta 2017

lauantai 1. huhtikuuta 2017

Art show - Näyttely Pyynikin Näkötornin Kahvilassa

Kuvituksiani on esillä Pyynikin näkötornin kahvilassa huhtikuun ajan. Olen mukana myös Taidesuunnistuksessa 22. -23. 4. Tervetuloa!

I have an art show at Pyynikki Observation Tower Cafe.

keskiviikko 22. maaliskuuta 2017


Here is Sandman and his friend "bluebird" (in the last picture). I was inspired by a Finnish poem/song about Sandman. I made the doll and found his car from a fleamarket. It's actually a lamp. Everything else is handmade by me.


This is the latest miniature doll I made. I haven't made dolls in a while and making this one reminded me how much I enjoy making them.

Here are some of the dolls I've made in last years

sunnuntai 5. maaliskuuta 2017

Tiger's House

I'm making a home for a Tiger. He is part of the picture book I've been working on. House is made out of cardboard and there are real pressed fern leaves in the wallpaper. I used glue and gesso to make that. A round table is made out of an old book cover, chess pieces and wooden beads. Chairs are also of recycled materials. I dismantled a wooden dish drying rack which I found and used bits of its wood for the chairs. Window is made with quilling technique using paper, Glossy Accent and enamel paint. I love using jigsaw puzzle pieces as floor tiles. Here I used a bigger puzzle as I usually use 1000 pieces puzzles.

lauantai 21. tammikuuta 2017

Folding screens

I saw a picture of a pink folding screen with mirrors and wanted to make it in miniature. I made another one in green, too. I think I'll try a light yellow as well. I used chalk paints to paint them. They are easy to use and to mix different shades. The folding screens are made mostly out of old book covers which is easily my favorite material. It gives me satisfaction somehow to use things nobody wants or appreciates anymore and create something beautiful out of it and give it a new purpose.

lauantai 14. tammikuuta 2017

Writing group

Today I went to a writing class. I want to write more but I feel like most of the time my inner critic gets the best of me before I even get any writing done. So I thought it would be good to join a group where we read each others writings and give and get feedback. I mostly want to write children's stories and couple of days ago I finally finished one that I have been writing on and off almost for two years! Finishing that story felt like a really good way to start this new year! It gave me clarity and feels like a fresh wind blowing.

Cheery Chirps Collection ©Cardmix

keskiviikko 11. tammikuuta 2017


I made a sleigh for my Fox Terrier (on a previous post). Well others can use it, too but its made with the measurements of the dog. Right now its windy and dark here in Finland, not much snow really. But it's good to be prepared for the snowy days! :)

keskiviikko 4. tammikuuta 2017

New Year And New Creatures

Yesterday I sat down and started to make a Fox Terrier, something I have been thinking of making for quite a while. Sometimes it happens like this, I sit down and start and whoops, it's done! I guess it's because he had already been living in my mind for so long. Anyway, here he is, yet to be named and still needing some tiny final touches.