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Posted by
10/30/2005 10:39:00 PM
Labels: Show N Tell
This is a great picture of Rob with his favorite plane, a P51 Mustang! Doesn't he look happy!? Not to mention he looks pretty H-O-T I must say! <grin> He took some pictures during his flight up to Maine and back and I'll share those with you too when I get them.
Posted by
10/29/2005 12:31:00 PM
Labels: Life
I spent the evening in tangled yarn hell!! I am knitting a scarf for a yarn shop and the helpful wonderful pattern says, "Wind skeins of Eros and Electra on a ball winder and pull from the center and the outside for 2 strands." The lovely pattern didn't say how big of a pain in the butt it is to use Eros with a ball wander (it's super slippery), and how much trouble you can get yourself into when it doesn't work. I figured I would have the scarf completed this evening but instead spent the whole evening untangling Eros. I must say, this is one of the coolest novelty yarn scarves I have seen in a while, and the colors are fantastic!
Posted by
10/27/2005 01:58:00 AM
Posted by
10/24/2005 07:50:00 PM
Labels: Show N Tell
Posted by
10/19/2005 07:40:00 PM
Labels: Good Deeds, Knitting
Before I tell you the news, I want to tell you about the poll results. Baby Clothes won by a landslide! There are literally hundreds of baby clothes patterns online, so I'm not going to post every one I come across. It's still going to be a pretty large list of links, no worries.
Now for the good news. I always liked good news first. I got my replacement battery in the mail! It works great and I can take pictures again. First and foremost I owe you a picture of me and my pretty blue shawl. Don't think I have forgotten. Hard to forget something so beautiful especially since I curl up with it almost every night.
And now we have the bad news. I CAN'T FIND THE STUPID CORD TO MY CAMERA!! You know the one you have to have in order to put the pictures ON THE COMPUTER! Yeah that thing. It's gone. Of course it's gone. But in the famous words of my husband, "It's around here somewhere." The hunt is on people. The hunt is on!
Posted by
10/18/2005 11:59:00 PM
Labels: Blog
Posted by
10/17/2005 04:19:00 PM
Labels: Show N Tell
Here are pictures of the jewelry that I made Grandmommy. I am still sans camera and Terry was nice enough to snap some pictures for me.
Posted by
10/13/2005 07:37:00 PM
Labels: Beading
Before I say anything, I must mention the horrible earthquake that happened recently and say once again the people affected by yet another horrible tragedy are in my thoughts and prayers. Something's gotta give. Right?
I bought a battery for my camera on Ebay. Hopefully it will get here very soon! It is driving me crazy that I can't post pictures of what I am doing. I started a really cute felted bag in Purple Lamb's pride with Mulitfizz mixed in. It is going to be super cute! I am also going to make a matching felted cell phone case. These are samples for future beginner knitting classes. There is nothing better than felting for a beginner class. Uneven stitches?? What? Who cares! It will all felt out! This is great for the self esteem of a new knitter and eases a lot of frustration. If you teach crochet or knitting I highly recommend adding felting to your classes.
Posted by
10/12/2005 01:57:00 AM
Posted by
10/10/2005 09:11:00 AM
Labels: Show N Tell
I am having camera issues. My battery no longer charges and now my stinking ac adapter has a short in it or something. Now I can't even plug the darn thing in to take pictures. If I could, I would show that I am halfway finished with my Lacey ChicKami. Insert mental image here. Haha! I am currently trying to track down a replacement battery which isn't easy or very affordable. It is at least a bit more affordable than buying a whole new camera. Hopefully I will remedy this situation very soon. What is a knitting blog without pictures?
Well there are always the links :) That is one thing I can do that is very helpful, and doesn't take a camera. What I want to know is what links would you like to have next? The holidays are rapidly approaching and I'm sure that there is something you are looking for. Give me some requests and we'll vote on the next hunt.
Posted by
10/05/2005 10:51:00 PM
Hi everyone! I have some good news. Show N Tell is going to resume. I have received some new entries, and I have also been informed that some entries were sent in and apparently lost. If you have sent and entry in to me, and you haven't seen it posted. Please contact me a faercrafty at gmail dot com. I apologize for any misplaced entries, and I am working on a more organized way to store them. Hopefully, they will keep flowing in. Remember that any craft is eligible for Show N Tell, and you can participate even if you already have a website or blog. You may get some new visitors and make some new friends. Thanks again to everyone who has participated. I have greatly enjoyed seeing and reading about your creations.
Posted by
10/03/2005 09:40:00 AM
Labels: Show N Tell
Posted by
10/01/2005 11:48:00 PM
Labels: Links