Showing posts with label Links. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Links. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Knitters Who Crochet

I have noticed quite a bit of crochet projects on knitting blogs lately, and I think that is great! It seems that the old stigma with crochet is finally lifting, and people are starting to give it a try. It's a wonderful skill to acquire as a knitter because it offers you more options with edgings and also with finishing. I have also seen many crochet/knit hybrid patterns that are quite beautiful. The Beachcomber Tunic from the Spring Interweave knits comes to mind. I bought the magazine for that pattern alone.

Heather at Craft Daisies have been kind enough to offer free tutorials (with videos even!) on her blog. If any of you would like to learn how to crochet, just follow the links below. Have fun!

Learn to Crochet: Lesson 1
Learn to Crochet: Lesson 2
Learn to Crochet: Lesson 3
Learn to Crochet: Lesson 4
Learn to Crochet: Lesson 5

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Yay Spring Knitty!!

The Spring Knitty is up, and it reminds me that I really need to make some knitting friends or join a knitting group. I miss flipping through the pages of magazines/books and snickering or ooohing and aaahhing over the patterns. So then I said to myself, "Self, why don't you just oooh and aahhh a little on your blog." Yeah yeah I talk to myself, but at least I don't answer. Well not loud enough for anyone to hear me anyway <wink> Man oh man I need to get out more...

Tahoe is a cute cardigan, but the best thing about it is the yarn! It's knit with Debbie Bliss Cathay, a cotton, microfiber and silk blend, which has long been on the list of yarns I would love to knit with. Gooooood choice by the designer!

I love the ribbing on Ribena! What a fun and easy way to dress up a sweater. I think it would look great with long sleeves as well. We also have another great yarn choice with this sweater. I haven't knit with Tencel yet, but it has peaked my curiousity. According to, "Tencel is made from wood pulp cellulose and drapes and feels like silk". Pretty cool, eh.

I love how the cable runs down the front of Torque and the collar and hem are split. The yarn is a cotton/acrylic blend which makes me wonder if Cotton Ease would be a good substitute. Let's face it when you have a stash of cotton ease like I do, you wonder that about everything.

Last but not least is Bauble. It combines my two favorite thing, knitting and beading, and it is GORGEOUS! Don't be surprised if you see one of these show up on the blog. Sure, I do have a lot of things going on, but this wouldn't take that long to knit. I think any woman in your circle of friends and family would LOVE to be gifted with one of these.

So many patterns, so few hands. I need to figure out how to knit in my sleep. That is just so much time going to waste every single night!

PS. Marco says...

Image Uploaded by ImageShack Toolbar
Hi there! Mommy has been knitting, and I am helping as much possible. She doesn't seem to appreciate it very much, and I don't understand that at all. She told me to tell you that tan thingy is growing and she was going to take a picture,but I wanted her to take my picture. I'm way cuter than that stupid tan thingy. Don't ya think!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Knitting Survey Anyone?

Jennifer blogged about a knitting survey, and I thought I would share it with you. A student has put this survey together as a way to gather information for her thesis on knitting. I think that is great! I took the survey to help her out. If you want to add your 2 cents, Click Here.

Friday, December 08, 2006


The new winter issue of Knitty is up! I'm gonna go check it out. Wanna come?

Friday, October 27, 2006


I thought I would share some random pattern links that I have found interesting. Maybe you'll find some inspiration here.

Felted Crochet Hook Case (C)
Felted Knitting Needle Case(K)

I really like these. I think that they would make excellent gifts for the knitter or crocheter in your life.

Buggy Mitts (K) These are just absolutely adorable!!

Birds and the Bees (C) I did not know you could crochet that teehee!

Dressy Sweater (C) I love vintage patterns!!

Duct Tape Purse and Duct Tape Wallet (O) Yeah you read right :)

The Isebeau Purse (K) Very pretty!

Honey Panta (C) I have seen a lot of these knit and was glad to see a crochet version.

Snowman (K)

Jen's Stuffed Toy Archive (C)
Jen's Stuffed Toy Archive (K) Lots and lots of toys! Yay!

Crochet Helmet Pattern (C) Very nice pattern! Yay Mimi! You Rock!

Cropped Shrug Hoody (K) Toooo cute!

Pirate Queen's Booty Bag (K) No not that booty! Hehe man oh man I'm a dork!

Santa Pillow (K) Great intarsia project

I Want My Mummy, Boo For You & Frank Jr. (C) Just in time for Halloween!

That's it for now. I have plenty more in my stash. So keep an eye out :)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I was just stumbling around the internets and found this. Wouldn't that be great for Halloween!! Can you imagine freaking out some kids by taking a bite out of any of those!!!

Friday, September 08, 2006


I am nearly done with the Ab Fab throw! It lookst pretty much like the last picture only longer, so I'll just post a picture of it finished. I wanted to post something for my fellow hookers. I found the cutest crochet pattern on Crochetville!! It is inspired by the movie Bambi. Click here to check it out!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Socks On Circular Needles

Someone emailed me tonight asking for information about knitting socks on circular needles. I thought, "What a great question! Maybe I should put some links on the blog!" Soooo that's what I am doing. Here are some links regarding socks on circular needles. I hope you find them helpful.

Sheron Goldin's Cybersocks 2 Socks on 2 Circulars
How to knit small circumferences with two circulars
Jenanne Hassler's Straight Laced Socks pattern (plus tutorial)
Diagonal Fixation Socks (pattern for two circs there
Toe Up Socks Tutorial

I would have found more, but I'm too tired. I'll try to look for some more tomorrow :)

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Leisel made the coolest scarf EVER! Go check it out here!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Some Links For Ya

Here are some links that I thought I would share with you...

That's it for now, but not to worry there will be more later. Have fun clickin'!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Baby Stuff

Crochet stuff will come one of these days...

  1. Ariel Zusya Benjamin's Apple Hat (K)
  2. Baby Center's Bunny Beanie (K)
  3. Bonnie Brann's Petal Baby Hat (K)
  4. Britta Stolfus Rueschhoff's Trellis (K)
  5. Brynne Sutton's Cargo Pants (K)
  6. Canadian Living's Baby Jacket (K)
  7. Carole Barenys' Seamless Yoked Baby Sweater (K)
  8. Cinnamon Cooper's Baby Tart (K)
  9. Craftown's Diamond Baby Ensemble (K)
  10. Crystal Palace's Baby Georgia Chick Dress (K)
  11. Crystal Palace's Baby Teddy Bear Sweaters (K)
  12. D-Made's Quickie Baby Sweater (K)
  13. Dawn Adcock's Little Shell Lace Baby Bonnet (K)
  14. Deb White's Jane of the Jungle (K)
  15. DYI's "Suede" Baby Hat (K)
  16. DYI's Ugg Boots (K)
  17. Emma Crew's Made With Love Layette Sweater (K)
  18. Freddy Knits' Beginner's Fair Isle Baby Hat (K)
  19. Shells and Columns baby Set (K)
  20. Sweetheart Sweater Set (K)
  21. Friendship Knitting Guild's Ear Flap Baby Hat (K)
  22. Friendship Knitting Guild's Easy Baby Sweater (K)
  23. Friendship Knitting Guild's Garter Stitch Baby Cardigan (K)
  24. Good Housekeeping's Ribbon Dress (K)
  25. Heather Ramsay's MissDashwood (K)
  26. Holli Yeoh's Devan (K)
  27. Interweave Knits' Better-Than-Booties Baby Socks (K)
  28. Joyce Mesecar's Baby Pullover Sweater (K)
  29. Judy Lamb's Cascading Leaves Christening Gown (K)
  30. Lacy Cardigan With Matching Hat and Mittens (K)
  31. Lorraine J Major's Angel Lace Baby Cap (K)
  32. Kat's Angel Cardigan (K)
  33. Kat's Lacy Cardigan With Matching Hat and Mitts (K)
  34. K. Schmidt's Nora's Orange Sweater (K)
  35. Kate Gilbert's Anouk (K)
  36. Kathleen Sperling's Argyle Cardigan (K)
  37. Kerrie's Newborn Hats (K)
  38. Kristi Porter's Haiku (K)
  39. Lauren Eade's Baby Hat with Leaf Edging (K)
  40. Lion Brand's Tutu Onesy (K)
  41. Lora Jenkins's Lace Baby Beenie
  42. Marnie MacLean's Dragon Hoodie (K)
  43. Mary Lee Herrick's Baby Coat (K)
  44. Megan Mills Mitered U Baby jacket (K)
  45. Naked Sheeps Cashmerino Aran Raglan (K)
  46. Nilda Mesa's Cecilia (K)
  47. Nola Rixon's Opal Wool Cardigan (K)
  48. Opal's Baby Set (K)
  49. P2 Designs' Baby Hat with the Swirl on Top and Socks (K)
  50. P2 Designs' Bright Eyes Baby Jacket (K)
  51. P2 Designs's Christmas Hat and Elfin Socks (K)
  52. P2 Designs' Circle of Hearts Baby Hat (K)
  53. P2 Designs' Circle of Hearts Socks (K)
  54. P2 Designs' Froggy Hat (K)
  55. P2 Designs' Froggy Socks (K)
  56. P2 Designs' HollyDays Set (K)
  57. P2 Designs' Just Ducky Hat (K)
  58. P2 Designs' Just Ducky Socks (K)
  59. P2 Designs's Leggings with Foot (K)
  60. P2 Designs' The Noah's Ark Collection (K)
  61. P2 Designs's Peppermint Twist Hat and Socks (K)
  62. P2 Designs' Pretty as a Poppy hat and Mary Jane Socks (K)
  63. P2 Designs' Snowflake Baby Hat (K)
  64. P2 Designs' Snowflake Socks (K)
  65. P2 Design's Ups-a-Daisy Hat & Socks (K)
  66. Stephanie Pearl McPhee's Daisy (K)
  67. Wendy Johnson's Baby Norgi (K)
I have no affiliation with any of the sites and probably have not researched them beyond the page on which the pattern is located. Thanks Rachel for all your help :)

    Saturday, October 01, 2005

    Free Bolero and Shrug Links

    1. Alpaca Plus Inc. Shrug (K)
    2. Ann Cannon-Brown's Far East Peacock Plumes Bolero (K)
    3. Augustus Butera's Cropped Bolero Vest (K)
    4. Barbara Breiter's Bolero Jacket (K)
    5. Beatknit's Bell Sleeve Shrug (K)
    6. Berroco's Sarena Shrug (K)
    7. Blue Alvarez Designs' Hot Lava Bolero (K)
    8. Blue Alvarez Designs' Wrath of Khan Shrug (K)
    9. Brenda Zuk's Collared Shrug (K)
    10. Faux Fur Shrug (K)
    11. Craft Yarn Council's Shrug (C)
    12. Craft Yarn Council's Shrug (K)
    13. Child's Shrug (K)
    14. Creative Corner's "Thing" A shawl collar sweater/shrug (K)
    15. Barbie Shrug (C)
    16. Crochetville's Flowery Shrug (C)
    17. Crystal Palace's Merino Frappe + Tingle Knit Shrug (K)
    18. Crystal Palace's Party + Splash Shrug (K)
    19. Crystal Palace's Party + Squiggle Shrug (K)
    20. Shoulder Shawl with Sleeves (C)
    21. Shoulderette (C)
    22. Dawn Leeseman's Kid Merino Lacy Shrug (K)
    23. Elizabeth Clouthier's Queen's Shrug (K)
    24. Fayla Reiss's Shrug it Off Shrug (K)
    25. Chenille Shrug (C)
    26. Hazel Spencer's Drop Stitch Shrug (K)
    27. Heather Dixon 's Lacey (K)
    28. Interweave Knits' Staff Shrugs (K)
    29. Jenessa's Drop Stitch Shrug (K)
    30. Jennifer Thurston's Hug (K)
    31. Jody Prival's I Do Shrug (K)
    32. Josie Walker's Cotton Candy Shrug (C)
    33. Julie A. Bolduc's Fashion Doll Shrug (C)
    34. Karen Boykin's "Mia" Shrug (K)
    35. Keridiana Chez's Ribbon Shrug (K)
    36. Katherine Summer O'Neal's Cleaves Shrug (K)
    37. Leef Bloomenstiel's Elegant Shoulderette (K)
    38. Leigh Witchell's Shrug Recipe (K)
    39. Linda's Chocolate Shrug (K)
    40. Linda's Holey Squares Shrug (C)
    41. Linda's Noodle Shrug (K)
    42. Linda's Triple S Shrug (K)
    43. Linda Wish's Shrug-Shawl Bedjacket (K)
    44. Linie 104 – Cocoon Bolero (K)
    45. Linie 131 – Fantasy Bolero (K)
    46. Lion Brand's Fancy Fur Shrug (K)
    47. Lion Brand's Festive Fur Bolero (K)
    48. Lion Brand's Heavenly Bolero (C)
    49. Lion Brand's Romantic Bolero (C)
    50. Lion Brand's Suede Bolero (K)
    51. Lion Brand's 'Wrap Artist' Shrug (K)
    52. Liz Gipson Spindle Spun Singles Shrug(K)
    53. Lothruin's Bolero Jacket (K)
    54. Lyn's Designs' Baby Granny Stitch Shrug (C)
    55. MaryEllen Stover's Cross Stitch Crocheted Shrug (C)
    56. Mango Moon's Shrug (K)
    57. Rebecca Hatcher's Shimmer Raglan Shrug (K)
    58. Rock Chick's Peacock Shrug (K)
    59. The Knitting Fiend's Mary Ann Raglan (K)
    60. The Knitting Fiend's Shrug Pattern Generator (K)
    61. Two Sister's Vintage Shrugs (K)
    62. Virginia's Armor Wool Shrug (scroll down) (K)
    63. Wendy Bernard's Girlfriend Shrug (K)
    64. White Lies Designs' Lacy Shrug (K)
    65. Yarn Forward's Bolero Top (K)
    66. Yarnmarket's No Struggle "Shrugawl" (K)

    Saturday, September 24, 2005

    Free Shawl and Wrap Links

    1. A.C. Moore Knitted Shawl With Beads (K)
    2. All Tangled Up's Kiri Shawl (K)
    3. Ashley Martineau's Garter Stitch Shawl (K)
    4. Aunty M's Stole (C) 
    5. Barbara Breiter's Kid Merino + Little Flowers Shawl (K)
    6. Berroco's Georgia Oversized Square Shawl (K)
    7. Berroco's Hasana Shawl (K)
    8. Berroco's Josephina Oversized Wrap (K)
    9. Berroco's Lilly Modern Geometric Wrap (K)
    10. Berroco's Marguritte Evening Wrap (K)
    11. Berroco's Michaela Spectacular Lace Shawl (K)
    12. Berroco's Patricia Shawl (C) 
    13. Berroco's Stevie Shawl with Sleeves (K)
    14. Berroco's Zeta Shawl (K)
    15. Bev's "Dishcloth" Shawl (K)
    16. C Devine's Rose Trellis Shawl (K)
    17. Kaleidoscope Shawl (C) 
    18.'s Lovely Lacy Shawl (K)
    19. Caron's Cozi Shawl (C)
    20. Caron's Ruffle Wrap (K) 
    21. Caron's Shoulder Shawl (K)
    22. Cat Bordhi's Swimming Jewels Stole (K)
    23. Catherine Lindsay's Lacy Shell Stole (C)
    24. Craftbits' Baby's Lacy Shawl (K)
    25. Craftown's Diamond Pattern Shawl (K)
    26. Craftown's Easy Knit Shawl (K)
    27. Craftown's Evening Shawl (C)
    28. Craftown's Everyday Shawl (C)
    29. Craftown's Fan Pattern Shawl (C) 
    30. Craftown's Shawl (K)
    31. Craftown's Shimmering Shawl (C) 
    32. Craft Yarn Council's Fall Shawl (C)
    33. Craft Yarn Council's Fall Shawl (K)
    34. Craft Yarn Council's Fringed Shawl (C)
    35. Craft Yarn Council's It's a Wrap (C)
    36. Craft Yarn Council's Summer Cover Up (C) 
    37. Crystal Palace's Fizz + Kid Merino Shawl (K)
    38. Crystal Palace's Party Ribbon + Splash Shrug (K) 
    39. Crystal Palace's Party Triangle Stole (K)
    40. Crystal Palace's Triangle Garter Stitch Shawl (K)
    41. Dainty Works' Katherine Queen of Stoles (C)
    42. Dainty Work's Peachtree Street Stole (C) 
    43. Dainty Work's Powder Puff Shawl (C)
    44. Danielle Schoonover's Cozy Lace Wrap (K)
    45. Darilyn Page's Basketweave Fiber Hug Shawl (K)
    46. Debb Wilcox's Papillion (Butterfly) Shawl (K)
    47. Debra Matz's Bell Pattern Shawl (K)
    48. Debra Matz's Rob Roy Triangular Shawl (K)
    49. Denise Powell's Watercolours Shawl (K)
    50. Dot Matthews' Bows and Arrows Stole (C)
    51. Dot Matthews' Pretty as a Peacock Stole (C)
    52. Emily Nelson's Solomon's Knot Shawl (C) 
    53. Emma Crew's Cobweb Shawl (K)
    54. Fleisher's Knitting and Crocheting Manual's Leeds Shawl (K)
    55. Flory Loughead's Shetland Shawl (K)
    56. Grace Stark's Wrapped in a Hug Stole (K)
    57. Gritty Knits' Scrap Wrap (K)
    58. Groovy Crochet's Easy Crochet Wrap Up Shawl (C)
    59. Groovy Crochet's Filigree Shawl (C)
    60. Groovy Crochet's Marigold Shawl (C)
    61. Groovy Crochet's Mexicana Shawl (C)
    62. Groovy Crochet's Tasseled Wrap Around Shawl (C)
    63. Heirloom Knitting's Bird's Eye Shawl (K)
    64. Heirloom Knitting's Daisies Shawl Pattern (K)
    65. Hello Yarn's A Brown Shawl (K)
    66. Janelle Schlossman's Light and Cozy Shawl (C) 
    67. Janice Pea's Drop Stitch Shawl (K)
    68. Janice Pea's Ruffle Stole/Scarf (K)
    69. Janice Pea's Simple Triangular Shawl (K)
    70. Janice Pea's Thrift Shop Shawl
    71. Jillian Moreno's Bob & Weave Wrap (K) 
    72. Jo Anne Tracy's Halcyon Shawl (C) 
    73. Joan Hamer's Big Snuggly Shawl (K)
    74. Judy Gibson's Simple Slant Shawl (K)
    75. Karen Connor's Lace Shawl (K)
    76. Kat Coyle's Leaves and Waves Shawl (K)
    77. Kelly. A Jackson's Just a Little Privacy Wrap (C) 
    78. Kelley Petkun's Dropped Stitch Shawl (K)
    79. Kelley Petkun's Red Hat Lady Shawl (K)
    80. Kim Huhta's Glam Ribbon Stole (K)
    81. Kika Robinson's Easiest Shawl Ever (C)
    82. Knit Picks' Drop-Stitch Twist Shawl (K) 
    83.'s Cover-up (K)
    84.'s Elegant Evening Wrap (K)
    85.'s Filet Mesh Shawl (C)
    86.'s Just Enough Lacey Shawl (C) 
    87.'s Lacey Evening Wrap (K)
    88.'s Light Lacey Shawl (C) 
    89.'s Light Wrap (K)
    90.'s Long and Open Shawl (C)
    91.'s Long Shawl (C)
    92.'s Long "V" Stitch Shawl (C) 
    93.'s Multi Colored Shawl (K)
    94.'s Stole (C)
    95.'s Trianular Shawl (C) 
    96. Knitty Gritty's Wrap it Up Liberty Shawl (K)
    97. Knottie By Nature Blue Jeans Shawl (C)
    98. Knottie By Nature's Spring Has Sprung Shawl (C) 
    99. L. Mathewson's Diagonal Stitch Shawl (C)
    100. Laurie Osborne's Wave and Shell Shawl (K)
    101. Lee Mathewson's Kerchief or Shawl (C) 
    102. Linda Benne's Baby Kid Mohair Shawl (K)
    103. Linda Clark's Candle Flame Shawl (K)
    104. Lynda Illingsworth's Tessa and Anna Shawls (K)
    105. Linda's Denim Shawl (K)
    106. Linda's Lacy Shawl (K)
    107. Linda's Old Shale Shawl (K)
    108. Linda Wish's Shrug-Shawl Bedjacket (K)
    109. Lion Brand's Trellis Triangle Knit Shawl (K)
    110. Liz Biven's Easy Shawl (M)
    111. Lizzi Jennings' Tri-aran-angle Shawl (K)
    112. Mango Moon's Wink Stole (K)
    113. Mani Di Fati's Ivory Shawl with Flowers (C) 
    114. Mantellina Shawl With Sleeves (K)
    115. Marnie MacLean's Flamenco Wrap (C) 
    116. Marie-Christine Mahe's Vegan Fox Stole (K)
    117. Marlo D. Cairns' Sweet February Shawl (C)
    118. Maureen Egen Emlet's Shells and Squares Shawl (C) 
    119. McCall's Crochet It! Lacy Summer Shawl (C)
    120.'s Fringed Stole (C)
    121. Melissa Leapman's Pink Scalloped Shawl (C) 
    122. Melissa Lim's Eve Fluffy Faux Fur Stole (K)
    123. Midnight Knitters' Seaweed Wrap (K)
    124. Minerva Yarns' Shoulderette (K)
    125. Moda Dea's Kickx Wrap (C) 
    126. Moda Dea's Stole (K)
    127. Moda Dea's Wrap (K)
    128. Mom's Shawl from The Knitting Fiend (K) 
    129. Nancy Valocik's Buttoned-Up Shawl (K)
    130. Nona's Tie One On Wrap (K)
    131. Orang Merajut's Green Stole (K)
    132. Peggy Pignato's Weaver's Wool Mini Shawl (K) 
    133. Polly Othwaite's Kiri Shawl (K)
    134. Rare Yarns' Wrap in Garter Stitch (K)
    135. Safiya Ali's Lacy Stole (C) 
    136. Sall Trefftsz's Raspberry Wrap (K)
    137. Sara Sharpe's Tinsel Garland Shawl (K)
    138. Sarah Bradberry's Comfort Shawl (K)
    139. Sarah Bradberry's Dishcloth Shawl (K)
    140. Sarah Bradberry's Feather and Fan Comfort Shawl (K)
    141. Sarah Bradberry's Shetland Shawl (K)
    142. Sarah Bradberry's Shoulder Shawl (K)
    143. Sensations Rainbow Boucle Wrap (K)
    144. Seraphina's Shawl (C) 
    145. Sivia Harding's Variation on a Frill Stole (K)
    146. Solutia's Homespun Shawl (K)
    147. Stasia's Koigu Kersti Shawl (K)
    148. Sue's Clove St Shawl by Betsy Baird (K)
    149. Susan C. Druding's Deco Ribbon and Splash Stole (K)
    150. Sue Morgan's Frilling Wrap (K)
    151. Terri Lee Royea's Garter Stitch Shawl (K)
    152. The Daily Knitters' Susan Shawl (K)
    153. The Yarnpath's Zen Garden Stole (K)
    154. Trish Bloom's Bloom Shawl (K)
    155. Two Sister's Vinatage Angora Stole Cape (K)
    156. V & A Fern Stitch Shawl (K)
    157. Vicki Harrelson's Scalloped Edge Shawl (C) 
    158. Yarn Market's Baby Loop Reversible Wrap (K) 
    159. Yarn Market's Mariposa Shawl (K) 
    160. Yarn Market's No Struggle "Shrugawl" (K)
    161. Yarn Market's Phoenix Shawl (K) 
    162. Yarn Market's Prism Shawl with Touch Me (K)
    163. Wendy Engstrom's Orenburg Style Shawl (K) 
    164. Wendy Wonnacott's Ella Shawl (K)
    165. Women's Weekly Heirloom Shawl (K)

    I have no affiliation with the above sites and most likely have not
    researched them beyond the page on which the pattern is located.

    Thursday, August 18, 2005

    Teaching Kids To Knit

    I was lucky enough to have a kid in each of my last two knitting classes. Teaching children to knit is always interesting to say the least. You never know what is going to happen. You could have a squirmer that can't sit in his/her seat long enough to learn how to cast on. You could have the impatient temper tantrum type that rips the yarn off the needles and whines incessantly. You could have the kid with the great attitude that doesn't make it past cast on during the class and is still as happy as a Stacie with a chocolate bar. But then when the knitting gods are smiling down on you and the moon is in the right phase, you will get kids like the ones I have had in my last two classes.

    The first was 9 years old, and she totally blew my mind. She picked up knitting faster than most of the adults I teach. I think I only had to show her how to cast on twice, and she took it and ran. I can tell 99% of the time how a class is gonna go by how fast the person learns to cast on, and I knew I was in for a treat in that class. This kid even corrected her knitting without me showing her how. She TINKED you guys!! If this kid keeps on knitting, she'll be INCREDIBLE by the time she is my age. There will be no stopping her.

    In the second class I had a 7 year old who was super enthusiastic and very impressive as well. She joined the class with her mom because her mom didn't know if she could handle it. Can I just say she BLEW HER MOM AWAY!! I got so tickled at her when she would hold up her knitting and say, "Hey Mom look how much more I have done than you!!" Kids are amazing I tell ya. If you ever get the chance to teach a kid to knit or crochet, do it!  It makes me feel so good to have given them the gift of knitting. I know that sounds cheesy, but I really mean it :)

    I looked up some links online that give some tips on teaching kids if you are interested.

    To Knit...

    To Finger Knit

    To Crochet..

    Saturday, July 09, 2005

    Russian Crochet Patterns

    I saw a link to this site on a couple of yahoo groups I belong to. This site has tons of free crochet patterns in Russian. Someone also kindly gave a link to a page that has the translation of Russian crochet terms. You really ought to go check out these patterns. They are Sexaaaay. Ooooh and there are some beyooooooteeeeful shawls and wraps. I think it would be a great challenge to translate and crochet one of these patterns! There are also knitting patterns available and the translation site has the knitting terms as well.

    I'm sure you are wondering where the heck is my One Skein wonder and what the heck happened to my X back. Well, I haven't picked up my needles in two days. Unfortunately life has a tendency to get in the way of crafting. Life being a pile of laundry that is growing exponentially and a house that is in a shambles. How does this house get so dirty?? There's only two of us living here! Is someone coming in here while we're sleeping and slinging stuff all over the place? Well I wish their crazy clean freak cousin would come instead. What the heck did that shoe maker do to get those elves to come and make shoes for him while he was sleeping? I have cookies!

    I did pick up the needles for a knitting class today. The group consisted of three ladies I had in previous classes. This was a very productive class, and I feel like they are well on their way to becoming bonafide knitters. One of them expressed an interest in knitting a shrug so I gave her the link so that she could buy the One Skein Wonder pattern. I think it would be a wonderful beginner pattern. When I told her about it, she got so excited. Now she has even more motivation to practice her knitting!

    Well I'm off tomorrow and I don't feel like cleaning. Hopefully that means I'll put the edging on One Skein Wonder and make a bunch of progress on XBack. I'm also going to be making a trip to the post office to send some faeries to their new home :) Have a great weekend everyone!

    Wednesday, May 11, 2005

    I think it's time for me to flyyyyyyy

    I haven't fallen off the face of the earth but I flew off of it! My husband took me flying ! I got to take off, land, and everything! We even made it back alive!!! One of our friends ( he was visiting from out of town. another reason for my absense) was along and got pictures and video of it. I don't have a way to get his pictures on my computer, but he said he will email them to me soon.

    I am making good progress on Soleil. I have divided for the neckline and armholes and I am working on the back at the moment. I hope to be finished with it soon. I have decided for my next project I will knit X back from Knitty. I have 11 balls of Katia Ola and all I need is 3 to make the top. I think that I will sell whatever is left over once I knit my top. I don't think I'll have a problem selling it, since it is nearly impossible to find now and many people are wanting to knit X.

    Since I am being totally lazy and do not feel like taking pictures (houseguests can really take a toll on you) I am going to give you a few free pattern links from my bookmarks in no particular order =)

    Crocheted Stuffed Hello Kitty
    Knit Cap Sleave Raglan
    Crocheted Felted Draw String Bag

    Sunday, May 01, 2005

    Knit Club

    The first rule about Knit Club is you don't talk about Knit Club...

    I saw this link  at Yarn A Go Go. Hahahahahaha!

    Friday, April 29, 2005

    Cirque du Soleil

    Why is it that every time I have a knitting crisis I am on the phone with Janette. First let me give you some background info. I decided that when I joined the new  yarn I would knit one stitch with both strands held together. This would "anchor" the yarn in place. I've done it before. It shouldn't be a problem.

     Fast forward to Janette and I chatting away and I'm knitting round and round on Soleil. I notice that the stitch where I knit with the two strands held together is very obvious. In fact it made the stitch next to it look funky too. The conversation goes a little something like this...

    Me: Ewww I don't like how that stitch looks where I knit with the two strands together. It doesn't look right to me. I think I'm gonna drop down and fix it.

    Janette: Oh that shouldn't be a problem.

    Me: What the. Uh oh

    Janette: Oh no what happened

    Me: I don't know what happened but I can't fix. The more I try the more I mess it up. Oh great now I get to tink back like six rows.

    Janette: Oh no that would take way to long. Why don't you try this...

    Well she begins to explain to me how I could pick up the stitches a row or so below the mistake with a smaller size needle then rip out down to the needle. I was a little hesitant at first but too very little convincing to go for it. Hey I'm always up for a challenge. As I'm picking up the stitches Janette says, "Make sure you are picking them up all from the same row. You shouldn't have a problem because your stitches are pretty even." So I forge ahead slowly picking up each stitch doing my very best to stay on the right row. I take a deep breath and pull out the needle.

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    Click to Enlarge

    Ladies and Gentlemen boys and girls without the aid of a safety net Stacie will now attempt for the very first time this new ripping technique. And she rips....

    [Insert the picture I tried to take but the battery on the camara died. Let down by my camera in a moment of crisis. Typical.]

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh something went wrong! I have ripped as far as it will let me and there are live stitches left above the needle! Then for about ten stitches they are on the needle like they should be and then back to having live stitches above the needle! This is really hard to describe and it would have been nice if I had a darn working camera to show you! What it all boils down to is that I didn't stay on the same row while I was picking up the stitches! How do I fix it?!
    Let me just say that it is a great thing that I was on the phone with Janette. My redheaded temper would have otherwise gotten the best of me and Soleil would have ended up off the balcony. Janette is great in times of crisis, managed to keep me calm, and Tadah!

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    Camara's now plugged in to AC adapter
    Click to Enlarge

    I fixed it. Don't ask me how, but I did. I can breath now. My stitches are all on the needle, my markers are in place, and I know where I am. Here is a great link that will show you how to do this technique. Please do not let my drama stop you from ever trying it. Have a great weekend everyone. See you on Monday with Show N Tell and Tuesday with Belt and hopefully Angel pics!

    Friday, April 08, 2005

    It's Happy Dance Time!

    Image Hosted by ImageShack.usCause the new Spring Knitty Issue is out! If you haven't seen it yet, go!! Don't even bother reading the rest of this blog entry! It will still be here when you are done. You're back? So soon?  Hi there! Let me just say that I loooooooooove this issue! I think that this is my favorite Knitty issue ever. First of all I love the home page picture. It reminds me of something you would see on the cover of Vogue or Cosmo, and the header and color scheme are so very refreshing, so Spring!

    The articles are informative as usual. If you ever wanted to knit socks but were afraid to try, check out Socks 101. You will be knitting socks like a pro in no time. There is even a basic sock formula to get you on your way to designing your own!  I really liked the tutorial on how to chart images using Photoshop 7. This would have come in handy when I was making my sister's cherry scarf.

    Last but not least, holy mother of pearl the patterns are absolutely fabulous! (did anyone every watch the bbc series absolutely fabulous? I loved that show! sorry had to go there. back to knitty)  There are at least five patterns that I want to make. Two of them will end up on my future project list for sure. Soleil and Branching Out are so very pretty, and I already have yarn in my stash for both. As a matter of fact I have the exact yarn that Soleil calls for (in two different colors no less), and my good friend Dale gave me a skein of lace weight yarn that will be perfect for Branching Out. Here is a list of my favorites. What are yours?

    Branching Out
    I do
    Ribbon Xback