Welcome to Fabric Bows and More. I have compiled several bow, flower, headband tutorials together in one place. Most of the tutorials I have found online searching for things to make. I hope you will find a few that you like whether it be for your daughters or yourself. Don't forget to click on the "Older Posts" at the bottom over to the right to see more samples.
Showing posts with label FOE Hair Ties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FOE Hair Ties. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2012

Fold Over Elastic (FOE) Hair Ties Tutorial

These FOE hair ties have become really popular you can wear them in your hair or as a bracelet.  They are really easy to make. The picture below shows some different things you can do with these FOE hair ties.  Thanks to my sister for the picture below she used to sell these hair ties on Etsy and let me use her pictures. 


To start out with there are a few different sizes of FOE (Fold Over Elastic) you can use to make these the most popular size is 3/8” or 5/8” they come in many colors and patterns, even glitter.  I started off cutting these at 9” if you do not think this is large enough then you can make it larger I do not think there is a rule of thumb for the length of these hair ties.


After you cut the FOE fold it in half and cut the ends at a slight angle.


They should look something like this:


I will show you two different ways to tie these off.  The first way is to take the ends together and tie them in a knot at the bottom so they look like these:


The second way is to separate the ends and act like you are tying a knot on your shoes. Fold over, then though…..



Then tighten the knot at the bottom. Either way will work it is up to you on how you want to do it or your likes.  They are really easy to make.


This picture shows you the two different ways you can make them. 


This was the first time I made them for my daughter and she loved them. If you are wondering where you can purchase the FOE I got all of my FOE from Megan at Pampered Princess Pretties.


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