My Darling Fall Tote
As you can see I love the fall season and to celebrate I made myself a fall jean tote from my recycled denim fabric stash and embroidered it with some cute fall designs. I lined it with plaid home-spun fabric. I am making one to sell
on ETSY.
I also take orders for these and you can see some different ones in my etsy shop buy clicking on the link here. I will design a special one for you when you contact me .
Lovely Fall Colors
Scare Crow Where Are You???
Well somedays you just can't get anything done no matter how hard you try, right? I am trying to make myself a fall raggedy recycled jean tote with a machine applique scarecrow on it. Now I have made that little scarecrow before but today he refused to come into being for some reason. After 2 starts and 2 messes I just put him aside for another day. I can just see me with a fall scarecrow tote at Christmas time. Well I always have walked to the tune of a different drummer.LOL. Now that little guy better cooperate tomorrow. This is a pic of him on a porch wall hanging. He is made in 3 sections and that is somewhat tricky to do. I have a janome 350E embroidery machine and I really like it for being so user friendly. This little guy is from www. This is my favorite site for embroidery designs.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
You name it I love it and I always will !! It brings me peace in times of pondering.
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About Me
- fabricartist21
- Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother Pet owner, Red Hatter, Friend.
My Blog List
Hello How you doin?9 years ago
Mid Week Madness8 years ago
Turning Artwork into a QUILT5 years ago
Snug as a Bird in a Boot!10 years ago
Bargello Quilt Top5 years ago
The 5 Worst Driving Habits in the UK12 years ago
Back At It8 years ago
Greenlee County Fair 20195 years ago
Happy New Year! 2025!!!2 months ago
Missouri Momma made my day13 years ago
Shirt Apron Tutorial... Part One!13 years ago
This was a test...13 years ago
Batiks - an art form17 hours ago
Heading to Facebook10 years ago
Roots14 years ago
Happy Spring decor8 years ago
Flowers12 years ago
China is so sweet13 years ago
End of the year swim meet9 years ago
Burts Bees Almond Milk8 years ago
Quiltsy Cares 3/31/195 years ago
Upcycled Apple Treat Cups!10 years ago
January 2014 Sampler Block11 years ago
Raggy Strip Christmas Stockings15 years ago
Just Had to do it!11 years ago
Trouble with posting onto my blog11 years ago
Acrylic vs. Cast iron kitchen sinks6 years ago
When my sisters and I were very young all three of us loved to make things. I think that was the way kids entertained themselves in those days. Our mother sat us down with old clothes and needles and thread and we made our dolls clothes.
My creativity grew from there and I found myself in high school making all of my own clothes. I did get a lot of attention with my matching outfits including hats. Since I was shy maybe that was my way of creating my own world and at the same time getting attention.
I finally did get tired of making clothes and went into quilting. The first year I quilted I made every family member quilts, quilts and more quilts.
You can only make so many quilts and so many bags before you have no space left. What is a very nutty creative person going to do about this?? Well you are going to open an ETSY shop and sell some of this stuff, right??
My neighbor asked me to make her a T-Shirt Quilt and I have been doing that for over a year now. I take special orders through my Etsy shop. I have become very busy with this business and will continue to create t-shirt quilts as long as their are customers that want them.
Please continue to scroll down and click on "OLDER POSTS" for more quilts!!