Look at what the mailman delivered to me. I recently won a giveaway from
Lyn of Bluebird Quilts. The above is a photo of the trouble Lyn went to with the packaging. These delightful little parcels are what I pulled out of the mail bag......and below, a picture of what was inside the little parcels. Lyn's new pattern, some lovely fat quarters, and more little dolls everywhere. Aren't they just so cute! Thanks Lyn, for sending me such a lovely gift.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Mother's Day. I was spoilt with a beautiful card from DS no.1. Breakfast was cooked by DH and DD. We then went out for lunch with both our own mother's as well. That was great. A nice meal, no washing up, champagne for the Mothers! Below is a pic of the gifts I made which was one of the patterns from Among the Gum Trees, special for Mother's Day. The embroidery was done through the week, but I had to sneak around to get the hangers done with Mother in-law in the house! Tea that night was a simple affair, whatever anyone felt like after the lunchtime meal, and then I was treated to a footspa, massage and pedicure while stitching in front of a favourite on tv. Isn't it lovely when the kids are of an age to spoil me so!!