Showing posts with label egrets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label egrets. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Birds of Bolsa Chica #2

I hope you guys aren't tired of my shots from Bolsa Chica. I took so many it's difficult not to post more of them. Some of them are in the video I posted below but it's still nice to post them large enough to really see.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Watery Wednesday #29

It's Watery Wednesday time. If you haven't joined in yet, try it. I'm sure you can find a shot that will put a little water in our eyes. Here's my contribution, egrets enjoying the lovely blue water. And if you like these you might like my preening goose in the post below this one.

Click here or on the image/icon below to visit other watery posts:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Watery Wednesday #26 - Bolsa Chica

I definitely had a Watery Wednesday. A short while ago someone told me about Bolsa Chica Wetlands so today, I went. Sure enough, I didn't get back in time to do my post earlier and then it took me forever to upload and edit and then... well, finally, here I go. I'm going to do a couple more posts after this of the shots I took but for now a quick view of the wetlands.

The first shot is just after I stepped onto the property and walked a few minutes along the path. I was so disappointed, nothing but grass and some water. But I kept walking because there were a few joggers and people walking periodically and I figure, they had to be coming from somewhere. Do you see those palm trees waaaaay in the back on the horizon? You might have to click on the photo and enlarge it to see them. About a mile, right? That's how far I had to walk to get to the good stuff. LOL!

I really did get some good shots but I'll be sharing the others in followings posts.

I never thought I would see so many snowy egrets. This doesn't begin to show how many there were and the wonderful thing was, I got to get close to them and not one of them flew away. I wonder exactly how close they would have let me get but I wasn't going to push it.

Is it just me or do these cormorants look like they're doing syncronized swimming?

Click here or on the image/icon below to visit other watery posts: