Showing posts with label ducks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ducks. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Watery Wednesday #85

I went up to Bonelli Park tonight...well, by the time you see this it will be last night, just before sunset. I wasn't sure which of these to post on the main blog so I posted the rest of them here. There is just something very calm and relaxing which is why I love doing Watery Wednesday.

The one below isn't a water shot but I had to post it. I looked up and the graceful bird went soaring overhead.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Watery Wednesday #36

When's the last time you got cyber wet? If you haven't checked out or participated in Watery Wednesday what are you waiting for? See what it's like to have your eyes drenched in cool water from all over the world. Here's my entry for the week.

These were taken at Santa Fe Reservoir yesterday. The Santa Fe Dam and Bonelli Park are county owned and it's that time of the year where they start charging so my visit will be limited. I refuse to pay $8 just to go take some photos of the lake and a duck or too. It's either that or wait until 7:00 when they stop charging and then I'm limited to early evening/sunset shots.

I noticed this duck had something hanging from its mouth. At first I thought it got tangled in some fishing line. I don't think that's what it is but it could be fishing line covered with moss. People are so careless with their fishing lines. Whatever it is, I felt sorry for the duck but they don't exactly let you get close enough to help.

I wasn't there long before the sun began to set. It's not a huge lake but the view of the San Bernardino mountains is a spectacular background for photos of the lake and today we actually had a spattering of clouds that always enchance a sunset shot.

Sometimes not knowing how to work a camera and the lighting works out in my favor. What a fitting last shot of this duck swimming off into the sunset with its light casting wonderful golden flecks on shimmering light in the water.

Click here or on the image/icon below to visit other watery posts:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Moscovy Duck

While up at the lake with my camera I spotted this odd looking duck or goose. It had black and white spots and my first thought was it was cross-breed. I took the first couple of shots and I got close enough while it was preening on the water's edge. I moved to get on the other side of it but as I took a few steps noticed another one sitting on the short wall (the last two shots). It was then I realized this duck's feathering was no fluke and I couldn't wait to get home to look it up to see what this was. It took me a moment but I learned it's called a moscovy duck, the first I've seen.

From the descriptions given I believe the first shots are of the male and the one on the wall is a female since it is smaller. Pretty cool, huh?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baby Duckies

I was taking pics of flamingos in their little pond and notice this one duck in the midst of them. I thought it was curious but didn't pay much attention to it after all, there are all of these beautiful flamingos demanding my attention. But when I turned off the camera and started to walk away I suddenly notice all of these little babie ducks. They were so cute and that one duck was mama duck patiently watching over her babies that were just EVERYWHERE! LOL!