The one below isn't a water shot but I had to post it. I looked up and the graceful bird went soaring overhead.
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These were taken at Santa Fe Reservoir yesterday. The Santa Fe Dam and Bonelli Park are county owned and it's that time of the year where they start charging so my visit will be limited. I refuse to pay $8 just to go take some photos of the lake and a duck or too. It's either that or wait until 7:00 when they stop charging and then I'm limited to early evening/sunset shots.
I noticed this duck had something hanging from its mouth. At first I thought it got tangled in some fishing line. I don't think that's what it is but it could be fishing line covered with moss. People are so careless with their fishing lines. Whatever it is, I felt sorry for the duck but they don't exactly let you get close enough to help. I wasn't there long before the sun began to set. It's not a huge lake but the view of the San Bernardino mountains is a spectacular background for photos of the lake and today we actually had a spattering of clouds that always enchance a sunset shot.
Sometimes not knowing how to work a camera and the lighting works out in my favor. What a fitting last shot of this duck swimming off into the sunset with its light casting wonderful golden flecks on shimmering light in the water.