Where do I even begin to catch up for the two weeks that I haven't been able to touch my blog? Even now as I sit here I know I shouldn't be as I've got so much to do but I just had to post something and visit some of the blogs I've really missed. I missed the memes and everything! I haven't even taken any photos and I'm going through withdrawal.
The only photos I've taken were from a meet 'n greet and I'm posting two of the views from the balcony of the hotel banquet room we rented for the party. In the first shot, the streaks of light on the bottom are actually car lights from the cars on the freeway. I think it's pretty cool the way it turned out.

Okay, so here's the story. I'd been unemployed for over a year and Praise God I FINALLY got a job. Let's just say that it's not close to me and from the time I get up to the time I get home it's about 14 hrs. That only leaves 10 hrs. to my day, and since I have some things to do when I get home, like eat, wash some clothes, return a call or two... my sleep time has been about 6 hrs. a day.

And to top everything else off, I'm so low on funds it's not funny. Some people live paycheck to paycheck. I'm living just to get to my first check. My unemployment ran out a month before my start day so I've had NO money coming in except what I could borrow and it's so hard for me to reach out my hand and ask for help because I've never had to. At the moment I've got $10 to my name and need a full tank of gas to make it to work next week. No credit cards to fall back on because all my bills are late but thank God they're willing to work with me and I know that some how, some way, God will continue to supply all my needs. I'm not joking when I say he's met all my needs during the time I was unemployed and I know He won't stop now. He didn't carry me through this race to drop me just inches before the finish line.
It was easy for me to see how people become depressed and suicidal without God's love and support behind them to keep them strong and focused. If you haven't been here, it's not easy to know you've got no money coming in and everything around you is falling apart, needs to be fixed, creditors are calling nonstop looking for money you don't have and there is nothing you can do about it. Trust me when I say that ANYONE can go from having everything to having nothing. I was a thin line away from losing it all but Praise God that I am still in my house and that the end is in sight.
Anyhoo...for anyone who wants to know where I've been the past 2 weeks and why, this is my life, this is my story. I give myself another couple of weeks before I can waste gas going somewhere to take photos again. I miss getting out taking photos but there is a light at the end of my tunnel, Praise God, and I'm focused on that light.