Showing posts with label Ten on Ten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ten on Ten. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ten on TenThirteen: October 2011

I took 10 photos as planned on Monday, but since we spent 16 or so hours in the car, I had no way to post them until now. Given that we were road tripping it during the entire 10 hours that this montage encompasses, this could very well go down as the most boring Ten on Ten in history. Nevertheless:

8:00am hour - We stopped at an outlet mall not far into the ride home and Mark and Charlotte
made a game plan for what stores we needed to stop at.
9:00am hour - Just before leaving the outlet we let Charlotte do a mechanical ride.
This was a running theme for the weekend - she loves them!

10:00am hour - The awesomeness that is Sonic prompted us to stop for an early lunch. Love the quote on my tots container!
11:00am hour - Charlotte continued playing with her Barbies after our lunch break. Almost 3 hours occupied by these dolls.

12:00pm hour - After Barbies Charlotte switched to coloring. I love these post-it note type
coloring pads with sticky on the top of the page.
1:00pm hour - Watching DVDs didn't last long, but Charlotte loved the new earbuds we snagged
for her at the Pottery Barn outlet. She's been jealous of Aunt Mandy's for a while!

2:00pm hour - No trip to the South would be complete without a stop at a roadside stand for some peaches and other produce.
3:00pm hour - And no road trip would be complete without a traffic jam. We moved about 4 miles during this hour. Ugh.

4:00pm hour - Generally speaking, Charlotte was a very good traveler but did have a breakdown here because
she couldn't have french fries. She was asleep 7 minutes later.
5:00pm hour - Eesh. 1200 miles logged for the weekend at this point and still a couple hundred more to go.
It was more than five hours after this photo was taken that we finally arrived home.

Monday, October 10, 2011

This Week's Menu + Road Trip

Alright, first things first, let's get the menu out of the way:

Monday - On the road
Tuesday - Omelets
Wednesday - Spaghetti with meat sauce
Thursday - Chicken fried rice
Friday - Baked potatoes
Saturday - Steak and salad

Did you catch that we're on the road today? Yup, we drove down to Georgia on Saturday, spent Sunday there enjoying Stone Mountain and getting some family photos done, and are on our way back today. Crazy, but true.

Since today is the 10th I'll be taking (at least) 10 photos along the way, with plans to share them later this week. Until then, go check out the link party at Rebekah's blog and show those bloggers some love. I know I love getting comments, so I'm sure they will too. Enjoy your day!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ten on Ten: August 2011 (well, sorta)

I remembered in advance that yesterday was the 10th and that meant I needed to take ten photos throughout the day. I even charged my battery and set my camera out and ready to go. Normally Charlotte stays home during the day and Christine comes to our place to watch her, but yesterday my mom took her to get a haircut (it turned out super cute). In the rush of getting everything ready and taking her to my parents' house, and in true Katie style, I totally forgot my camera at home. And since Mandy and I got pedicures after work (a total splurge - haven't had one in about a year) and arrived home after 7pm, I didn't get any photos at all yesterday. But I figured I still owe you some pictures, so here are ten that have been posted here over the years. Enjoy!

Cooking up some hard candy with friends this past Christmas. Recipe included.

Elijah and Charlotte hold hands while looking at animals at the zoo.

A tutorial about making a messy masterpiece with your little one. My most popular post to date.

A peek at Charlotte's first attempt at potty training - still not successful. Anyone want to give it a go for me?

Pirate ship cupcakes from Charlotte's Peter Pan birthday party.

Charlotte's awesome skill at Sesame Place (the goal is to get the ball in a colored cup).

Mark and Charlotte ride on the people mover as we go to pick up Nana at the airport.

A how-to for the house numbers I painted on flower pots - from our last place.

My grandpa (Charlotte's Super Grandpa) gave her money at her second birthday party. Doesn't she look thrilled?

Charlotte and Penelope enjoying a puddle on our last Disney World trip. Go figure.

P.S. Happy Birthday Mandy! Congrats on surviving the year of death!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ten on Ten: July 2011

My laptop is at the doctor's (aka my brother's). Looks like it needs a new hard drive. Cue the sad music. I borrowed my mom's laptop just for today, but will be without one for the rest of the week. As such, you won't hear from me until next Monday. I'll (hopefully) be using the down time to work on my ever growing to do list. But to tide you over, here's what we did today, courtesy of this month's Ten on Ten.

10:00am hour - On the way to church. Mark and I were very happy because today is
the first day that Charlotte walked into her class without hesitation. Yay!

11:00am hour - Charlotte was so proud that "the lady" wrote her name on her
Sunday School paper. She couldn't care less about the stickers she put
on it, just about the name her teacher put on it.

12:00pm hour - As with most Sundays, we grabbed lunch out. Today we had
Burger King and all three of us munched on onion rings.

1:00pm hour - Then we stopped at Target (seems to be a running theme for me
on these Ten on Ten days) and Charlotte tried on a "beach hat".

2:00pm hour - We headed home, Starbucks in hand, to do some work on
the yard. Everything has been weeded and trimmed.

3:00pm hour - This is one of my favorite spots. It gets a lot
more shade than any other part of the yard and is home to the
$8 birdhouse I just picked up at Marshall's.

4:00pm hour - We took a break from the yard to eat some ice pops
and play with Charlotte's viewfinder.

5:00pm hour - But then went back outside to keep on working. We have
tons of bumble bees and butterflies in the yard, and
Charlotte likes to point out all of them.

6:00pm hour - We bought a playset on Craigslist and Mark scrubbed it down
(yes, that's a toilet brush he's using) so we could put it together.
I'm sure there'll be photos of it in action in the coming weeks.

7:00pm hour - Charlotte had dinner, but Mark and I were too worn out
from putting the playset together to worry about getting anything
for ourselves. We just relaxed instead.

Want to see my previous Ten on Ten photos? Just click here.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Ten on Ten: June 2011

I would have posted these yesterday, but was having some trouble with the card reader. I finally opted to use my mom's computer, so here you go with yesterday's Ten on Ten photos:

11:00am hour - We'd already had breakfast and played with Barbies for a while when Charlotte asked to play with her puzzles. She did this one about five times in a row.

12:00pm hour - While Charlotte ate lunch I worked on thank you notes for her birthday party. She "helped" me sign her name to all the cards and was really excited at the thought of delivering them to her friends.

1:00pm hour - I'm not sure why, but Charlotte didn't realize until this late in the day that Mark wasn't home. She was sad that we couldn't go see him. And yes, she regularly strips down and puts on poufy princess dresses. Too cute, right?!

2:00pm hour - Since Mark's mum was flying in later that day I got to work on the spare bedroom. I salvaged these paper lanterns from my mom's yard sale pile and strung them up as a valance. Charlotte loves naming the colors (there's six in all).

3:00pm hour - I finally put the silly postcard I got at the Japan pavilion in Epcot into a frame and put it on the dresser in the spare room. I realized while making this arrangement that I hate the color of the dresser. I'm thinking about painting it with chalkboard paint. I think that'd be fun since this room doubles as my craft space.

4:00pm hour - Charlotte and I headed out back to get some flowers for Nana's room. We didn't last long because it was HOT! Triple digit temperatures again. But I do love having a flower garden at my disposal.

5:00pm hour - After Mark got home we headed to the store for some last minute guest-related items (you know, spare toothbrush, etc). You can't beat Target and Starbucks!

6:00pm hour - We had just enough time before heading to the airport to grab dinner. Love Qdoba's Mexican Gumbo! And did you see what's next door? I almost got a Starbucks green tea, but managed to control myself. Mostly cause I already had one from Target.

7:00pm hour - Then we headed off to the airport to collect Mark's mum. Notice Charlotte's costume change? Yeah, she didn't like my Mexican Gumbo so much and decided spitting it all over her shirt was the way to let us know that. Nice.

8:00pm - Brenda's plane was about a half hour late, and boy was Charlotte excited to see her! She jabbered to her the whole car ride home. Thankfully, that's only about 10 minutes. :)

Want to see my other Ten on Ten photos? Click here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ten on Ten: May 2011

Well, I kinda accomplished this month's Ten on Ten. I did take photos over the course of several hours, just not the ten that this effort was intended to document. Weekdays are hard because there's only so many ways to make photos of your office interesting. Especially without looking like a crazy person climbing on chairs. Which I'm prone to do when taking pictures. All that to say my photos for this month are from the few hours right after work.

As soon as I got home (and sent Mark off to pick up a Craigslist find) Charlotte and I headed out to our backyard. Beautiful, right? No thanks to me. This is all the handiwork of the former owner. I'm just working to identify what's a plant and what's a weed so I can pull the right stuff.

Charlotte helped water (using the rain barrels that the old owner graciously left behind) and showed me where the moon was. Yup, it was pretty easy to see, even at just 6pm.

We ran inside so I could start working on dinner. Unstuffed cabbage. Pretend that you don't notice how uneven my chopping is.

Charlotte snacked on an ice cream cone while I worked on dinner. What? You don't give dessert before dinner? Well that's how we roll around here sometimes. Although I will say that's before I realized what she did to Gramma's doll (chapstick).

Back outside we went to do some playing while dinner was cooking. I drew the pink heart. Charlotte drew the blue one. In case you were wondering.

I snagged a quick picture of the super low ground cover that we have in a few areas. I love this stuff! Anyone know what it is? Then I handed over the camera to Charlotte (and kept very close by in case she started to drop it) so she could take a few shots. Here's her best one:

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