Showing posts with label Rewind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rewind. Show all posts

Friday, July 30, 2010

{REWIND} Favorite Things

My week-long training class is finally drawing to an end, which means you can look forward (or not) to regular posts next week. I'm excited to get working on some projects once I get home, but not nearly as excited as I am to see Charlotte!

Last December I listed some of my favorite things about her. I need to do that again soon because she's changed so much since then. Maybe next week. Until then, here's the original list.


My little monkey consumes the majority of my life and I love that little girl with a passion. Here are some of my favorite things about her. In no particular order. There are tons more, but these are the ones that came to mind right away.

* Her belly button - which can't decide if it's an innie or an outie.
* How she marches around a room.
* Her big toothy grin - a rare and special treat.
* How she pushes Mark to the edge of the bed so she can lay on his pillow.
* How she puts her hands side by side, fingers stretched out, when she wants something.
* How fearless she is.
* How she dances, hops and spins just about every day.
* Her surprised face every time you say, "Charlotte, where's..."
* Her skinny little legs.
* How she does 'Bumblebee, Bumblebee' to herself.
* How she loves her cousins, especially Penelope and Elijah.
* Her crazy mess of curls.
* How she freely gives kisses (heck, Elmo and a plastic pork chop even got kisses yesterday).
* How she reverses to sit down in your lap.
* How much she loves me, even though I'm totally unworthy.

What are some of your favorite things (they don't have to be about Charlotte)?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

{REWIND} Rachel Getting Married

Normally I'd spend my Thursday nights at my house surrounded by the Twiga Herd (twiga means giraffe for all you readers who aren't fluent in Swahili), watching movies or some fun tv show. Luckily, Mandy's with me so we're still having a good time even if our friends are back home.

One Thursday a while back we decided to watch Rachel Getting Married. Here's how it went:


Last night the Twiga Herd watched Rachel Getting Married. I was excited at the plan since it had gotten some fantastic reviews. In fact, Entertainment Weekly described it as, "Demme's [the director's] finest work since The Silence of the Lambs, and a movie that tingles with life," and we all know how much I love The Silence of the Lambs. And I'm a Anne Hathaway fan, particularly following her song and dance number with my Dapper Dan, Hugh Jackman. (Sidenote: I could have worked in at least three more links in that paragraph, but I restrained myself.)

I have to say, I was less than thrilled with the movie. I found the family involved to be pretty unbelievable and at parts was truly angry with them (perhaps that's the plan?!). I guess I just can't see a family being that dysfunctional, that full of angst and that passive-aggressive (and, at times, just plain aggressive), all while being chummy about washing the dishes and toasting the happy couple.

I don't know quite how to explain it... it just struck me as unbelievable that a family would actually behave this way. And the total lack of resolution, between anyone, was just infuriating and didn't seem realistic to me. Perhaps I'm the exception though and am just one of a lucky few who don't have such tragically neurotic relatives. Thanks Mom and Dad!

But the night wasn't a total waste. We did glean some fantastic wedding ideas for the unmarried in our group:

1. If at all possible, have your wedding week extravanganza accompanied by its own personal soundtrack and violinist at all times. We're counting on Regina to come through on this count! But, you can't be afraid to tell said violinist to shut up when they're killing the extreme tension in the room.

2. Include as many cultures in the wedding events as possible, with no regard for the relevance of their inclusion. If possible, try to invite people of multiple backgrounds to be in your wedding party and have the actual wedding ceremony come from a completely different background. And, as appropriate (or not), incorporate some sort of ritualistic chanting into the mix, preferably by combining the bride and groom's names into one. Si-chel... Si-chel... Si-chel...

3. Force your bridesmaids to wear lilac even though they never wear lilac. Feel free to substitute some other random color if lilac happens to be your bridesmaids' color of choice.

4. Consume lots of booze. I realize this is typical for lots of wedding, but it really isn't in our circle. We've learned that alcohol will make everyone chatty and willing to offer up totally confusing toasts, and will, at the same time, allow those listening to the toasts to think they're hilarious and well-thought out. Double score!

5. Choose seating arrangements wisely and remember it's always best to put the potentially embarassing members of your family, even if they're your only sister, in the corner. It as, after all, your day. Oh, and using little knick-knacks to plan said seating arrangements is always better than going with the simpler route of plain old pen and paper.

6. Announce your pregnancy (or some other news of epic importance) during a completely unrelated conversation. Scratch that, during a completely unrelated argument. Because it's great to turn your sister into a bad guy and make everyone swoon over you by feigning exhaustion because of the growing little one.

7. Compete in dishwasher wars. Unbeknownst to me before watching this movie, loading the dishwasher is considered by some to be to manliest of all household sports and can create comraderie between a groom and his soon-to-be father-in-law in ways words cannot describe. If you're feeling particularly brave, you might even consider involving all relatives/wedding party members and creating a bracketed tournament.

8. Sing your vows. And for the love of all things matrimonial (is that even a word?) make sure the chosen song makes absolutely no sense, is longer than the rest of the ceremony and is sung extremely slowly... you know, slow enough for everyone in the room to reach the point of being uncomfortable. And then, make sure to shed a tear as if the sung vows were especially touching and not at all cheesy.

9. Slow dance as a foursome. There's nothing quite like forcing your ostracized sister to wear lilac, making her sit in the corner with the weirdos, and then including her in a private dance with your new husband. And since three's not enough, make sure you invite the best man to join in on the fun. Oh, and the closer the better.

10. Hire the human equivalent of Jello to serve as entertainment. Seriously folks, no wedding would be complete without nearly naked belly dancers/showgirls (??) jiggling the night away to open the reception, and later closing the festivities by slow-dancing with your crazy Uncle Bert. Only good things came come of this pairing. And if your quick like our our personal musician Regina is, you'll realize that the appropriate song choice for this portion of the wedding soundtrack is "Gettin' Jiggly Wit It".

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

{REWIND} Birthday Girl

I've been gone three days and I miss my little monkey! Thanks to loads of snap-happy relatives I can at least look back to see some awesome photos of her.

These are ones that Jacqi took when we did a photo shoot for her first birthday. Quite the exhausting experience!!


As promised, here are some photos of Charlotte from the photo shoot we had with Jacqi last week.

Can you stand the cuteness that is this kid?

Me: Hey Charlotte, did you know that today is a special day?

Charlotte: Huh?!?

Me: Yup, today is your birthday. You're one year old.

Charlotte: That's (fully) awesome! (Because she does speak parenthetically.)

Me: Yup, but the day isn't just yours. Uncle Kevin shares your birthday.

Charlotte: Noooooooooo!!!

Me: Don't cry. We already celebrated his birthday, so you get a party all to yourself.

Charlotte: That's good. I didn't want to have to roundhouse kick him in the face for taking my birthday.

Me: Well that's a little harsh... You're actually having two birthday parties. One today and one on Saturday.

Charlotte: You're darn right I'm having two parties!! And I better get loads of presents at them!

Me: You better drop the attitude kid. You don't need to be so greedy. You haven't even reached the terrible twos yet.

Charlotte: I'll show you terrible!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

{REWIND} Disney Days: The Dreaded Budget

One day done in training, four more to go. While this class feels a bit like a vacation from work, it'll be no where near as fun as the trip to Walt Disney World we have planned for this fall!

I often get asked for tips on planning Disney trips and have even helped come up with detailed itineraries for other families' vacations before. I'd started a string of WDW-related posts a while back and this is one of them. Wonder if I should start back up with more topics again?!


Many folks are feeling a strain on their wallets from our nation's money woes. While taking vacations might not be in everyone's future, sometimes splurging on a fun trip is just the cure for the economic blues. A trip to Walt Disney World is no longer out of the realm of possibility for the average Joe. Actually, Disney is doing it's best to entice families to visit its parks. They're feeling the pinch of the slumping economy too and are offering tons of deals and discounts, so there's been no better time than now to take advantage of the Mouse!

When I tell my tales of trip planning and trip taking, especially to someone who has never been (or at least not for a long time), I tend to get some variation of the this response, "I'd love to go to Disney, but it's too expensive." I didn't start this series of posts to lie to you about how easy it is to pack your bags and head of the the World on a whim. A Disney trip is not cheap. But there are countless ways to save, and while other parks may be cheaper still, I'm a firm believer in the idea that you get what you pay for. So, with no pretending that some saving won't be necessary, let's dive right in...

Everyone wants to know the nitty gritty, right? How much will a trip run you? Just exactly how much, in clear dollars and cents? Well I've always been one to get right to the point, so I'll tell you that my average budget for one week of vacation, for one adult, all-inclusive (and I do mean all) is an even $1000. Seems like a lot, but when you consider that airfare, tickets, resort, food and a couple special events are already accounted for, that number begins to look a whole lot better. I've done trips for less, and I've done trips for more, but on average that 1k mark always seems to be about right. Below is an example of my typical per person budget.

Now I'm fairly certain that I don't need to describe to anyone how to book a room, tickets, etc. You all can do that easily enough through Disney's website or Dreams Unlimited. The key to it all is talking about ways to save money on your trip, so that will be the focus of this post. How can you have that fantastic, trip of a lifetime, you've turned old and gray and still look fondly back at it, vacation without breaking the bank? Well, there are a few big things and loads of little things you can do in an effort to pinch pennies:

#1 - Choose your trip dates wisely. As discussed last week, the time of year that you choose to visit the World can have a significant impact on the cost of your room, not to mention airfare. This definitely has the potential to be your biggest money saver. The cheapest times of year are January, August, September and early December. Check out the seasons here.

#2 - Consider what ticketing option will work for you. Will you be visiting the park every day, including travel days? Do you hop from park to park or stick in one place? Do you want to save leftover days for future use, or plan to not have leftovers? We stick to one park per day and usually have one down day (no park) on each trip, so our ticket cost is usually about $240 per person as opposed to the over $400 it would be if we choose to get park hoppers, water park admission and the non-expiring feature. Be sure to read up on all the ticket options before making your purchase.

#3 - Decide your resort style. Disney has a whole smattering of resort options, in all different price ranges. Pick the one that has the amenities you need most. Are you looking for a place to lounge poolside with lots of recreation options or just need a bed, a roof and some Cherry Coke? There's no need to spend $300 per night on a room unless that particular resort has a must amenity that you can't get anywhere else. More on this next week...

#4 - Dine on a dime. While food prices are higher than the average restaurant, they're not completely out of whack for what you'd pay normally (ex. $2.50 gets you a large soda). I've found the portions are generally bigger than what you expect though, so consider a little sharing. Three people can definitely share two meals on occasion, especially if each person plans to squeeze in a Mickey bar later in the day. And Disney allows you to bring in your own snacks and bagged meals. Either bring stuff from home, or have Garden Grocer deliver groceries to your resort for a mere $12 to help save costs. And consider taking advantage of one of Disney's prepaid meal plans (more on these in a later post) to help rein in the food budget.

#5 - Take advantage of the freebies. Bring a water bottle from home and fill it up at fountains rather than buying bottled water. Word for the wise though, some folks don't like the taste of Magic Kingdom's water (it has a bit of sulfur taste to it), but that can be easily masked by drink packets. Utilize the free bus, boat and monorail transportation offered between resorts and parks. Also get in on the Magical Express, the free shuttle from the airport to Disney resorts. Not renting a car is a huge savings!! Also make use of Extra Magic Hours, which are the times before and after the regular park hours where Disney resort guests get the parks all to the themselves. This extra time means your park tickets are worth even more when divided by the hour.

There's no denying it. You'll be spending a fair amount of the above on a trip to the World. But, when you consider that King's Dominion tickets cost $40 per day, Six Flags come in at $50 per day and Hershey Park will run you a whooping $52 per day, paying $35 per day (based on a 7-day ticket) for Disney, which encompasses four theme parks doesn't seem so bad. Your remaining expenses are the same as you'd pay for any destination vacation. So go ahead, find yourself a Dollar Store piggy bank and get to saving, cause this trip is totally doable!

Monday, July 26, 2010

{REWIND} Planes, Chick-Fil-A and Mulch?!?

I mentioned in my most recent post that I'd be at a training class for work all this week. As such, there is no time for posting. Rather than leaving you with no posts, I've decided to repost some entries made over the past year or so.

This first one recounts when Mark and I took Charlotte on a little outing to check out airplanes. At just 16 months old she looks so tiny (and her hair is just starting to really curl), and yet she can still fit into that dress she's wearing. Weird.


Ah yes, the makings of the perfect Labor Day, for Charlotte at least.

With a rare day off, Mark and I decided to take the rugrat to the plane observation park (not before stopping at Chick-Fil-A for free chicken sandwiches and a couple Cherry Cokes, of course). We figured she'd love to see the planes up close and personal since she has to crane her neck to see them out our bay window at home.

We were wrong. She couldn't care less. Her favorite part of the park? Yup. You guessed it. The mulch.

Quite the little lady this one is, sitting spread eagle just piling her dress full of that barky goodness.

Mark tried to get her excited about the planes. She seemed to patronize him a bit.

Before letting him know how she really felt.

So back to the mulch it was. Sans giraffe leash backpack even.

Here's what I have to show for the day. One lousy picture of the kid looking skyward, and no plane in sight.

Ah well, at least she's cute.

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