Showing posts with label Meals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meals. Show all posts

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Week of Instagram {July 2}

Did you catch that change in the title there? I'm no longer going to be posting weekly menus. I'm sure you won't be devastated - they weren't that great anyway. Instead I'm going to allow the meals around here to come about a little more organically. I'll take out some meat to be defrosted at the beginning of the week - one each of chicken, beef and pork, and see what unfolds. We've had to a skip a meal here or there as things change during the week, so this will allow us to be a bit more flexible. Yay for flexibility!

But, the Instagram photos will remain. Here are a few from last week:

limeade thief // tools of the trade // pool time
post run // margarita cart // firework show

P.S. Sorry for flaking out at the end of last week! My internet was having issues and I just didn't have time to fix it. This week promises to be better.

Monday, June 25, 2012

This Week's Menu {June 25} + Instagram Photos

Mark's mum flew home to England last night. I have to say, her trip here, even though it ended up being longer than normal, actually flew by. Normally we have lots of meals together and spend the weekends shopping til we drop. That didn't really happen this time around. Between birthday parties, work outings and trips to the running trail, I feel like I barely saw her. We were all definitely sad to see her go!

And with absolutely no segue at all, here's the meal plan for the week:

Monday - ??? (we'll probably grab something while out)
Tuesday - Unstuffed Cabbage
Wednesday - Leftovers
Thursday - Omelets
Friday - Grilled Chicken Kabobs
Saturday - Almond Crusted Pork Chops

And a few Instagram captures:

technology // will & kate // sleeping beauty
bike day // shades for mickey // at the movies

Monday, June 18, 2012

This Week's Menu {June 18} + Instagram Photos

Considering last week included Father's Day and three birthdays, we actually didn't do too bad for meals. We just skipped one for the week. Yay us! So here's the goal for this week:

Monday - Spaghetti
Tuesday - Pork Chop Skillet
Wednesday - Outback Steakhouse
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - ??? (my nephew's birthday)
Saturday - Grilled chicken and salad

Last week was jam-packed with events for my family. Here's a peek, via Instagram:

soup for dinner // harry potter party prep // stylish shades
work luncheon // off to a princess party // the golden snitch

Check back during the next few days to see/hear more about our trip to Longwood Gardens and my sister's Harry Potter party. Photos galore!

Monday, June 11, 2012

This Week's Menu {June 11} + Instagram Photos

True to form, since we've got company in town, the meal planning has gone to pot. Not that Brenda (my mother-in-law) is cramping our style or anything. Not at all. It's just between prepping for her arrival, visting with other family, etc, we just haven't followed through very well. Here's hoping this week goes better:

Monday - Vegetable soup
Tuesday - Grilled chicken & corn on the cob
Wednesday - Salad and sandwiches (at Longwood Gardens)
Thursday - Spaghetti with meat sauce
Friday - ??? (my niece's birthday party)
Saturday - Roast chicken, mashed potatoes & veggies

And the obligatory Instagram photos:
"fun" at work // chutes and ladders // carrots for the rabbits
cuban & fries // jumping on the bed // awesome thrift store finds

Monday, June 4, 2012

This Week's Menu {June 4} + Instagram Photos

How is it that it's June already? I'm not sure why, but this year just seems to be flying by. In fact, ever since we moved in to this house, time has ticked by in a way where days all meld together and hours feel like just moments. It's been so very odd. That said, I just keep chugging along with my weekly meal plans. Here is this week's:

Monday - Anniversary Chicken and Bowtie & Asparagus Pasta
Tuesday - Vegetable Soup
Wednesday - ??? (we're going to the movies, so we'll grab something on our way)
Thursday - Beef Quesadillas
Friday - Leftovers
Saturday - Almond Crusted Pork Chops

And here are a handful of Instagram photos I captured last week. Check back tomorrow for a boatload more.

party aftermath // a treat at Rita's // the sun
late night snack // yummy cupcake // taking aim

Monday, May 21, 2012

This Week's Menu {May 21} + Instagram Photos

Man, oh man. Last week was bad. We followed our meal plan for the first two days. Then everything became a mess. I'm not even sure why. But we're going to start where we left off, so here's the plan:

Monday - Chicken Caesar Salad
Tuesday - Minestrone Soup
Wednesday - Pork Chop Skillet
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - Omelets & Blueberry Muffins
Saturday - Party Time!!

And, some Instagram photos from last week. I'll be sharing a few more tomorrow too.
popsicles for breakfast on her birthday // my ride home // babies
lunch with Oliver // adorable puppies // wide awake at 10pm

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This Week's Menu {May 14} + Instagram Photos

I got sidetracked yesterday with birthday wishes for my little monkey, but am back today to tell you the plan for our meals this week. Here goes...

Monday - Chick-Fil-A (the birthday girl got to pick)
Tuesday - Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday - Chicken Caesar Salad
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - Minestrone Soup
Saturday - Pork Chop Skillet

And here's a glimpse at my past week, via Instagram photos:

treats at Rita's // picking up Mark at the airport // went to an O's game
the avengers // the real avengers, in 3D // Charlotte's Mother's Day art

Monday, May 7, 2012

This Week's Menu {May 7} + Instagram Photos

I'm feeling pretty refreshed after starting my Couch to 5K challenge last week. I'm two days in and feeling great. Not during the runs of course, and technically not after either (I'm a little stiff and sore), but just invigorated in general. So needless to say I'm ready and raring to go for the week. Here's the meal plan:

Monday - Homemede pepperoni pizza
Tuesday - Meatballs and mashed potatoes (from IKEA)
Wednesday - Tuna casserole
Thursday - Hot dogs (at a baseball game)
Friday - Leftovers
Saturday - Grecian spaghetti

And here are some Instagram photos from my week:

I Hate Everything // Barbies drying off // robin's eggs
Wonder Woman // In A Pickle // rearranging at home

Monday, April 30, 2012

This Week's Menu {Apr 30} + Instagram Photos

Holy cow, we actually followed-through with last week's meal plan. We didn't have everything the day we planned, but did eat every meal I'd picked and refrained from eating out. Go us! Here's hoping this week goes as well.

Monday - Pulled Pork Sandwiches & Corn on the Cob
Tuesday - Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
Wednesday - Waffles
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - Parmesan Crusted Pesto Grilled Cheese
Saturday - Chicken Fried Rice

And some Instagram pics from last week...
Running errands alone // Pizza for dinner // Potato head pieces
Early in the morning // Charlotte loves watermelon // Pavement 1 Charlotte 0

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