It was a busy fiber filled weekend for me....first thing yesterday morning we set up our exhibit at the county fair, we'll be spinning in front of it Tues-Sat....always a fun event (picture to follow on Tuesday). In the afternoon I attended a weaving guild board meeting....very unlike a board meeting, was very enjoyable! Then last night I was cutting up veggies for today - Sewing Sunday was at my house. So, you won't see pictures of what I accomplished, I forgot to take a picture of the big salad bar I set up for lunch before everyone attacked it and the only other thing I did was stick hundreds of stickers on flyers to be given out at the fair advertising Fiber Mania in November. But I have some pictures of what a few were working on. There was a whole lot more talking going on today than anything was lovely sitting out on the deck. Tomorrow I'll be getting ready for the fair.......I need to decide what I want to spin this week, I have my own huge stash (aside from what I sell) but there are a few of the ones I dyed recently for sale that are calling my name......I'll post what I work on later once I make a decision.....Deb bought one of them today.

Cheryl was spinning away on her Kromski wheel
Barbara is quilting squares using paper pattern pieces for a large quilt - her technique looks perfect for the Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt I want to make someday
Ellie is handquilting this applique quilt - after finishing up this square she moved onto starting the last square - then the borders - it's a beauty
Deb was needlefelting catnip balls - she's thinking ahead for holiday sales
Karen was working on felting one of her little sheep, she's working on the butt of this one - look at those cute rusted horse shoe nail legs! Go see a finished one in her
esty shop