Seriously y'all.... my blog has been really sorely neglected this year except for book posts. I'm going to try to remedy that the second half of the year, so I'm going to try to get back to my prior Mon/Wed/Fri posting schedule.
Today being Friday, how about a spinning-related post?
Tour de Fleece 2017 is almost upon us! It starts July 1st this year and runs thru the 23rd. I've participated in the Tour for the last 5 or so years, I think. It's one of the few things I look forward to in the summertime, since I am not a hot-weather person and we usually take vacations in the fall or winter months. I'm hoping to get my wheel freed up this weekend so I'm ready to go for July 1st.
I have been slowly, ever so slowly working on spins from stash this year. Right now, I've got a club fiber from Winter 2011 from FatCatKnits on the wheel. It's a 75/25 BFL wool/silk blend. There were 2 colorways (as Ginny normally did for her Mixed Blessings Clubs), with 2.5 oz of each. The original roving is jewel tones - one warm and one cool colorway set.
I had waffled a bit about how I wanted to spin these. I originally thought about spinning them individually and keeping the colors separate, but I decided to go ahead and spin up the singles and ply them together in a 2-ply. So far, here's where I am:
It's coming out like a pretty stained glass colorway. It might be just the thing to use with a dark purple or black solid colorway in a 2-color project when it's finished..... someday.
As a carrot to help keep me motivated to get this done, I pulled a random braid from a bin this morning that'll be my first braid on the wheel for TdF. I'm not setting any specific yardage or ounces to spin goal. I'm just going to go for 30 minutes of spinning time a day and whatever I get finished, I get finished.
First up: Pirate Jenny from Two If By Hand on superwash merino.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to split this braid (which is dyed as a gradient) up and do striped yarn for socks. At least that's the current plan as of today - stay tuned.
Have a great weekend!