Sekret Knitting:
- Working away diligently on the cotton sweater. I ripped out my original concept, and changed it up a bit, and I'm much happier with this iteration. I've started this version from the top down, and I've knit about 6" of the yoke. My plan for this week is to get the yoke section finished, put the sleeves on holders to work on at the end, and start motoring on the body section. I'd like to have this sample finished up mid-month so I can get the pattern draft done and off to my TE, and start on sweater #2 on the list.
- I'm half-finished the Mythical Creatures club design. This will be my more portable/backup project for this week. I'd like to get these done by the end of the week and again, get a draft off to my TE for review.
Personal Knitting: This week I spent a little bit of time knitting on my Through the Loops mystery shawl. I knew I'd not keep up with the group (who just received clue #5 and I'm halfway through clue #3), but that's okay. My updated project page with pictures is here if you are interested in my progress.