Today's mini critique is for Cedar Copse and we'll be focusing on her Profile Page.
Profile pages are one of the most important pages in your shop. I have Google Analytics set up for my shop and my profile is one of my most viewed pages. Here's a quick something to keep in mind when it comes to creating your shops profile.
People are interested in personality and relationships, yes even if they're only buying something from you. Check this out for example. Which draws you in more?
1) "Check out this beautiful crochet top I just purchased from Needle Love.
- If I purchase a great product from someone that I'm excited about, I'm gonna tell my friends, family, and shop followers about it. I'll probably also favorite the item as well. Now if they're in the market for the same thing then they'll probably check it out, but if they aren't then more than likely they won't look at it.
2) "You've got to go check out Needle Love on Etsy. I just bought this gorgeous crochet top from her. She's amazing. She's an English teacher that provides free tutoring to low income teens, and she teaches them how to crochet as well. She has all kinds of crocheted clothing at great prices. Check her out! She has something for everyone!"
- But what if I tell them about this amazing artist that made this item I just bought? What if I add a bit more about the artist's personality, other items in their shop, and how easy it was to work with them? You better believe that others will check out that shop.
Now let's check out Cedar Copse's profile page and see what she's got going on!
Here we go...
What she's doin' right...
- She's using her name...which makes her page more personal.
- She's got her location set {see below}
- Her favorites are public - again...personal. People like to know what you like & are into.
- She has a small bio written about herself. {see below}
What I think could use some improvement...
- Get specific about location. - It's a good idea to have your location set to city, state, country, providence, region, etc. Whatever applies to you!
- Bio - this is where you tell people about you, your shop, & why you do what you do. Let's go into more detail below about bios!
3 Things That Make a Great Bio?
- YOU! Your personality, your experiences, your thoughts. When you shop in a store you meet people. You can see them. You learn a bit about them by the words they use, how they present themselves, their demeanor, their style, & so forth. This is your place to present yourself to your customers. They can't see you so you need to fill them in with your words. Close your eyes, picture your shop as if it were a real brick & mortar store. What does the inside look like? What does it feel like? Now write that. Don't forget to let customers know how they can get in touch with you. Link to your convo page, Facebook and Twitter profile, & your blog or website.
- YOUR PRODUCTS! Tell customers a bit about what you make, how you got started, & where you get your inspiration. Include some awesome customer feedback or press links here.
- YOUR POLICIES! Not every buyer goes to your policy page...especially not buyers who are browsing. If someone comes to your shop & they're serious about buying something, then they'll more than likely check out your policies. It's good to link to your policies in your profile page & in your descriptions. This makes it easy for potential customers to find them. You don't want them to have to search for anything! Make things convenient.
Want to learn more about questions to answer in your profile. Check out this article...
Written by Meagan from