Osaka ho!
Last night I decided to visit Osaka!
In a completely unlike-me spontaneous decision I decided last night to spend the holiday time between Christmas and returning to work in January visiting my friend in Japan, where he went to teach English back in July. Since then he's started his own foodblog, and I've been very tempted by his recipes and reports of the wonderful places to eat; apparently there are 200,000 restaurants in Osaka, and it's the dining and entertainment capital of Japan!
Today I managed to convince another mutual friend to join me (didn't take much convincing, to be honest)and we set flight for Japan on 28 December for about 10 days. Yay! Yes, it's going to be freezing cold, but we plan on lots of time in warm restaurants, yakitori joints, karaoke bars.... :-) And I do plan to be blogging from his laptop; I imagine we might have the same content on some days!
We're already making lists of things to do and places to visit. Kyoto and Kobe are both nearby, and train travel is pretty cheap, so they're high on our list. I visited Japan (Tokyo and Kyoto) in 2003 and was blown away by it; I never expected to love the country so much, so I'm very excited about returning.
Anyone with any good acommodation suggestions in the Honjo Higashi section of the Kita district would be much appreciated. Our friend doesn't have enough space in his little tatami matted apartment to easily accommodate sleepover guests!
Sounds cool. I'm very jelous esp as I'll be yet again tasting Surfers Paradise ath the family's place. Next time I go to the UK I thought I might go via Osaka. I'll call re the article in a few days - I'm just on deadline for a couple of other things.
Ed, at 11/22/2005 07:16:00 pm
Niki...that sounds fantastic!
I wish I knew someone in Japan; it's one of the countries CCB-Paris sells to...and now that they've stopped selling to the States, I'm getting deperate!
(especially after Alex just dumped out an entire bottle of liquid moistuizer on my carpet....grrrrrr)
Stephanie, at 11/23/2005 05:05:00 am
Wow Niki! That sounds like heaps of fun. Looking forward to reading your updates :)
Kelly, at 11/23/2005 09:53:00 am
Sounds great Niki. I am sure the spontaneous decision is a good one; considering your tour of Osaka is already so well thought out. I look forward to reading all about it!
deborah, at 11/23/2005 01:30:00 pm
Oh Niki, that sounds a lot more adventurous than the Boxing Day sales and test matches!!
No info on where to stay, but wow! What a great trip to look forward to!
plum, at 11/24/2005 10:27:00 am
Hi Niki,
I temporarily misplaced your contact but I want to let you know that your BBM3 package made it safely to me. Your package was truly fabulous and I was overwhelmed by your thoughts and generosity. I can't thank you enough for making my first BBM so memorable for me. I have posted a sneak preview on my blog but will update with more details soon. Again, thank you very much!
myCoffee, at 11/24/2005 03:37:00 pm
Hey Niki,
Sounds like you're going to have a fabulous time! I'm so jealous, hehe!
xox Sarah
Sarah, at 11/27/2005 01:41:00 pm
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