Showing posts with label Scotty Girl Designs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scotty Girl Designs. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Autumn | Digital Layouts

I was delighted when Scotty Girl Designs' newest kit, This Year 2014 Fall, popped up on my Facebook feed... it is absolutely gorgeous! 

We don't have traditional fall weather here, so I had to go through my photo archives to find photos for both layouts. The first layout features photos from our year in Ohio (2010). Mark's parents were in town and we visited an air museum with the kids. It was October and the leaves were turning colors... it was beautiful. 

My second layout features a Layered Layout V. 12 template from Deena Rutter and the same This Year 2014 Fall collection from Scotty Girl Designs. These two kits worked so well together. Digital templates were my initial draw to digital scrapbooking, and Deena's template is exactly the reason why.

On this layout I used photos from way back in 2005. Mark took the camera to campus and took some beautiful fall photos for me. I was pregnant with Evan (and very sick), but he knew I wanted photos of the campus in autumn. He is such a great husband. :)

You can check out Shannon's newest collection here, and Deena's template set here.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Turtle | Digital Layout

In June, Jack and I spent 10 days together while Evan was in Washington visiting my parents. Jack loves art projects, and we pulled out several unopened Kiwi Crate boxes to work on. 

One of his favorite projects involved using markers to color sea animals, then spritzing them with water so the ink bled, creating an awesome blended look. I took a ton of photos while Jack was creating his project, then created a layout using Scotty Girl Designs' Stitched Grid Templates.

My favorite element on this layout? The wood veneer "you" in the large photo. It looks so realistic! 

I combined both color and black and white photos on my page... something I love doing with digital pages. It adds a lot of interest and allows for imperfect photos to look great. 

Make sure to check back later this morning for a fun announcement. Thanks for stopping by and have a great Friday! 


Monday, August 4, 2014

Digital Layout | Jack & Cindy

As a scrapbooker, I love perusing online galleries, looking at beautiful layouts for inspiration. The Pixels & Company gallery is one of my favorites to look through... stunning layouts, a lot of variety, and great CAS pages. I looked at several layouts using this fabulous template set, called Stitched Down Templates Vol. 6 by Laura Passage, and I had to create my own page with the stitched hearts template.

I paired the template with Karla's newest collection, Hush, and a photo of Jack and my friend, Cindy, from 2012. I used almost all of the patterned papers from the collection, mixing the colors and textures. The title was created using Karla's Calipso alphabet, which is one of my favorite alphas ever. :)

I have a few links for you today. Just some fun places I like to visit, and a couple of places that I contribute to on a regular basis.
  • Gallery Standouts | A great collection of new (and awesome!) layouts every week. I have been featured a couple of times (including this layout), and my peers at Pixels & Co. are often featured, too. 
  • Scotty Girl Designs Blog | Shannon, the designer behind Scotty Girl Designs, has a wonderful blog that she updates regularly with digital project life layouts, tips & techniques, recipes, and layouts. Starting Wednesday I will be contributing a bi-monthly blog feature. Check it out if you are a digital scrapbooker!
  • Pixels & Company | I have been on the P&Co. CT for a little over a year, and they are truly one of the best digital scrapbooking stores out there. Amazing designers, active message board, and tons of layouts in the gallery. 
I hope you will check out Shannon's blog on Wednesday. I have a new layout to share that highlights a fun new blog feature. 

Thanks for stopping by! 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Digital Layouts | Pixels & Co.

Friday is always release day at Pixels and Company, and I have two layouts for this week's release. 

First up is a layout for Anita Designs. I used one of her new templates from A Story Captured Vol. 8 and the Far & Away collection. We just got back from a road trip, so this kit was a perfect match. I used three photos from our drive across the state, all from inside the Suburban Cindy and Ray rented for us.

(Supplies - Template: (Anita Designs) A Story Captured Vol. 8. Paper, wood veneer, border, brush, stickers: (Anita Designs) Far & Away. Staple: (Mommyish) Basically.)

My second layout features a new collaboration between Scotty Girl Designs and Mommyish called Q&A. Lots of neon, handwritten word stickers, graphic prints, and bright patterns. I toned it down a bit by using a neutral background & vellum overlay, a large 4x6 journaling block, and a 4x6 black and white photo. 

This kid? Totally rocks. And I love his genuine smile. Not his I'm-smiling-but-it-looks-like-I'm-in-pain smile that I'm getting way too much of lately.

 (Supplies - Background paper, journaling card, arrow, word stickers,brads: (Mommyish/Scotty Girl Designs) Q&A. Staples: (Mommyish) Basically. Date stamps: (Scotty Girl Designs) Date Stamps 2. Alpha: (Scotty Girl Designs) Stamped Alpha. Font: Georgia.)

I posted a three traditional layouts last night. You can view them by scrolling down or clicking here.

Is anyone else thrilled it's finally the weekend? It has been a l-o-n-g week and I am looking forward to some family time and sleep. And reading by the pool with a big glass of wine. :)

Have a wonderful Friday, friends. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Digital Layout | Donald Duck

Shannon McNab (Scotty Girl Designs) has a passion for all things Disney and she has created some fabulous Disney kits lately. She released Hollywood Magic last week, and I created a layout using a photo from our 2011 Disney trip.

I used one of her Singled Out templates, plus the Hollywood Magic alphas, papers, and elements. 

This photo brings back so many memories from our trip. I can't believe how little the boys are! Jack wasn't even 2, and Evan had just turned 5. We haven't been back to Disney in almost 3 years. I think a family trip needs to be scheduled for next year; I know the boys would love it.  

(Supplies - Papers, stars, label, alphabet: (Scotty Girl Designs) Hollywood Magic. Template: (Scotty Girl Designs) Singled Out. Stitching: (Mommyish) Basically. Font: Rough Typewriter.)

One layout down, dozens and dozens to go! I took so many pictures during our week in Orlando, but I haven't done anything with them yet. I think it's time to create a Disney album. :)

Thanks for stopping by! 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Krafting with Karla | Digital Layouts

I have been working for the insanely talented Karla Dudley for almost 4 years, and she finally(!) created her own class to show off her favorite tips and tricks at I created a couple of layouts using her methods and I love them. :)

 I used a new kit from Scotty Girl Designs called Distressed Patterns 2 for this layout:

It's time to wrap this up so I don't fall asleep on my keyboard... too many late nights lately! I hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Digital Layouts | November Edition

Happy Friday! We had a l-a-z-y afternoon here. The boys watched Monsters University and A Bugs Life (oh how we love Pixar movies on our house!), while I did some scrapbooking. We can be so busy that sometimes it's nice to just relax and watch a good movie (or two!).

I have been busy creating layouts for the designers at Pixels and Co., Karla Dudley, and Scotty Girl Designs. It's been a while since I've posted layouts, and I have quite a few to share today. You've been warned... this is a photo heavy post!

Our sweet kitty, Lilly, is making a couple of appearances today. She is just so darn cute, and has a habit of being underfoot (or on the table, or in the cabinet, or on the couch, or wherever else I am. All. Day. Long.). She is a very social cat and manages to be photographed often. We have another sweet kitty, Gabby, who is skittish and anxious, so I only have only a few photographs of her... and non in the presence of our kids! They tend to overwhelm her. Gabby's favorite spot is sleeping behind the couch in the master bathroom closet (Mark's "man cave"). It's hard to photograph a cat who sleeps in the most secluded part of the house all day!

Anyway, when Lilly was just a kitten, she followed Jack around the play room, fell into the toy box, and was very mischievous. Jack adores her.

Up next is a layout featuring Evan and Jack, and their friend, Nick. Getting three boys, ages 6 and under, to sit still and smile at the camera is nearly impossible. But I actually like the goofy shots... these photos show the true personalities of all three kids. And I'm shocked that Evan is the one kid smiling at the camera in all three photos... with his good smile! Not his "I would rather be eating worms than smile for one more freaking photo, MOM!" look that I have been getting a lot lately. Sigh. But for now, I get these three adorable, and completely goofy, shots of Evan, Jack, and Nick.

Bikes! Our weekends now include lots and lots of bike riding. Evan and Mark riding to the school and back (9+ miles round trip!). Jack and Mark riding to the park (.5 miles round trip!). Jack falling and scraping his knee twice while walking his bike across the street. Oh yes. The tears. The wailing. The sheer agony my poor, wounded child was in. Yes, it was very sad and I'm sure his knee hurt. He was bleeding some and required neosporin and a band-aid or two, but his carrying on was something for the record books. Jack is a wee bit on the dramatic side (which is one of the things I love about him the most).

Flashback to Jack, circa 2011. Baby cheeks! Chubby hands! Curly, blond mop of hair! Man these kids grow up way too fast. And I love, love, love this photo of Jack. So much so that I might get it blown up and framed. He loves digging in the sand with his beach toys. And only wearing swim trunks. And in this photo, he is so excited the by bird/boat/plane he has spotted in the distance. I miss Jack @ 2 years old. But Jack @ 4 is pretty cool, too.

Now we are going w-a-y back in time. Specifically, 2006. I remember this day vividly. Mark and I really wanted a family photo for our first family-of-three Christmas card. We drove onto the WSU campus (which was 2 miles away), set up the camera on a tripod, and took 100+ photos to get the perfect shot. Which never actually happened. Evan was too distracted by the grass! And the people! And the shiny object to our right! to actually look at the camera. But it was a really fun afternoon. (And this photo makes me miss Pullman like crazy.)

Is there anything better for a kid than baking Christmas cookies with Grandma? According to my kids, the answer is no. And Jack is very fond of sprinkles. :)

The photo template is, well, perfection. I used 7 seriously silly photos of Jack with a few anecdotes about my favorite 4 year old.  

And we are back to cat photos. When I work in my office, Lilly likes to sit on my computer. Or in my box of inks. Or, even more helpful, on my printer. So finding her resting on the spare desk is a welcome change to her usual (obnoxious) ways.

The final layout I have to share features a trio of Jack photos, all adorable (if I do say so myself). In the center photo he has his favorite accessory of the year... his very first mohawk. It's actually a faux-hawk, but he was damn proud of it. And had no problem telling the stylist at Super Cuts when he walked in the door that he wanted "a blue mohawk" after his hair cut. And she sure delivered! Jack sported the look for two days and was devastated when we finally had to wash his hair.

If you've made it this far, thanks for looking! So many wonderful memories captured on these pages. 

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Digital Layouts | September

The first month of school is always a crazy-busy time for us, but I did manage to create a few layouts for the Pixels and Co. designers. I worked with current photos, but I also pulled out a bunch of older photos, too. I love looking back at photos of the boys from years ago... they have grown up so much! 

(Supplies - Patterned paper, flair, paper strips, journaling card, staple: (Laura Passage) Down By The Bay. Template: Karla Dudley.)

(Supplies - Template and kit by Karla Dudley Designs.)

(Supplies - Digital template, ombre paper, sticker: Deena Rutter. Stitching, tab, staple: (Basically) Mommyish. Alpha, other patterned paper: Karla Dudley.)

(Supplies - Karla Dudley Designs and Mommyish.)

 (Supplies - All supplies (except template) are Scotty Girl Designs. Template is Karla Dudley Designs) 

I have a few more layouts I need to create this month... luckily our schedule has evened out a bit this past week and I should have plenty of time to finish a few more pages. I love my three hours of freedom every morning. :)

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Digital Layouts | Jack

Hey there! I hope everyone is having a great week. The kids and I are enjoying the final days of summer vacation... I can't believe they start school next week! 

I have a couple of new layouts to share using products from Pixels & Co (and both layouts feature Mr. Jack). The first layout uses Scotty Girl Designs' new Camp S'more kit. And that raccoon? Too cute for words.

(Supplies - Patterned paper, rub-on, stickers, alphabet, buttons: (Dawn By Design) He Creates. Template: (Scotty Girl Designs) Skyscraper template. Stitching: (Scotty Girl Designs) Swirly Stitches. Staple: (Mommyish) Basically.)

I need to place an order with Mpix soon to get some of these layouts printed and in my albums... I have made a ton of layouts in the past year! Not that I need to be "forced" to create, but having monthly responsibilities for Pixels and Co and two different designers definitely keeps me creating. 

 I'll be back tomorrow with a card for Fresh Squeezed Stamps. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Digital Layouts | July Edition

Happy Saturday, friends! I hope everyone had a great week. I have several layouts to share tonight using some fun new products from the girls at Pixels & Co. Most of these layouts I created while I was in Washington, using photos from our trip. I love that I have fresh photos and memories already scrapped. :)

(Template: Scotty Girl Designs Skyscraper Templates.)

(Papers, metal frame, tag, butterfly, heart, stitching, pearl: Scotty Girl Designs/Mye De Leon Everlasting Kit. Sequins, metal clip: Mommyish Basically kit.)

(Template: (Wild Blueberry Ink) Blueberry Seeds No. 3. Patterned Paper: (Gennifer Bursett) Scarlet Letter. (Mye De Leon) Easy Livin'.. Quote: (Robyn Meierotto) Snippets | Love. Eyelet: (Mommyish) Basically - Full kit.)

(Scotty Girl Designs: Walt's Park, Adventure, Frontier, and Swirly Stitches.)

(All supplies are Karla Dudley Designs. Kit: Mellow Yellow.)

(Using Wild Blueberry Ink's Just a Boy kit.)

 (Patterned paper, washi tape, tag, label, sticker, cardstock: Dawn by Design - Day Tripper. Staples: Karla Dudley - Digi Essentials. Wood star: Wild Blueberry Ink - Just a Boy. Blue star: Robyn Meierotto - Dude. Mist, stitched frame: Mommyish - Basically)

Now I just need to send my layouts off to Mpix for printing... I can't wait to see them in person! 

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by. :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Digital Layouts | June Edition

Hey there! I have quite a few layouts to share today that I've created for Karla Dudley Designs, Scotty Girl Designs, and Pixels & Co

The new kit, Walt's Park, from Scotty Girl Designs is the perfect kit for scrapping Disney photos! And it has the same color combo as Started by a Mouse, so the kits coordinate well. I used several elements from each kit for my layout: 

I was thrilled when Wild Blueberry Ink released Dad's Day Flair last week! I don't use real flair on my paper layouts often (they are so bulky!), but digital flair is fair game! Here I used My Dad flair and My Dad Arrows (digital wood words & shapes? Yes, please!). The digital template is from Simply Tiffany Studios:

Robin Meierotto released a fantastic set of boy-friendly papers last week called Fatherhood. I used several from her her collection on my layout below:

This one's from a couple of weeks ago using Karla's Peachy kit and a different Simply Tiffany Studios template (I love templates...):

The last layout I have uses Scotty Girl Designs' new Ship Shape kit:

After creating the Disney page I realized I have done nothing with my Disney photos. I plan on printing them out this weekend and start working on an album with them.... possibly an old two-up photo album that I've had in my stash forever. I think it would work. 

... and a huge "thank you" to CAS-ual Fridays. My card was chosen as this week's CAS-ual Fridays winner & I am honored! 

That's it for me tonight! I need to spend some time in my office & work on a card for next week's Retro Sketches challenge. Have a good night!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Art of Sand & Turning 7 | Digital Layouts

I have some exciting news to share today... I have been asked to join the Pixels and Co. Creative Team! I am thrilled to start working with the amazing designers and other CT members... truly an honor!

I also have a couple of layouts to share; one for Scotty Girl Designs and one for Karla Dudley.

First up, a super CAS layout using another Tangram template. We had a small party for Ev on Saturday and I was terrible about taking pictures! I was too busy chatting and keeping track of kids and presents and the pets. But I did manage to get a photo of him blowing out his candle:

Next up is a layout using Karla's new kit: Butterfly. Which is so beautiful! I love the background paper. Karla has amazing handwriting and I really wanted to use it as the background on a layout. I cut down the opacity so the words are faint, and the title stands out a bit.  

Karla is a featured designer this week at P&Co., and you can see her dollar kits + inspiration on her blog. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Scotty Girl Designs | New Release

Scotty Girl Designs has a fabulous new release this week: Tangram Templates. I have always loved using templates, and these are so much fun because of the triangles! A few weeks ago I posted some pictures of a typical Saturday, and I used a couple of those photos for my layout:

I also created a layout using Scotty Girl's Layered Template No. 5:

I plan on printing both (sized to 8x8 inches) and inserting them directly in my Project Life album. I seem to fall w-a-y behind with PL when I have family visit (and this year was no exception!), but I worked on my album last night and finished up three weeks of layouts. Only three weeks to go until I'm completely caught up! I have learned to slip papers + notes in the album, even if I don't have time to work on full spreads. I don't feel too far behind when I know several of the slots are already filled.

I picked up the Seafoam addition back when it was released, and while I love the overall design and the graphic feel to it, I don't like how repetitive it is (the 3x4 cards especially). I haven't counted, but I don't need 25-30 of the same design. I really wish I had more variety to work with! I subscribe to the Studio Calico project life kit, which has definitely helped add variety to my layouts... but the new Midnight addition (coming in May, I think) is on my radar. Truthfully, the Kraft, Honey, Jade, and Cinnamon additions are all beautiful! But I think the Midnight addition will work well with the Seafoam kit I already own.

Sorry for the Project Life tangent... I am trying to get back on track so I can fully enjoy this project again. Falling behind is never fun.

Have a great week! We will be enjoying spring break + Evan's 7th birthday. :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mad Libs and Motor Circle | Digital Layouts

Hey there!  We have had family in town for the past 10 days and I am so sorry to see the last of them (my uncle) board a plane tomorrow... it has been a fantastic visit! We took a trip to the Orlando Science Center, celebrated the boys' birthdays early (Evan received a telescope and Jack received a motorcycle!), went to the mall & out to lunch with some friends, and my Dad made the most amazing salmon recipe ever.

While we were watching the Oscars last night I had a chance to work on a couple of digital layouts, one for Karla Dudley Designs and one for Scotty Girl Designs:

 (All supplies are Karla Dudley Designs.)

 (All supplies except book plate are Scotty Girl Designs. Book plate is Karla Dudley Designs.)

Karla's new kit, Nillie, and Shannon's new kit, Froyo, are available in the shop now!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week... I still have a lot of unpacking and organizing to do!

Thanks for stopping by. :-) 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Scotty Girl Designs & Karla Dudley Designs | Release Day

A couple of weeks ago I received an e-mail from Shannon (Scotty Girl Designs) asking me to join her creative team! Of course I accepted and I have been working hard to create a few layouts for her release (and Karla Dudley's new release). If you haven't checked out the Pixels and Co. website, I highly recommend it. The designers are fantastic and the gallery is very inspiring!

My first layout uses a new template set by Scotty Girl Designs.

My next layout uses several new Karla Dudley Designs kits: Life 365, Anyday Extras,  Everyday Life Templates, and Stamped Alphas. 

And my final layout features Hello Love, Card Love Set 1, and Anyday Extras Set 1. 

(8x8 Layout)

That is it for me today. Have a fantastic weekend!