Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Evan!

Hey there! Our spring break has definitely not turned out the way we expected... I am really sick and we have had to cancel most of our plans. I am just heartbroken for Evan... his 7th birthday was yesterday and we have canceled most of his birthday plans because I can't leave the couch! 

Despite having to shuffle our schedule around, Ev still had a great day. Mark picked up a chocolate cake from Publix (complete with trick candles), and Evan got to spend some birthday money on Nurf guns and a mini bowling set from Toys R Us. We gave him two new Lego Star Wars sets + a new soccer goal for the backyard. Hopefully Mark and I will have enough energy to put it together tomorrow! 

I was feeling nostalgic last night and went looking for pictures of Evan as a baby... and I found these from the day after he was born. I think he was 7 or 8 hours old in these photos and I cherish them:

He. Was. Perfect. In every way. He never cried, loved to be held, and I fell in love with him the moment he was placed in my arms. I remember these first moments so vividly... I should have been exhausted, but all I wanted to do was hold him in my arms. And look at his cute little nose!  

And here he is today. 7 years old. 49.5 inches tall, 55 pounds, size 7 clothes, and size 2.5 shoes. Tall. Lean. Wide shoulders and long legs. And definitely all boy. 

Happy 7th Birthday, Evan! I love you to the moon and back.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Look Who's Three!

(6 weeks old)

My sweet Jack is three years old today! He brings joy and love and laughter to our family.... he is a wonderful blessing and I am so proud to be his mama. And those big blue eyes make my heart melt every single time. 

Happy Birthday Jack! We love you so.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Evan!

I love, love, love that Evan is smiling in his birthday pictures! He can be such a stinker in front of the camera sometimes, but he was so happy it was his birthday that he couldn't stop smiling.

After I made Evan's card, Mark and I each wrote a special note to him on the inside. It amazes me that Evan can read so well... he read what each of us wrote, then smiled from ear to ear. I wrote that I am proud of him & he is an amazing little boy. We are so lucky to have such a sweet, caring, lovable little guy.

His favorite part of the day: CUPCAKES! With lots and lots of blue and green sprinkles. Evan inhaled at least two, and Jack ate the bottoms of two (he doesn't like the sticky frosting).

Spring break is over and Evan goes back to school tomorrow... as a 6 year old! He is very excited to celebrate his birthday with his friends in a couple of weeks at his Angry Birds Pool Party.

Have a great week!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Birthday Boy

Evan turned 6 on Wednesday! Mark and I have a party planned for him in a few weeks, but we had a small celebration at home on his birthday. Evan was king for the day & picked out where we went for lunch (McDonald's), where we spent the morning (at the park), got new golf clubs (and M&M's) from Dick's Sporting Goods, and had cupcakes before dinner. He received some lovely gifts from us and his grandparents, and spent the whole day smiling. I took a ton of photos, but they are on our external server and my MacBook has decided not to communicate with the server this evening. My personal IT guy is sleeping so I'm out of luck. Hopefully I can get access to them tomorrow after Evan's soccer game. I do have a few photos I took with my phone, though. Definitely not as good as my DSLR photos, but they will have to do:

Last year I made a "Jack" banner when he turned 2. Evan made a comment that he wanted one for his next birthday. Of course he didn't forget about the banner and asked me about it on Tuesday. I had planned on making one anyway, so I happily whipped one up using some Papertrey Ink dies & cardstock. It turned out really well, so I made a card to match. And because the banner and card matched, I picked up balloons, sprinkles for the cupcakes, and wrapping paper in the same color scheme. I was very surprised (and pleased) when Evan noticed all the color coordination and said it looked "cool". Why, thank you! :-)

Evan's birthday present from my parents was a new set of golf clubs. He *loves* playing golf in the yard and was getting frustrated with Mark's clubs because they are so big. Now Ev has a set that is perfect for him, and should come in handy this summer when he goes to golf camp at our local golf course.

The boys also had their new beds delivered on Thursday and are so happy with them. Evan likes having a little cubby and has filled it with his "favorite things", like his Angry Birds game, t-ball trophy, new Transformers toy, and his favorite book. We are going to have to work with Jack on staying in his bed, though. His first night in his big boy bed was a rough one. He was up until 9:30pm, then woke up at 5:30am this morning. He went down for his nap fine, but woke up after and hour and 45 minutes... he usually sleeps at least 2.5 hours in the afternoon. He was very tired today & super cranky, so I was tired and cranky. Hopefully he sleeps well tonight & doesn't wake up at the crack of dawn. I need to get some sleep!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Celebrating Jack

Last week we celebrated Jack's second birthday with a small family party at home. Jack had opened most of his gifts in Orlando, but I wanted to make his actual birthday a special day for him, too.

I made vanilla cupcakes with sprinkles for Jack. He has had texture issues in the past, and I wasn't sure if he would like the frosting, but he devoured two cupcakes before dinner. They were a hit!

He liked ripping the wrapping paper off his presents, and would say "help please" when he couldn't get past the tape.

I used my Papertrey Ink banner builder dies to create a birthday banner for Jack. He did not want his picture taken in front of his banner, but he loved it when Mark fed him a cupcake :-)

Jack was very into his birthday this year. He kept saying "birthday!", "party!", and "my presents!"

I can't believe my sweet little baby is now a two year old.

Happy Birthday Jack! We love you.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pirate Cupcakes

I can't believe I almost forget to post Evan's pirate cupcakes! He had talked about having a pirate cake for months, but it turns out I am a horrible cake maker. Well, I'm horrible at getting the cake out of the pan. I tried multiple times, asked friends for advice, searched the Web, but I still couldn't do it. It was very frustrating. But Evan would have been devastated if I didn't come up with something Pirate themed, so I baked the next best thing:

Pirate cupcakes

{recipe by Betty Crocker}

After Mark and I finished putting the final touches on them, Evan gave me the biggest grin and an even bigger hug.

Happy 5th Birthday, Evan! I can't wait to see what this year brings for you.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


We celebrated Jack's first birthday on Saturday. He got his first taste of cake (white cake with chocolate frosting), and loved it. I really thought he was going to be sick, but he was happy and in a sugur coma for most of the day:

I wanted to thank everyone for the birthday wishes & gifts for our little one-year-old. He has been spending a lot of time in the play room with his new toys.

Tomorrow we are (hopefully) going to a play date with some friends. Evan has been a wee bit ornery the last two days, so we will see tomorrow how his behavior is. He had a good night tonight, and went to bed happy, so I'm hoping tomorrow is pleasant and we can get out of the house. You never know with four-year-olds. One minute they're happy and cooperative, and the next they are grumpy, have their hands on their hips, and are telling you "no". Lots of ups and downs with him, that's for sure.

I'm praying tomorrow is a happy day!


Monday, March 29, 2010

Birthday Boy

We started Evan's birthday weekend by taking the kids to Playhouse Disney Live! in downtown Cincinnati on Friday. The week leading up to the show Evan was pretty excited about it, but his attitude changed big time when we got there. He held his hands over his ears and said "I don't like this!" I was so disappointed! Toward the end of the show he started to enjoy it a bit more, but I don't think we are going to pay for any more Disney shows.

I love this "flash in the face" family photo of us... doesn't Evan look thrilled?!?

My not-very-beautiful-but-really-yummy EVAN cakes. He loved them!

And this is probably my favorite photo of the day:

One of Evan's presents from us was a bubble mower. He was outside for almost an hour mowing right behind his Daddy. He loves that thing!

And this little guy is going to be one in less than a month! My babies are getting so big...

Most of these photos were taken with Mark's Nikon point & shoot... my camera has been broken (but usable) for the last couple of weeks. Right before Evan started opening presents yesterday my lens stopped working all together. We only have a few boxes left to unpack, but I think my camera bag has to be in one of those boxes because we still haven't found it (or my additional lenses... grrr...).

Have a wonderful week!