First, I have one photo of our new house. I know, I know... I should have more by now, but sadly I don't want to post photos until the house looks perfect, so it might be a few more weeks.
Our back door leads out to the backyard, and our garage. So it's the main exit & entrance into our house, and I noticed a lot of clutter/shoes/coats/(crap)/stuff was piling up there. My solution was a shoe shelf, coat rack, and my butterfly collage:
What do you think? It serves all the purposes I was hoping to tackle, except mail clutter. I'm still not sure what to do about that, but I'm thinking on it.
Our little one, Jack, turned 9 months old today.
He is finally eating solid foods with a smile on his face:
Today's lunch was prunes, oatmeal, and applesauce. For dinner he had a pea, carrot, and turkey puree (which he didn't like), strawberry yogurt, and apples in his little mesh bag. Meal times are so much less stressful when I have two boys who are eating well.
Thank you, Uncle Tom, for the adorable Gymboree hat for Jack. When we left the house last night to grocery shop it was only 24 degrees out, so we were all bundled up.
Evan loves his new playroom. We spend a lot of our day in there, racing cars, playing ball, creating train tracks, building blocks, and entertaining Jack. He is at his best when he can play until he's exhausted. He loves to make up games and turn his firehouse into a "messy house" that needs to be cleaned up.
Lining up and counting GeoTrax cars & trains.
Last week I set up a huge GeoTrax track for Evan in the playroom. He was so happy we didn't have to take it down at the end of the day. At our apartment in Pullman the tracks would have to come down each night or Mark and I couldn't walk through our living room. Another advantage of having a playroom.
One of Evan's Christmas gifts was a Melissa and Doug See & Spell game. It has been a huge success and he enjoys spelling "sock" and "bus".
Jack @ 8 months old.
While Jack was recovering from his flu bug, he was having some pretty nasty diapers. I picked him up out of his high chair and he had completely leaked through his diaper & all his clothes... so into the sink he went. He really liked pulling on the faucet & getting hosed off by the sink sprayer.
I hope everyone has a great week! -E