Monday, November 26, 2012

'Becoming' of small people

I may bore some of you who have seen this photo album in my Facebook pages - but I really like sharing the process of making / becoming :) So here they are again.

This is work in progress of small people. 
I received a custom order to make one so I started making four so she could choose her favourite one out of four. The rest  will go to my Etsy shop this week. 

Little heads are made.

 Neck, shoulders being made, while making sure the heads can turn...

Making body shape with soft thin sheet of clay is so tricky...! 
It has to be soft enough that I can fold, push in to form, dry enough to hold the shape...

 By this stage I lost one :(

 Painting their hair and faces on our verandah while my daughter watches..

They are already very individual loveable small people :)

Nice to have arms and legs to stretch...!

 Going to a kiln. I hope they survive in the firing...

 Fired and being jointed together with linen strings. 
The girl waits for another friend.
I love this photo :)

 Then off they went outside to play!!

 Loving it in the nature :)

I will miss them when they go. Then I'd have to make some more. :)

Thank you for looking :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012


My daughter(4) loves my spoons. So she says.

I have to go look in her small wooden kitchen cabinet when some are missing. 
And there they normally are kept. 

This is her very treasured kitchen that she keeps updating and renovating.

It is so soothing and lovely hand forming each spoons early in the morning 
(when my daughter is asleep)

And seeing organic unique shapes being made.
I can never replace this process with mold casting technique to have them all perfect. No no..

And painting them with lots of love! is another pleasure..... 

Have a lovely day.x


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lazy day after The Finders Keepers

I had a wonderful time at The Finders Keepers Brisbane last week end :)
it is just so special to meet people who find something in my work face to face. 
I cannot explain how special and encouraging that is. 
A lovely spot by the window.

 Spoons were gone by the noon on the first day!

The ooak pendants.
-mixing little painting, flat disc, round balls and delicate organic shapes...something musical about making these...

 My daughter making friends with everyone and helping the staff with the signage :D

 One of the bird pendants.

 Face wall art pieces. I love them for being visual poetry pieces to me.

A bunting in my little stall. 

Very tired and I thought my girl would be so tired too. She did very well at the markets! No Kindy today :) Both of us staying at home. 

Ww went to a lovely coffee shop in my street for late breakfast. Babycino, banana bread, had a chat with a coffee lady who will now visit us with her girl tomorrow. Lovely getting to know neighbours since we are new in the area.

This was taken at the breakfast the other day. I like this photo! 
Both coffee cup and plate by me...

Have a lovely week!
