Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Facebook and Finders Keepers

Hello, I just created a Facebook Page on <erinswindow> today!
Something is missing - the followers! Come click <Like> please if you have a Facebook account and do not mind seeing bits and pieces from my work place :)

These are new porcelain + Fibre people (about 25-30cm tall). The heads rotate, tilt, pulled or sunk in their necks - as you like - to enjoy rich expressions. I love having a room to be flexible. Maybe it is an expression of freedom and diversity within each little persons. Not fixed.

The Finders Keepers  offered me a small spot that has become available in the last minute (thank you! whoever decided not to go ahead) yesterday! 
This is so exciting for me as it is the first time to be in such a big event. Happy, over the moon, panicked, busy, need to focus, maybe already stressed?  I need to plan and be organised! I do not even have my business cards printed! 

Does anyone know the name of the company who makes those cute half sized cards with different images you upload?

Lastly I found out about Tara Gentile 's art business coaching in dear Annamaria's blog. I find Tara's 10 part-course (free) very interesting. I thought I must share this with you.

People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.

Your passion is an opportunity to serve others with clarity & inspiration.

Good night!