Thursday, December 29, 2011

Grouping porcelain bells

I have been busy making more and more porcelain bells in this holidays. :)

It feels wonderful to see them growing in numbers on the working table. I started to feel they are more powerful when in a group than alone. 

Each time, I make them in a group of 3-6 just trying to be efficient.  But the outcome is groups of figurines in quite different moods or themes - each time. I don't try to. I must be in a different mood each time I make them.

Almost unable to separate from each other within the group or remix. Maybe I should keep them in those small groups. They seem happier together.

A friend who spent last few days at my place suggested me that maybe I can make sure each bells make different sounds to suit their personalities. Their voices...
What a wonderful idea....! Thank you Hayley.

These are small wall pieces/mobiles. I am thinking of attaching pieces with thick linen threads. I might also add some red seeds and small pieces of smooth eucalyptus tree bark?

I hope you all are enjoying holidays!  Best wishes to you all in 2012.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas! from strange creatures

I envy most of you out there enjoying the wintery Christmas feel and gorgeous winter foods!

It's summer here. It's hot and raining. This morning, I joined in the long queue at the local fish shop and bought some cooked large sized prawns. Oh and some large ripe mangoes from a fruits shop. Yum!  That's my Christmas.  hahaha :D    
I am happy that it is the beginning of my 2weeks holidays! 

I put a couple of my fibre sculptures in my Etsy shop today. I will add a few more. 
I need to learn to let go of things I made (and attached) in order to move on and make something better.  So that I can have a fresh start at new year.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas from me and those strange creatures.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

a thought - on my need to scratch surface deep

The 9 porcelain bells I formed last week-end were painted today. 
I paint and wipe off the surface gently with wet sponge leaving the colour in the concave mark-makings I have made earlier.  I like this etching (print-making technique using copper or zinc plate) like effects.   

It is more than liking but rather a crazy obsession I have. There is something so strangely satisfying for me about scratching the surface deep and inking in the deep concave area to emphasise the line work as a means of mark-making - rather than painting or inking on convex or flat surface area. Well, for me...

I learnt etching techniques in my first year at art school (so long time ago!!) and fell in love with the process. I often go back to this using different materials. I must research around and find out why "digging deep on a hard surface" appeal to me personally so much. 

I think of relief work of hieroglyphs at ancient temples in Egypt I saw when I lived there. Whether it is a sense of assurance that it may withstand in times (fear of being forgotten/erased?) or to do with a rather unique identity of standing on the border of 2D and 3D or because it is so much like finger prints which are signatures and IDs.... or else? Whatever it is, it must overlap with my very message I've been trying to convey. 

Last night, my daughter(3) surprised me by showing off her hand sewing skill she learnt from Kindy. 
She did this all by herself sitting next to me while I needle-felted. I think it is very cute..!  
Then sewing or stitching is also a means of mark-making going deeper on the surface too.

I need to spend some time to research and find answers for myself one day. 
Definitely not tonight as I need to wake up early to go to work tomorrow! 

Good night!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A happy productive week-end!

It rained a lot this week-end. So my daughter was happy to play inside.
Yaaay, it means more time for me to make art.  :)

I managed to paint 5 dark coloured clay bells. Ready for the first firing.

AND.... I managed to make 9 new porcelain bells. amazing! I've never been this productive in one week-end. The rain must have helped.

Saying that, it is only the beginning of nearly 2months process. (forming, drying, sponging, scratching surface, painting, firing, waiting, glazing, another firing and also finding time for 4 trips to the ceramic supply shop where firing is done) 

Here is the younger ceramic artist at home. Making "a princess bag" in porcelain.

She has been such a good girl letting me work with clay for a long time this week-end!

I hope your week-end was a good one too!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

an idea for next project

I am making series of ceramic (both white porcelain and dark-coloured clay) bells and vases at night. (I have a day job so) I really enjoy this precious time.

At the same time, My head is thinking ahead for "the next project". 
This is one of the ideas - what do you think?

Wool fibre + clay.   Hand wet felted + hand embroidered + hand sculpted. 

I may try natural plant dye to tone down the colours.  Sometimes the colours on bought embroidery threads bother me so.
Testing, experimenting and growing ideas is such a fun part of creating....! (even though they do not necessarily realise due to lack of time or forgotten etc.)

Happy creating to all!
