Saturday, May 11, 2013

Photos from my exhibition

Hello! I have been quiet here on blogsphere - that's because I have been SO busy making for my solo exhibition. I am happy it started last Friday at Paper Boat Press Gallery
Here is some (well many) photos from the gallery space for some of you who are not connected through Facebook.

This is my very first solo exhibition. So silly me, for not knowing much about exhibitions, I just created and created and created!! The night before, we took pieces from the boxes counted them,  to find out that I brought 230 new works! 
That's mad! No wonder why I have been tired! But the gallery space is full and the artworks look so happy all together in Kylie's wonderful space!  

Great turn out at the Opening night and oh my.. so many sales already... thank you so much the 'affirmation' means so much and encouraging to me.

Happy Mother's Day everyone! I had a 'Mother's Day treat' - a rose cup cake + coffee at a lovely coffee shop on my street this morning :) I am just resting today! I will not touch or even look at clay today!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My very first exhibition and workshop!

Hello, I am having a solo exhibition next month! 
I am very excited! - and nervous.

There will be sculptures - big and small, mobiles, tablewares and my usual but all new and best bell and vase people. :)

People in Brisbane, I would love it if you could make it to the opening on 10th May Friday 6-8pm at paper boat press. Kylie's gallery is such a beautiful space with two large box windows, I am so grateful for this opportunity.... Thank you Kylie! Thank you Maria for introducing me to Kylie! Thank you Etsy so Maria found me! 

People in far away countries, ahh how I wish the world was smaller so you could just catch a bus to join me at the Opening drinks..!! :(
I will post photos of the exhibition space later for sure :)

There is also a workshop to work with me and Kylie on 2 Saturday afternoons. I look forward to meet you and share what I see and love in the process of making.... :)

Information sent out from Paper Boat Press :
In conjunction with this exhibition Erin will be conducting a very special workshop that will run over two consecutive Saturday afternoons (it is only ‘one workshop’, but spread out to be able to cover making and decoration). Kylie from paper boat press will be Erin’s offsider throughout, assisting in each workshop during the making and decorating process.
Saturday 11 MAY 2pm - 4.30pm concluding on the following Saturday 18 May again from 2pm - 4.30pm
paper boat press – STUDIO (at rear of shop/gallery)
The workshop is limited to only 10 participants and is $150. This includes materials and afternoon tea on both days. As there are only a limited number of spots available we are having a release time for tickets (available for purchase through the paper boat press bigcartel shop These will go on sale at
9am MONDAY APRIL 29. If tickets sell out we are happy to take names for a waiting list in the event of cancelations, and if there is overwhelming requests we are planning on rerunning the workshops later in the year (August at this point)
At the workshop the first week you will be creating a small vessel and spoon of your very own… amongst other things. The following Saturday will be decorating and working on these dried pieces. As well there is time for drawing, exploring and working on not just the pieces but also the overall journey it takes to create work…
The works will be fired and glazed, yours to keep to be picked up from the gallery in the weeks after.
As Erin says: It is not so much as a ‘how to’ workshop, but somewhere where I can share my passion in the materials and the process of making, sharing what we discover together in the process’

Have a nice day!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Tiny pink blossoms

Again, outside is the heavy rain all day long.
I did a pencil and water colour drawing on the timber surface. 

Drawing on and along the beautiful wood grain was such a pleasure! For the next drawing, I might also try working on the surface - scratching, curving with print-making tools. :)

The beginning of the drawing...

The work in progress ATTACKED!! 
My constantly moving brush was too tempting for someone.

Does anyone know the name of this plant/flower that I picked from my drive way this morning before the rain got too hard. Having studied it on the dining table all day now, I love these pom-pom like flowers so much!

Happy week end every one! Hope the weather is better wherever you are :)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Painting day and a new kitten

It rained so much and so hard today. Listening to the sounds of rain, I felt like painting.
Here is the two I did this afternoon. :)

This is a 3months kitten joined our family yesterday! I and my daughter went to RSPCA to adopt her :) My daughter follows her all day and the kitten is so playful too, they have so much fun together - lots of laughters! My daughter wants to name her "Nemo" for being orange and stripy. I am not sure....  Oh we love her!! <3 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Message within a bell person

Tonight, one of the customers who bought a bell from me wrote:
"I took great joy in slowly unwrapping her from the carefully placed cloths. She put a smile on my face straight away. .....   With the egg that she is carrying and her serene expression she brings such peacefulness and hope.  For this reason, I have decided to give her to my very dear friend, as she really needs this little person with all that she has to give.  I know my friend will truly love her and appreciate her message. ..."

Her email really touched me for a personal reason. 
I hope the bell person will also put a smile on her friend's face and brings her a sense of peace, hope and inner strength. I really needed those three when my life went up side down 4 years ago, living in fear alone with a baby. Going back to making art was my way to heal and get my strength and my 'self' back. How wonderful when people like this dear customer feels or gets what these little people are made with and the bell person will even travel further to the one in need. I truly love the connections that these little bell people make it happen sometimes. Such experience makes my work worth keep going for me :)
I know I will have a good sleep tonight... :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Blue Egg - Bell Person

This bell person "The blue egg" exceeded my expectations. Yay!!
I am very very happy with how she turned out - how the colour blue and the vintage lace imprint worked wonderfully together.....
Working with ceramics, there are always surprises. Good and bad. I get quite few bad ones.
But a nice surprise like this keeps me going:)
She is in my shop now : here

Other bell-persons in the photo are going to a local shop/gallery <Hanasho> on Boundary Street West End.
It is wonderful to reach out to the people out there via internet but I also love doing things 'local' very much too. I love that these bell persons will sit on the sunny shelf in the shop and have the opportunity to meet and interact with local people. People can really see the details or see them enjoying the sun, touch, feel its weight and shake it to ring the bell. The bell persons saying "hello" to people in my area, I think it is so nice. 
I am in this city for 2.5years now. I think I am really starting to like it here :)

And some hand formed cups large and small. Just been painted :)

Have a good start of the week, every one!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Double-sided bird pendants

Hello! I hope you all are well :)
Earlier, I got an order of 10 double-sided bird pendants from a shop here in Queensland.
I made 30 so she could choose 10 favourites out of 30. I always work this way for any custom orders. 
I really enjoyed making them! Tiny yet so much to go in and play together : textures, colours, patterns, relationship between the bird and the bead etc...

Today I sent the photos of the pendants finished. She came back saying she wants them ALL :) That made my day! :)

I am working harder than ever towards the goal of buying my own kiln to have at home. How convenient and efficient it will be...!  Hmmmm... (sigh with a smile!)

Have a nice week end (or a long week end for those in Australia)!!
