I met you when you were 15, which means I have officially known you for more than half of your life. You were just an awkwardly skinny freshman with bangs even Kelly Kapowski could envy. I, the bad-skin big-head/tiny clear-braces sophomore wearing 4 undershirts just to look bigger. No doubt I said something really charming the first time we met, probably something like "Hey I like your boon-doggles" or "You got any Carmex?" Is it awesome that I've know you more than half your life? Do I feel lucky, punk? I pay Clint Eastwood to ask me that everyday at gunpoint, to which I always reply "Yes sir!" (then change into a clean pair of undershorts)
This past year is in the books. It was a year of happiness, growth, learning, and realizing that you are in fact stuck with me for good. I'm like a stinky dread-locked white guy playing the bongos living in a tent at Occupy Wallstreet...I 'aint going anywhere.
Avery is sitting next to me trying to wrap the picture she drew you for your birthday with cardstock and washi tape, using scissors like a boss. She's just like her mama. Always making things with her hands. Quincey just walked in wearing your fedora, sucking her thumb and said, "Daddy, someone is making a very mess!" Lola just walked in by my side, said "Mah! Is dis ah duh" with her newly curling hair and goose-egg on her forehead (battle wound from Disneyland). I see you in all of them. Creative, cuddle-loving, headstrong 16th Greek children. They are all mini-Liz's and I love that. Crap now they're all fighting because Quincey just said "Daddy can we eat some food and go to Disneyland?" Avery: "Quincey we already WENT to Disneyland!" and now they are wrestling lemme break it up brb. Okay. Just peeked in the family room and Lola scattered raisins everywhere and took her diaper off (so some of those aren't raisins) time to wrap this up.
Happy Birthday to the mother of my children, the eater of my french toast, the courtesy-laugher of my jokes, the tag-teamer of our time-out enforcing, the love of my life.
Oh, and for your birthday I'm buying something I found on Craigslist from a guy named "Amir" so if I don't come back after driving to meet him this morning and there's a statewide search for me, save time by skipping the tennis courts.
Love, Collin
Friday, May 4, 2012
Friday, December 2, 2011
My New Blog
Hey, guess what? I got a new blog it's over here >>>http://www.elizabethkartchner.com
If you are still reading this in your email... please unsubscribe below and resubscribe at my new website because I would miss you!! http://www.elizabethkartchner.com
Monday, November 21, 2011
Important stuff!! :)
Hi there bloggy friends...
So I launched a new website with more functionality and a new look. The good thing is that it is there is more room to grow. The bad thing is that the email subscriptions are not transferring... SO... if you enjoy reading my blog posts in your email you are going to need to unsubscribe below and then go to my new site: http://www.elizabethkarthchner.com and RE-subscribe.
It would mean the world to me if you would do that because I will miss you...! ;) But really I appreciate all my supportive, lovely blog readers! ((group hug))
I also have some fun things I am working on and I would hate to have your miss all the fun. ;)
- Your homework: If you are reading this in your email inbox please unsubscribe below
- Then head over to Elizabethkartchner.com and RE-subscribe
Thanks so much!!! xoxo
Saturday, November 19, 2011
My new blog
Hey, guess what? I got a new blog it's over here>>> http://www.elizabethkartchner.com
Goodbye blogspot. I'm gonna miss you... you've been good to me!
Monday, November 14, 2011
the 15 friends project
Keep updated with the traveling canvas at Twig Creative.
Check out the 15 Friends Project friends:
Dear Lizzy // That's Happy // Oh Hello Friend // Hue & Hum //Unruly Things // Dandee Designs//Papernstitch // Creature Comforts// IHOD // Rockstar Diaries //Design for Mankind // Gussy Sews// K Barteski
My sis, Emily, invited Collin and me to a macaron baking party with seriously some of the cutest bloggers around! We twisted Collin's arm to come, but not too much since we could bribe him with our new baking skills. He also filmed some of the night sooooooo, stay tuned for a fun video of the miraculous macaron process... and, not to mention, more about my new bffs! ^^^
Friday, November 11, 2011
11.11.11 Challenge No 2
I'll be back with my photo since it's not quite time yet here... but some of you are ready to play along.
Here's how it works: First, add the blinkie code to your blog or use photo from the challenge post. (code in box below) Second, link back to Dear Lizzy. Third add your photo to the link list below.
You gotta love a giveaway where everyone wins! Yay! Postal Pix is giving to each of you a free 3-pack of 4x4 or 4x6 prints. If more prints than 3 prints are ordered, it will deduct $0.99 from the total + free shipping. Just use code: lizzypix
If you haven't tried Postal Pix before you will love it! It's a free app where your photos are downloaded straight from your phone then delivered right to your mailbox. Happy mail at its finest. So print off your photos from today. Thanks Postal Pix!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
my dreams get bigger...
Oh, I remember the days when the bigs took naps. Somedays when we are driving to their cousins or to Target it's just enough time for them to fall asleep in the car. I don't notice until no one has made a peep for a few minutes and I look back and there they are... peacefully dreaming. Then I carry them each one up the stairs and they sleep on the couch a little longer. Sigh... That's when I soak up all the quiet before madness ensues.
Sometimes Collin jokes about how much money he would pay for a nap. I've heard it get up to the millions! ("One hundred billion dollars!!" dr. evil)
PS Don't forget to take your picture tomorrow for the 11.11.11 Photo Challenge no 2!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
photo challenge 02
How often does November 11, '11 come around?
You know I like a good challenge, I like taking photos and I like you! So why not incorporate it all... with photo challenge no 02. Take a photo with me this Friday when the clock strikes: 11.11.11 at 11:11:11 am. Then on Friday when I post our picture I will add a techy gadget to my blog and you will be able to share your photo as well. Just like the Self-Timer Challenge.
1. Take a photo of whatever in the heck you are doing on 11.11.11 at 11:11:11 am
2. Post the photo as well as the photo challenge button I made to your blog or facebook with a link back here.
3. Last add your photo to the linky tool just like the first photo challenge here: Self-Timer challenge.
Here's a code for a photo I made that says, I took the challenge. You can copy then paste into the html code of your blog. If that is jibberish to you email or leave a comment and I will help ya out. Or feel free to use the above photo.
Rumor has it there might even be a giveaway involved... I can't wait to see who joins in the fun!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Homemade Holiday feature!!
Ruche launched their very lovely Homemade Holiday look book and I am so elated to have 2 projects featured!
The first one using a jar with alcohol ink polka dots and lace to hold your embellished gift. I should do a more detailed post about this because Tim Holtz's alcohol ink is amazing! It was my first time painting on glass and I'm holding back from painting all over our windows! After the polkies I added Hambly lace rubons.
The other project is something that I have done in years past, it's a book gutted out with a present inside. I did this for my brother a couple years ago and even made sure that his book was the perfect size to hold his Instax too. He's the one who got me hooked on my Instax in the first place and has stacks of pictures laying around. I added twine and vintage buttons and made pinwheels with the extra paper from the book.
Check out the rest of the Homemade Holiday projects & outfits... you'll be humming Christmas Carols in no time!
Monday, November 7, 2011
just jump
Don't you think as women we have a lot to balance? I'm not sure if we do it to ourselves or if we are such incredible multi-taskers that people assume we can handle it and dish it out onto our plate. Regardless of why, there's usually a lot going on in everyones' lives.
At some point we have to forget about trying to do it all and say "someday" or "neverday." There's always a sense of relief when you say no.
On the other hand, it's also is invigorating to say yes & take a leap into something new. Have you taken a leap of faith recently? Do share.
Last week someone cooked up something too sweet to refuse and thus I have taken on a fun project. It's a lot of work but I'm thrilled for it. It's like after dinner when you are completely stuffed but there's always room for dessert, right?!
Happy Monday!
PS Did you win the Studio Calico December Daily giveaway? check it out...!
play more
Sunday, November 6, 2011
A Giveaway Winner & A Fedora
Saturday night we wracked our brains trying to think of something fun to do for date night. All we could think of was going to dinner, how creative right?! Just wait it gets better... then we went to Target and walked around. Seriously, we are party animals. I found a 3 dollar fedora & he found a nerf football... we played catch in the store, Collin informed me that unfortunately it's too early for him to buy Christmas decor and we realized how it is kind of fun to walk around the store with out kids. No need to pry dvds or candy from their kung-fu grip or carry anyone out crying. Instead we raced back to the car, sang a too-risky-for-our-kids-ears song at the top of our lungs on our way back to my moms. Sometimes the really simple nights are the most stellar. Don't ya think?
It's always fun to giveaway something that you guys are so excited about... but then it's a bummer that I can't send you all a box of Christmas goodies! Don't be sad if you didn't win... I've got some other awesome giveaway in the works!!
The winner of the December Daily Studio Calico kit is:
date night,
Friday, November 4, 2011
NEW "Get Crafty with Cleetus" Episode--Storage Tips
Happy Friday everyone!
Do you ever get overwhelmed with how to store all your amazing scrapbook pages and paper??
Well, on today's episode of "Get Crafty with Cleetus" Cleetus shows you how to use an everyday household item to organize your scrapbook pages!
To keep up on Cleetus and his daily thoughts about scrapbooking, follow him on Twitter (@Crafty_Cleetus) and LIKE him on Facebook! Some amazing Cleetus giveaways are in the works!
Do you ever get overwhelmed with how to store all your amazing scrapbook pages and paper??
Well, on today's episode of "Get Crafty with Cleetus" Cleetus shows you how to use an everyday household item to organize your scrapbook pages!
To keep up on Cleetus and his daily thoughts about scrapbooking, follow him on Twitter (@Crafty_Cleetus) and LIKE him on Facebook! Some amazing Cleetus giveaways are in the works!
Get Crafty with Cleetus
Thursday, November 3, 2011
diy: Ruffle Knee Socks
My sister used to always tease me because my socks were always mismatched. You couldn't see them so who cares, right? I'm not sure when things changed, probably when Punky Brewster stopped airing on television, but now I am pretty much obsessed with socks. My drawer is filled with polka dots, stripes and my favorite are over-the-knee paired with leggings. I put together this little diy to make your own ruffle knee socks they are perfect this fall and winter with boots so the lace just peeks out at the top.
Here's how I did it:
These socks are from Target for 2.50 along with some other more decorative ones.
I cut off the band at the top and then also made a slit about 2" long down from the edge. After you cut the slit then smooth off the corners so that there is a bit of a dip in your sock and not quite so blunt of corners. What this does is it gives you more room to fit the sock on your leg after you sew the ruffle. The first time I tried this the sock was too tight on my leg so I unstitched it and add the slit and it worked. Also, the ruffle is quite forgiving once you are done and you won't even tell where you cut it.
Next, cut 2 strips 2" lace. Layer both strips of the lace on top of the sock & sew a few stitches to keep it in place. Then, hold the fabric behind the sewing machine while stretching the bottom sock layer in front as far as you can. Keep it stretched out really tight the whole time you are sewing. You don't need to ruffle as you go because stretching it out makes the ruffle once you are done sewing and you release your sock.
Looking forward to keep warm while wearing these with boots and leggings this winter. Enjoy! xo Lizzy
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