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пятница, 19 декабря 2014 г.

More Cards for Maja Design

Привет. я к вам очень быстро, чтобы все-таки не совсем пропадать.
Потому как пишу пост ночью, а завтра у нас уже начинается выставка Млын. так что все, как всегда , доделывается в последний момент, а если учесть, что основная часть моих новогодних работ до воскресенья находится на другой выставке, то пора у меня самая горячая.
Так что в  субботу мне надо будет делать переброс с одного места в другое)))

 Hello  Friends, we had snow last week but there is none of it today. The rainy weather and still warm as if it is the Fall. Anyway, I am not kind of person who prefers winter because of its cold, but I feel that I need it right now as I am busy with Christmas preparations.
Here are the cards I made for Maja Design blog

А пока покажу открытки , которые делала для блога  Maja Design

ну что же, в этот раз я дала себе зарок использовать обрезки, в ближайшее время это даже очень будет заметно, но стараюсь утилизировать пакеты такого барахла до НГ, чтобы проще было генеральную уборку делать, но кажется это недостижимо сложно.

 it is my attempt to enjoy the snow. So I used some embellishments to support my necessity for the snow.
For this card I used just scraps of paper and even some negatives, but I still like to use every bit of Maja papers for my creations.

Как-то резко захотелось к цветочкам вернуться, и глитера посыпать и стекляруса. но при этом  сделать чистенькую открытку

Вторая открытка

 For my second card I went further and used even some papers from non - Christmas collection, they are more spring and fresh, but I guess they look crispy frozen here.
необычная для меня композиция, но мне нравится

И наконец третья, про модницу
 and my last but not the least card, is a bit girly.
But is was created for a fashion addicted person who is good in wearing trendy and feminine clothes even when it is freezing outside.
Вот лично мне не удается в холодную погоду одеваться и красиво и тепло, мне вечно холодно , и я кутаюсь в сто одежек. а ведь есть такие люди, которым это удается и носят они всю зиму платья и не мерзнут. счастливицы.

четверг, 4 октября 2012 г.

Scraps of Darkness Kit Reveal

Finally my kit has arrived and I can share with you some LOs using September Scraps of Darkness, My Guy Kit.
  This time it features Prima Craftsman collection, Kaisercraft Sears and Son collection and Authentique Curiosity collection.
  so it can be truly called masculine kit, but I tried to show its versatality and created some different LOs.

  Наконец-то мой сентябрьский набор от Scraps of Darkness, минуя дальние расстояния  и таможенный контроль, до меня доехал и сегодня я готова показать вам часть сделанных работ. В этот раз в него входит бумага от Prima, коллекция Craftsman, бумага Kaisercraft Sears and Son и  Authentiqeu Curiosity.
  На первый взгляд кажется, что это чисто мужские коллекции, но я попыталась использовать их разнопланово.

  For the first LO I choose Prima collection and based it on Prima September BAP. I used masks, stamps, embossing powder and very pleased with the colors. 
  Here are some close ups
 I've made the Gears using Creativity add on which includes the mold and Epoxy set, and 2 Pigment powders.

  Шестеренки сделала с помощью дополнительного набора, в которых входила форма для них, эпоксидный состав и пигментные пудры.

  My second LO features Prima products too and I used gorgeous autumn color palette for it

  Второая страничка также с использованием максимум продуктов от Prima, а также их сентябрьская осенняя палитра

Love this pic, specially that I am pregnant about 38 weeks and I have hidden my belly standing by my DH. 

  Люблю эту фотку, особенно тот факт, что я здесь за 2 недели до родов и очень удачно спрятала свой огромаднейший живот за мужем

no one even knows , hahaha
никто и не догадывается
  I used again many gears : Prima mask, patterned papers and die cuts 

and fabulous chipboards from 2Crafty: title  Key to my Heart and Flourish3

чипборд заголовок и завитушка от  2Crafty

some texture and stamping on background, and many misting with Lindy's Stamp gang from Color Add on

много работы на фоне, текстурная паста, штампы, и много мистов из дополнительного набора Color

and the last LO, that I want to share with you today is a tale on the sketch by Suepup

ну и напоследок страничка, сделанная по скетчу от нашего скетч дизайнера Suepup

and here is the sketch

funny pic taken almost 5 years ago,  When my DD was a little girl and couldn't go for a long walk, we took frequent breaks. 

смешное фото, сделанно почти 5 лет тому назад, когда наша дочка была маленькая и не могла совершать долгие пешие прогулки

and some many techniques on the chippie

немного различных техник на чипборде

  thanks for reading till the end this long post. I hope I have manged to show you whta can be done with this gorgeous kit. stay tuned, as this is just the start.
and come back tomorrow, our DT is going to reveal something special.

пятница, 28 сентября 2012 г.

Those Were the Days

In case you have missed it on 2Crafty blog.
"Those Were the Days"

  This time I decided to experiment using techniques that I rarely 
do on chipboard, but they are worth a try.
  So the first LO is called Those Were The Days
 Spring is coming in Australia, but in Europe it is Fall.
 That is why I look at these pictures that were taken this spring &summer 
and miss those sunny warm days so much. I have to confess
 that I hate winter, and this is why  I decided to extend 
 summer in my projects.
  So I took many paints and mediums and 
started playing.
while I was playing with 2Crafty chipboard pieces and realized that the Outdoor Range from Flourish With A Bling is the best match for this LO. So I took the FWAB Nicky’s Beach Huts and FWAB Up In the Sky
  Then I covered all the chipboard pieces with Gesso.
 Then I began to add some variations.
   So I took the Frame Scallop Circle Borders
 The pink one I just covered with Glaze paint, and the blue one,
 I covered with blue acrylic paint, then drew some doodles with a Pearl Pen. 
After it was dried I added  twine over it and drew the dots with 
Pearl Pen Teal.  I love this puffy effect.
  I decided to pop up the Title too and tried this Pearl Pen
 on Those Were The Days Title.

Before the final pearl Pen step, I added several layers of Glaze paint.
and then I realized that I want just wanted to draw.
  So Ana's Vine is the best way to experiment
 with this.

  I covered it with Gesso, then added 2 green colors of
 Metallic Lumiere paint. After that I covered the leaves and the flowers 
with some acrylic paint and glaze paint.

Finally I took my black marker and drew. I even managed to draw a tulip.
 Finally I decided to add Pearl Pen and liquid Pearls too.
You can see the dimension there:

  This summer my daughter received a mountain bicycle on her Birthday
 ( by the way, there are no  mountains in Belarus, lol),
 but she was very happy to have such a cool bike
Before that she had  been very happy with her scooter ( in this photo).
  I decided to add Mini bicycle as the reminder. and you know,
 I'm still singing the song by Queen * I want to ride my bicycle*.
 On my second Layout I tried out  some decoupage techniques.

 I took a tissue with floral print and covered the Chinese Lanterns with it.
 I used to do some decoupage projects in the past 
so I have tons of different tissues, so I tried them out  on chipboard.

  I suppose they refresh the LO. what do you think?

Also I decided to add something from the FWAB New Release and
Surely I am talking about FWAB Elise Flourish Antique Brown , and I use Antique Brown Mustard and Brown flowers. They add some vintage look to the LO and I love this effect

and this Chinese theme followed me while I was using
 I covered them with Gesso, then misted with blue Starburst mist 
and embossed with a stamp using Antiquites embossing powder
 for a shabby effect.

and I love how the rhinestones change their color depending on the light
I then  added my favourite 2 Crafty  Skeleton Leaves,
 just slightly misted.
and gorgeous flowers from Manor House Creations

  By the way,
they are getting ready for this MASSIVE ‘once-off’ opportunity to purchase an amazing pack of MHC flowers from our Spring, Summer and Autumn 2011 collections and you can…
Spoil yourself for Christmas this year !
Here’s just a sample of what’s in the box.
Now I know you’ll want to know how much you’re saving and how much you get…..well let me tell you.
There are 20 packs!
Yes, 20 of our flowers packs from our 2011 Spring, Summer and Autumn releases. Normally they retail between $5.50 and $7.50, that’s over $120.oo worth!!! But for a short time, they are a lot less than that!

Just AU$45.00 for all this.

I can’t tell you how wonderful it would be to have this arrive in the post! An absolute FLOWER-FEST!

SO …when is it?

For 3 fabulous days, it starts THIS WEEKEND!
Don’t miss this once a year offer to SAVE SAVE SAVE!


*** International orders welcome – shipping will be charged at actual cost for overseas orders (usually between AU$12 – $22)***
***Australian postage – flat rate AU$6.oo ***
The link to our shopping cart will be posted on Saturday.

вторник, 18 сентября 2012 г.

Waiting For.... LO

There are some news that I wanted to share with you today.
  Сегодня хочу с вами поделиться очередной порцие новостей.

First of all new LO for Scraps of Darkness using August kit Jamaican Sunset. It was a challenge for me to work MMe Indie Chic Collection, I have already told it before, but I add masking and many embellishments and here it is the result:

 Сначала покажу страничку сделанную для  Scraps of Darkness. Опять бумага ММЕ Indie Chic, с которой, признаюсь, было тяжеловато мне работать. но я нашла выход, естественно - спреи, маски, акрил и много слоев бумаги и украшений.

  I added green Lumiere paint that came at the Creativity add on, it is a metallic one and I love how it changes the color depending on the light.

  Еще я добавила акриловую краску Lumiere, которая была в дополнительном наборе. она отличается от наших красок с металлическим эффектом болшей шелковистостью по текстуре и сиянием.
 Я использовала скетч от  Сохраняя лучшее, обязательно зайдите посмотреть, что сотворили наши девочки дизайнеры

  I used the sketch #43 from Keeping The best
 I didn't want to use many photos, so I added 2Crafty chipboard, Film Strip Tiny to extend the 2 pics that I have chosen.

  Мне не хотелось использовать много фотографий, поэтому я добавила в продолжение чипборд фотопленка от  2Crafty

 These pics were taken at the christening ceremony of my baby, and it was very funny to watch how kids can be patient and tired of the process too.

  Это фото с крестин моего малыша. Очень было интересно наблюдать, как детям приходилось быть терпеливыми, в то время. когда они уже так устали от церемонии.

 and some more news, I used the previous kit from Scraps of Darkness True Romance for Prima August BAP and it was features ( also while at the Christening Ceremony)

и еще пара новостей, моя страничка для августовкого скетча от  Prima была снова отмечена ( фото тоже с крестин)

and one more, I've made 

3rd Eye DT  and lucky to design for the stamps created by talented Drycha

и наконец, я в команде  3rd Eye . это замечательные штампы, которые здорово подходят для mixed media проектов - арт-журналовб тэгов и ATC.

вторник, 28 августа 2012 г.

2Crafty chipboards and more

3 days ago there was a first post reveal on 2Crafty blog, today I'm going to share it with you on my blog, and also I've made one new card, using 2Crafty Bird cage chipboard.

з дня тому назад был опубликван мой первый пост в блоге 2Crafty blog. 
Сегодня я публикую его здесь и плюс еще одну новую открытку.
Это страничка история отношений между мной и моей дочкой. здесь заголовок из чипборда - Мама - это особенный друг. Думаю те, кто имеют дочек поймут, как важно установить со своим ребенком такие вот отноешния. 

  My first LO is a story about me and my darling daughter. When she was born I was very happy that now I will have  a girl, friend, and did all my best to establish such a relationship that will last during my life. Yes, I want to be *A special Kind of Friend to my daughter.*
  When I received my Scraps of Darkness last month I was waiting for a special photo, and after that for a special framing, and I have found it. It is the 
Flowery Swirl Frame.
  First I embossed with the powders slightly,just some spots, misted it. then I inked it  and added Stickles.

I  still wasn't completely happy  with the results, and in such cases my helper is Gesso. so I dabbed some on here & there.

 I have decorated it with flowers, ribbon and lace. and now  it is a perfect framing for our photo.

  Then I embossed the title with powders, inked. and then, my new tip, I covered it with Crackle paint. You may ask me, why I used the powder? the answer it- to add more texture and dimension
 Just try it, and I know, you will be pleased.

 I've cut the title A Mother is a Special Kind of Friend into 2 parts.

 I have one more good friend, and I've made a Birthday Card for her using the
 2 Crafty
 First I embossed it with clear powder and then I began playing with some Starburst mists, as I love the sparkling that they produce. one more tip for you: I do not like to waste a  drop of ink and mist, so I 've misted over the second sheet of paper which I then used for the inner part of my card to write the congratulations on.

Эта открытка для другой соей подруги, и я просто в восторге от этого чипборда. он просто передает все то, что нам так нужно в друзьях. 
кстати, я сбрызнула спреем чипборд сразу над вторым листом, который послужил оформлением для внутренней стороны открытки, где я и написала поздравление.

 One more Layout,  this is a story about a hot summer day,  a month ago. We were christening my new born son and it was a very hot day, but in the church everything was so calm and  fresh, so I decided to express this  in my LO.

I have used there the sketch from Once Uppon a Sketch
 and here is a hidden journaling , where I express the feeling about the church silence.

This is a DT work for Scraps of Darkness and August Kit Jamaican Sunset, featuring The ScrapCake Summer City Collection. I used the flowers form the Flora Add On and the
Studio Calico Huey's Mask - Chevron and Mists from Lindy's.
 I have used two different  pieces of  chipboard, and  I like the final eclectic style that I have achieved. I've started with the Blossom Spray,
which I covered with Gesso, then misted with Mango and inked the edges with blue. After that I stamped the flower theme on it.

Next  I added Tahnya's border,
which I covered in the spots with thick Gesso and added some spots of acrylic paint

 I have also added Skeleton leaves which I again  covered with Gesso and misted.

I put also some powder on Heidi's Vine and inked those edges too.

 Thanks for calling by today, and I hope that you will find more inspiration  from our talented Design Team. If you want to stay tuned  please, become a follower of the  2Crafty blog, but if you want to share your works with us and be informed with the news and inspiration like our page on Facebook.

and one more card for Belarusian Challenge blog

This is my DT sample. I used there Birdcage1, which I covered with Gesso and Lumiere Metallic Acrylic paint, which was at the Creativity Add on from Scraps of Darkness
here it is a palette for inspiration
В Первом белорусском грибная палитра, присоединяйтесь.

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