Showing posts with label alter playing card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alter playing card. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Full Deck Challenge, Take 2

 In June 2022 I stumbled upon ShanoukiArt and her Full Deck Challenge where she was arting up a deck of playing cards.  Between June and July of that year I got halfway through the deck inspired by her techniques and style.  But then something happened...I don't remember what but I was stopped in my tracks.  The rest of the deck sat on my desk for over a year and a half.   Occasionally I would uncover it and be reminded that I needed to get back to it but The Muse is a finicky mistress and she had other plans.  

Fast forward to Dec 2022 and I have been rediscovering ATCs over the past couple of months.  I joined a swap on SwapBot and, what do you know, the inspiration pic was one of the Full Deck Challenge cards.  "Oh, yeah!  I remember those!".  In an agreeable sort of mood, The Muse was totally on board and not only did I get the swap done, but I've also been burning the rubber getting through the deck; in a week and half, with guests visiting, I've done the following:

Some of these I like better than others but I learned a little something while creating each of them.  The next one is the ATC I made based on the previous FDC card.

It feels so good to be dinking around in the studio again and getting my fingers all messy.  Yay, 2023!