Showing posts with label ATC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATC. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Full Deck Challenge, Take 2

 In June 2022 I stumbled upon ShanoukiArt and her Full Deck Challenge where she was arting up a deck of playing cards.  Between June and July of that year I got halfway through the deck inspired by her techniques and style.  But then something happened...I don't remember what but I was stopped in my tracks.  The rest of the deck sat on my desk for over a year and a half.   Occasionally I would uncover it and be reminded that I needed to get back to it but The Muse is a finicky mistress and she had other plans.  

Fast forward to Dec 2022 and I have been rediscovering ATCs over the past couple of months.  I joined a swap on SwapBot and, what do you know, the inspiration pic was one of the Full Deck Challenge cards.  "Oh, yeah!  I remember those!".  In an agreeable sort of mood, The Muse was totally on board and not only did I get the swap done, but I've also been burning the rubber getting through the deck; in a week and half, with guests visiting, I've done the following:

Some of these I like better than others but I learned a little something while creating each of them.  The next one is the ATC I made based on the previous FDC card.

It feels so good to be dinking around in the studio again and getting my fingers all messy.  Yay, 2023!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

ATC Series Using a Masterboard

 I stalk, er, follow several artists on Instagram.  One of them, Abby Houston @abbypainterart, organized an ATC swap recently.  I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes back to my mailbox.  She used a masterboard for her ATCs and I opted for that route as well.

There was no explicit theme for this swap, but I ended up with  a very loose Circles and Flora theme.

Title: Circle Collage 1

Title: Enjoy Nature

Title: Circle Collage 2

Title: Growth

Title: Finders Keepers

Title: Grow

Working from a masterboard made these come together pretty quickly.  I also used a lot of bits from my scrap stash which is always a good thing.  I've been thinking lately that I need to come up with a better organizational system for my scraps; they're outgrowing the container they're in.

Thanks for swinging by.  Cheers!

Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Desk is a Mess

 Somebody I follow on IG asked a question I thought was interesting and funny...  "Are you an art monogamist or an art polygamist?".  I had never really thought about it that way before, but I almost always have several artsy endeavors going at once.  Definitely a polygamist.  My desk always looks chaotic.  The thing I like about this is that while I'm working I discover random bits laying around that end up being perfect.  If I was neat and tidy things wouldn't come to me so naturally and it would be harder for me to be creative in the moment.

Here's what's been going on for me. I FINALLY finished a big project...a 4'x6' forest painting for my friend's newly opened cafe.  Yes!  I have never ever worked that large so it was a big sigh of relief to install it in its permanent home.

As always some ATCs are in the mix too.  I went through a mad phase of signing up for SwapBot swaps and I've been getting busy getting them done.  

"Connections", green-themed swap

"Weirdo", interactive swap

"Oops", tan-themed swap

"Killer Kitty", extra sent with a swap for her son who collect cat-themed ATCs

So many more to make...

Until then, happy creating, or blog-scrolling, or whatever...😉

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Monochromatic Artist Trading Cards

 For some reason I'm really intrigued by monochromatic projects and I usually sign up for those types of swaps.  Even though I've done a lot of these I almost always have to nudge The Muse by finding some inspiration pieces to get the wheels turning.  I have a new swap coming up and realized it would make things so much easier if I had a stash of my monochromatic creations in one spot.  Many of these, I daresay MOST, I've already show on the blog, but this way they'll be easy to find. 😉

There are others but this is pretty photo heavy and if this doesn't get The Muse thinking I don't know what will...
