Showing posts with label nurture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nurture. Show all posts


What Really Matters

We spend a lot of time here at Edit thinking, talking and blogging about things - new jewelry, our next trip to market, our homes, an event, what we'll be wearing to an event ... While we of course enjoy many things in life, yesterday's terrible tragedy in Boston has us focusing on what matters most - our loved ones.

Today, I spent the entire day at home with my two little girls. OK, we did go out once for Starbucks and Nora's speech lesson, but the rest of the day was spent together at home. That's pretty much a record for me! While we did a lot of catching up on laundry and cleaning, we also played princesses, made tissue paper flowers (now on display in a vase in our living room) and created more interesting pieces of art with sparkly piper cleaners (Evie, my serious/sensitive firstborn, seems a little obsessive about making religious crosses! Who knew pipe cleaners would only fuel this little interest of hers!)

We also watched a movie together, snuggled up on the couch, and when Mommy needed a quick nap, the girls were my "doctor," covering me up with blankets and checking me out head to toe - if you haven't played doctor with your children, this is a perfect opportunity to close your eyes for a good 10, sometimes 20, minutes! Although my ornery little rascal, Nora, woke me up with a few harsh jabs to the face!

The day wasn't perfect. No day ever really is, especially with two little ones only 15 months apart. But it was precious. The small bit of comfort I've been able to find in the midst of tragedies like the one is in the arms of my girls - and their dad too.

Now is definitely a time to hold your loved ones close.

All photos by Alicia Abla Studio

- Kara


Blessed Baby

We had the honor recently of attending my nephew Harvey's 40 day blessing at our church. Most of you who know us personally know we are Greek Orthodox. While this doesn't always mean that much to me religiously (I'm a bit of a "it doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe" gal) ... being Greek is such a special part of our family's heritage, and I love all of the traditions. The two-hour church service, no; the joy on my Yiayia's face when we sit down in the pew next to her, priceless.

So, two weeks ago, we all dressed up for Harvey's 40 day blessing, and I snapped away - much to Father's dismay I'm sure : ) I'll have to find someone else to capture the baptism, as Mark and I have been asked to be the godparents. Yippee! My nephew and my godson - love it!

Here's our blessed baby, Harvey ... love the newsboy cap!

Now he's wide awake as Father shows him the "Kingdom of Heaven" ...

 He even got to go behind the altar, where women aren't allowed ... Yes, we Greeks are a little old school : )

 More wide-eyed Harvey ...

Finally, back to his mama's arms ...

Isn't Melina a super stylish new mama?!

And the happy family of three in front of our family's stained glass window. We say it's ours because everyone in our family has been photographed in front of it, starting with my parents on their wedding day, Mom and I at my baptism, Mark and I on our wedding day, the girls at their baptisms and so on. See how special traditions can be!

The baptism is in one week, so stay tuned for many more photos of our beloved little Harvey!

- Kara


Just for Laughs

Conversation between Nora, age three, and Mommy, 32 ...

Me: Nora, I love your picture! Is that a monster?

Nora: No, it's me.

Top that : ) Have a happy Wednesday!

- Kara


Mommy Mondays: Kookiedoodle Crafts

Have you heard? Downtown Overland Park has a new gem ... Kookiedoodle Crafts.

This amazing arts and crafts spot, designed for kiddos ages three to 12, is open seven days a week for walk-in art projects, scheduled workshops, birthday parties and more. The girls and I have been a few times and decided to take Daddy with us on Sunday (before his guys-only Super Bowl party that evening).

He looks thrilled : )

The girls decided to make Valentine's Day mail boxes. For $14 each, they were able to paint and bedazzle to their hearts' content. In addition to the popular paper mache mail boxes, kids can choose to decorate treasure chests, jewelry boxes, picture frames ... or even create sand art cards, purses (sewn together by ribbon) and more.

Everything you could ever need is right there - baby wipes for messy hands, scissors, glue sticks, paint of all colors and tons of embellishments, like the feathers you see below. The girls clearly do not agree that less is more ...

Kookiedoodle is owned by a mother and daughter, and both are often working, along with their sweet dogs. I think Mark was more interested in the new puppy than the crafting ...

I also love how the friendly staff are there to step in and help - not just observe - as you struggle with adhering your little ones' stickers or feathers Exactly.The.Way.They.Want.Them.

For these reasons and more, I'll definitely be taking my girls back again for more ... and next time, I plan to revisit one of my favorite spots ... the General Store & Co right next door to Kookiedoodle. I prefer to buy my art and treasures rather than make them : )

Kookiedoodle is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 12 to 5 p.m. Sunday. We hope to see you there!

By the way, if you're wondering ... no it's not summer, and yes, I lost this battle!

- Kara


Shared Rooms

For the last three nights, my girls have slept together - either in sleeping bags or beds, and it has me thinking about shared rooms.

Melina and I never shared a room - we're four and-a-half years apart - and there were only the two of us growing up in a four-bedroom house, so it never really made sense.

But ever since we found out we were having Nora so close to Evie, I started dreaming of their future together - snuggling side-by-side sharing secrets and giggling long after they were supposed to go to bed.

That dream started coming true when the girls received these sleeping bags for Christmas.

They were so excited!!

 But they can't sleep on the floor every night, right? So if we decide to put them together in one room - Evie's would be perfect as it's huge - here are a few ideas that caught my eye ...

What do you think? Bunk beds (are they too young?) or side-by-side twins/doubles? Any ideas? Please share!

- Kara


Harvey Highlights

I promised more photos of Mr. Harvey R. Bland, and here he is!

Poked and prodded ...

Looking at his Mama ...

The new family of three!

With his loving Yiayia ...

Me, the proud Auntie ...

Our little man!

Professional pics are scheduled for tomorrow with Alicia Abla. Can't wait!

- Kara


Introducing ... Harvey Robert Bland

We're back to blogging with some great news - Harvey Robert Bland was born Friday, Dec. 28 at 9:04 p.m. He weighed 7 lbs, 13 oz and has the most adorable chubby cheeks and little man face you've ever seen. He looks just like his Daddy!

Melina was a rock star throughout labor and delivery, even though both were tough, and Proud Papa Matthew was super supportive and sweet. I had the amazing honor of being there through it all - yes, even the leg holding, pushing and crowning! It was incredible - more intense than my own deliveries, probably because I saw everything (and I mean everything!) I'm so thankful Melina and Matthew let me stay and be a part of such a special experience.

Little Man Harvey is home now and hopefully eating like a champ. I'll post more pictures soon, but until then, please keep Melina and Harvey in your thoughts and prayers. Many of you know what those first few days home can be like : ) More on Harvey soon ... and Happy New Year's Eve!

- Kara


Nurture: New Traditions

I'm in a hurry this morning (Wednesdays are the craziest for us Cowie girls), but I wanted to share a few pics from our recent holiday outings - and what I hope become new traditions.

First, we took the girls on the Cinderella carriage ride on the Plaza. They loved it! Evie told me: "Mom, this is a dream come true." Seriously, those very words.

Nora wasn't quite so eloquent, but she enjoyed herself all the same. After our carriage ride, we had dinner at Blanc Burgers + Bottles on the Plaza - love that place, especially with the girls in tow.

Then last weekend, we made gingerbread houses with Mom at the community center in Nixa. It was really messy but fun - though the girls may have eaten most of the candy intended for decorations ...

Hope you all have been enjoying the holidays as much as we have - and creating some new traditions of your own! Off to speech for Nora, preschool/pre-k for both girls and then work for me! Have a great day!

- Kara


Nurture: Gymnastics

We passed another new milestone over the weekend - the girls' first gymnastics "meet!" They did an excellent job, showing off their skills ...

Cheering for their friends ...

... and watching the older girls wow with impressive tumbling routines.

Both performed solo on the floor, bars and beam with big "ta-da's" at the end of each trick.

And they received their first trophies - Nora was not impressed and would have preferred something much larger ...

All in all, it was a great experience and another first for our little family.

- Kara