Showing posts with label V.V.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label V.V.. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2017

2017 Litter

  A healthy all color litter was born May 5, 2017 to "V.v."  (CH Ebbtide No Time To Lose) and sired by "Jesse" WTCH (Working Trial CH) GRCH Woodstock's Jesse James HSA ds HTAD lll-S,GE.

The lovely V.v. and her equally lovely babies at 2 weeks (May 19)

How lucky we are to have 7 beautiful girls and 1 blue merle boy! And reds this time: 2 red merle girls, 1 red tri girl, 1 black tri girl, 1 blue merle boy and 3 blue merle girls.  V.v is again being an excellent mother and the pups are fat, clean and thriving. Good girl, V.v.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

CH Ebbtide No Time To Lose "V.V." New Champion and puppies!

We had a whirlwind May 2015:  "V.V." came in heat unexpectedly, timing is perfect for a summer litter:
V.V.'s info:  Name: ASCA CH Ebbtide No Time To Lose   DOB 7/19/2012
Sire: HOF ASCA CH BISS AKC GRCH Hearthside's Nothing To Lose AKC CD, RN #1 Year End Novice A USASA   "Bodie"
Dam: AKC/ASCA CH Ebbtide Fern Ch, OTCH, Agility titled producer  "Fern"
  OFA Hips Good   OFA Elbows Normal     CERF/CAER Eye exam: Clear (no notations) April 2015
MDR1: Mutant/Normal     HSF4: Clear by parentage   Pelger Huet: Clear by parentage

V.V. finished her ASCA Championship in a fantastic 3-show day with a clean sweep: 3 Winners Bitch awards, 3 majors and 2 Best of Winners!
We are pleased to introduce ASCA Champion Ebbtide No Time To Lose (this photo from 2014).  Did I mention it rained ALL DAY at the outdoor show where she finished?  We looked a little...umm...soggy in her New Champion photos, so recycling this sunny day photo:

V.V. Fall 2013 age 1.3 yrs
V.V. Spring 2012 9 months old

V.V. helping in the garden Summer 2014 age 2

L to R: Blue merle, mom CH Ebbtide Fern and "V.V." in their favorite game. That's 1/2 brother CH JJ behind
How "V.V." celebrates Christmas

   We are very excited about her upcoming litter (due late June 2015) by the handsome young dog, AKC/ASCA CH. Spring Fevers Wanna Dance  "Tyce".  I had the pleasure of meeting and judging "Tyce" at the 2014 ASCA Nationals in Texas, where I awarded him Winners Dog.  I love his moderation, balance, soundness and beauty.  I also love his sensible temperament, vertical bounce (just like V.V.), and how (just like V.V.) he leans hard into people for petting.  There's lots more to love, including his pedigree and health clearances.   You can read and see more photos of Tyce here (be sure to click on "GALLERY" to see lots of great photos):
  Performance and versatility prospects with loads of beauty, soundness, intelligence and ability are what we're hoping for (as always). As always, experienced performance homes are preferred, and though V.V. is not performance titled in stock or obed/rally/agility yet, it's not because of any lack of talent: Just an owner (me) who isn't training as hard as I did in my younger days! I'm always hoping for an experienced, committed Performance/Versatility Competition home for my pups.   Before they leave here, they will be started on clicker training, eye tested, MDR1 tested, herding exposure to ducks and very limitedly to sheep. Contact me if this interests you (ann dot ebbtide at gmail dot com).  This will be our only litter in 2015.  

*Update: Litter born June 25, 2015  6 females 3 males - blues & black tris.  Taking reservations at this time. Please note: We don't place puppies according to color and sex.  We place our pups according to their temperament and suitability to their new home.  

Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebbtide It's About Time "Tally" wins BIG at the 2013 ASCA National Specialty

From our talented "Time" 2012 Litter sired by GCH ASCA CH Hearthside's Nothin' To Lose CD RN and out of our AKC/ASCA CH Ebbtide Fern we'd like to congratulate Karen MacDonald and "Tally",   Ebbtide It's About Time on an amazing ASCA NATIONAL SPECIALTY WINNERS BITCH award in Greeley, CO.
  Thank you, senior Breeder Judge Judy Norris for this honor, pictured below with owner/handler Karen.  Tally won from the 12-18 month class.

 Ebbtide It's About Time "Tally", Winners Bitch, ASCA 2013 National Specialty

  I love the win photo taken the day before for her class win:

   Tally's sister, Ebbtide No Time To Lose "V.V.", who lives here at Ebbtide, was a couple spots behind Tally in the same class, and won THIRD PLACE 12-18 MONTH BITCH .  "V.V." was sporting noticeably less hair than her fluffy sister and I almost pulled her from the competition. Sadly, V.V.'s win photo from Nationals was poor quality. But here she is, below,  7 months later (with hair!) winning a nice RESERVE WINNERS BITCH at a large (5 point major) ASCA show in central California.  Thank you ASCA Breeder Judge Canby Scott for your nice praise of V.V.  She has a large gallery of admirers at home and pretty much wherever she goes. I love her athleticism, intelligence, willingness to please, speed, working instinct and pretty dependable "Off" button.  I hope to have her in many performance venues.

Ebbtide No Time To Lose with Breeder/Owner/Handler Ann Atkinson
and breeder judge Canby Scott

Friday, June 20, 2014

Such Good Little Puppies! 2012 ASCA Nationals

  It's all over but posting the win photos:  I'm talking about a week of shows in Bakersfield with 1300+ Aussies in attendance.  That yearly occasion to see just what you are made of, in the world of Aussies.  I had 3 puppies from our "Time" Litter (CH Hearthside Nothin To Lose CD RN x CH Ebbtide Fern) shown and they did just fine, thank you.  It would not have happened without the help of an old friend, Karen MacDonald, who flew out from Minnesota, she thought, to pick up her new puppy. I'm not sure she knew it included "helping" me: showing multiple pups, washing multiple pups at 7am, loading and unloading puppies to and from the RV to the ring, and picking up lots of poop.  Ahhh, the glamour of a national dog show.  Happily, all our hard work paid off handsomely for Ebbtide Unnamed 1, 2 and 3 (unnamed at Nationals - now named).

 Ebbtide Island Time "Kona" aka "Snuffy"  Blue Merle Male 
   Owned by Ann Atkinson & Stacey Sias
  • Best Opposite Sex Puppy  (Cascade ASC Pre-Show)
  • 2 First Places 
  • 1 Fourth Place
  • not entered at Nationals

"Kona" aka "Snuffy" Ebbtide Island Time 

FIRST PLACE 2-4 Month Puppy Dog Merle "Kona"  Ebbtide Island Time 
Ebbtide It's About Time "Tally" 
Owned by Karen MacDonald

  • 3 First Places 
  • 1 Second Place 
FIRST PLACE 2-4 BLUE MERLE  Sweepstakes Nationals
 Ebbtide It's About Time  "Tally" and breeder Ann Atkinson

  Owned by Ann Atkinson
  • 2 First Places
  • 2 Third Places

Ebbtide No Time To Lose "Vivi" and handler Karen MacDonald
Thank you Judge Tiffany Levin Almeroth

Sunday, August 19, 2012

2012 Litter

Fern and Bodie - The Wedding Photo
 Born July 19, 2012 to our very special AKC/ASCA CH EBBTIDE FERN and by the uber-handsome GRCH/ASCA CH HEARTHSIDE NOTHIN' TO LOSE "Bodie",  we are pleased to present 6 puppies - 2 males (1 blue merle, 1 black tri) and 4 females (1 blue merle, 3 black tris).
Here they are at 4 weeks of age:

Now taking competition/performance home reservations on this litter; possibility of an active, training-centered companion home spot on the list, too. Our goal when choosing this breeding combination was a litter sound in mind and body, with breed type and conformation quality and performance talent in agility, obedience/rally and possibly some decent herding talent. MVA competitors?

Evaluations will be made around 8 weeks of age, entire litter CERF'd between 7-8 weeks.  We don't take reservations by sex/color: We place puppies by temperament and suitability to task they are required to perform.  Bodie is now a Hall of Fame Sire in ASCA, and Fern's first and only litter has produced: An AKC Champion, multiple AKC Group 1 BBX winner,  2 ASCA Champions, AKC/ASCA UD , ASCA Nationals RWD, ASCA Obedience Open Finals winner, Rally titled, Agility titled and Herding Tested offspring, and more competing to come.

Both parents, of course, are 2012 CERF clear, OFA hips (Bodie Excellent, Fern Good) & both OFA elbows Normal. MDR-1 results: Bodie Norma/Normal, Fern Mutant/Normal; Both DNA Hereditary Cataract Clear.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Story About Ebbtide

There have been repeated whinings that I don't have a website. This is one woman's answer: The home of Ebbtide Australian Shepherds is located in Cloverdale, California in Sonoma County. I started showing Aussies in 1970: I started competing primarily in obedience and some conformation. I bred my first litter in 1973, and for many years averaged one litter a year, but I'm taking longer gaps between litters at this time - it's exhausting raising puppies! Especially without my kids here at home to help out. I was 17 years old and lived in Saratoga, CA with my family when I started in Aussies. Over the years, I have put many Championship titles (ASCA & AKC), Obedience titles (CD, CDX, UD) and herding titles (STDd, OTDd, STDs) on my and other dogs I have trained and handled. Most of the obedience titles were earned by dogs that were also High In Trial winners, as well as a few High Score herding awards (in the 1980's). My conformation dogs have earned many Best of Breed, Group and Nationals awards, and one AKC Best In Show BBX winner and continue to do so. I personally handle and show in conformation, obedience, and hope to be back in the herding arena in the unknown future and, possibly, agility and Rally. The dogs and I also enjoy: camping, traveling, hiking, swimming, snow play and hanging out with friends - dogs and people!
I also judge conformation dog shows for ASCA as a Senior Breeder Judge and am licensed to judge ASCA obedience. I am on the sxelf-imposed "slow track" for my AKC judges I have been honored to judge at multiple ASCA National Specialties,USASA National Specialty, all across the USA, many provinces in Canada and several judging trips to Europe.

I am fortunate to have had and currently have quite a few Ebbtide dogs in wonderful competition homes that have accumulated many national rankings in Conformation ("Champions"), Agility, Obedience, Rally, Herding, Freestyle, Nosework and have also won High In Trial and other awards. Many, many thanks to all the Ebbtide owners who love and compete with these dogs, and make us look so good to the masses.  And to all the Ebbtide dogs "just" being wonderful family companions - I treasure these people and dogs no less. Because I believe: It's all about the dog, and what is best for them. I am not looking to produce X amount of Champions or X amount of High In Trial winners: I want to see great ambassadors for the breed I love so much and people enjoying their Aussies as much as I have, in a happy, well-matched home for each and every dog I produce. Those are pretty lofty goals right there.

Genetic health clearances, pedigree research and producing a dog with intelligence, trainability and a high desire to please who lives easily in many situations is tops on my list. I don't "do" kennel dogs: we live on 3.3 acres, all fenced, and the dogs live as part of our family, with house privileges and lots of exercise time as they meander and patrol the one acre area that is theirs to explore around the house. All dogs get herding time on sheep. I do not breed specifically for a super high drive/high energy dog - it's just not the kind of dog I personally want to live with 24/7. But I have produced dogs that could be considered high drive. What I enjoy most is an easy to train, intelligent dog with a high desire to please, very biddable, athletic, intelligent, healthy AND is structurally correct and pretty to look at, hence: "Performing ..... Beautifully since 1970".

Our current resident dogs are AKC/AKC CH Ebbtide Careful What You Wish, "JJ" (Eukanuba-qualifying conformation dog) and ASCA CH Ebbtide No TIme To Lose "V.v.".  As I negotiate past middle age,  I'm hoping to stay physically sound and get busy with them and put some performance titles on both these very talented dogs.  I also co-own a few Ebbtide dogs that live with generous owners who allow me the privilege of using these dogs in my breeding program.  Other animals that live mostly in harmony with the Aussies include: 2 cats and 5 Katahdin/Dorper/Barbados mix sheep for herding training. I am  married to Dave, and have two adult sons, Emmett and Marshall - Emmett is the owner of Ebbtide Roll The Dice "Maggie" and he is doing a great job training her for agility. Hoping to see these two in competition in the future.  Maggie may have a litter,  if the stars align.  Son Marshall has Jin (black tri male) from Vv's last litter. A "Pandemic puppy" that continues to enjoy Marshall's work from home job as well as frequent hikes with Marshall and fiance Dri and daily walks to the park for big fetching games, camping and visits to the old home for good times. Though my sons never shared my enthusiasm for canine competition, they do love and appreciate the dogs that live here, and both boys were instrumental with the socialization of the puppies when they lived at home.  A litter of pups usually means an increase in visits back home from them ;-)

    I hope all our wonderful Ebbtide puppy owners will return for a visit (real visit - not just virtual!). If you would have told me 50 years ago that showing dogs would lead to such amazing, kind, funny, generous, caring, and genuine friendships with families that now span 2 generations, I would never have believed you. But, hey, I was a teenager back then...