The 7th East Asian Nuclear Forum

  • Date 2020.06.05
  • Hit 3,641

Date : November 6, 2019
Venue : Hwabaek International Convention Center (HICO), Gyeongju, Korea

Opening Session (09:30~10:00)

Opening Remarks
Mr. Chung Jae-hoon
Chairman, Korea Atomic Industiral Forum
Cheif Executive Officer, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) and President, World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO)

Welcoming Address
Mr. Joo Hak-young
Mayor, Gyeongju City

Congratulatory Address
Ms. Min Byung-joo
President, Korean Nuclear Society

Commemorative Photograph

Session 1 : Nuclear Updates in East Asia (10:00~11:40)

[Presentation from Korea] (10:00~10:20)
"APR 1400 NRC Design Certification and Keys to Success"
Mr. Suh Jeong-kwan
General Manager, Central Research Institute, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP)

[Presentation from Japan] (10:20~10:40)
"Current Status of Nuclear Power in Japan"
Mr. Uetake Akihito
Senior Managing Director, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)

Break (10:40~11:00)

[Presentation from China] (11:00~11:20)
"Current Status and Prospect of Nuclear Power Development in China"
Mr. Zhang Ting-ke
Vice Chairman, China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)

[Presentation from Taiwan] (11:20~11:40)
"TPC's Future Vision of Nuclear Power"
Mr. Liu Yu-wei
Director, International Department, Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA)

Luncheon (11:40~13:00)

Session 2 : Nuclear Safety reinforcement and Operation Experience (13:00~15:00)

2-1. NPP Safety reinforcement and Improving Safety Culture

Moderator : Mr. Jin-ho Park
Vice President, Nuclear Safety Research, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)

[Presentation from Japan] (13:00~13:25)
"Current Status of Safety Measures and Efforts towards Further Enhancement of Nuclear Safety"
Mr. Shirai Mikito
Manager, Maintenance Management Group, Nuclear Power Division, Kansai Electric Power

[Presentation from Taiwan] (13:25~13:50)
"Post-Fukushima Enhancements in Kuosheng NPP"
Mr. Hsu Hsi-kui
Section Chief, Instrument and Electricity Section, Taiwan Power Company

[Presentation from China] (13:50~14:15)
"Promotion of Nuclear Safety Management and Nuclear Safety Culture"
Mr. Liu Zhiyong
General Manager, Nuclear Power Operations Research Institute,  China National Nuclear Power(CNNP)

[Presentation from Korea] (14:15~14:40)
"Innovation of Safety R&D for NPP"
Mr. Park Jin-ho
Vice President, Nuclear Safety Research, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)

Q&A (14:40~15:00)

Break (15:00~15:20)

2-2. NPP Operation Experience (countermeasure to prevent reoccurrence, 15:20~17:20)

Moderator : Mr. Kang Jae-yuel
Executive Vice Chairman, Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF)

[Presentation from China] (15:20~15:45)
"Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience Management and Practices"
Mr. Cao Guangbing
PM, Training and Experience Feedback, DayaBay Nuclear Power Operations and Management

[Presentation from Japan] (15:45~16:10)
"Efforts for Autonomous Safety Enhancements in the Japanese Nuclear Industry"
Mr. Nazuka Masafumi
General Manager, Department of Membership and Community Relations, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)

[Presentation from Taiwan] (16:10~16:35)
"Deferral Status of Lungmen NPP"
Mr. Hsu Hsi-kui
Section Chief, Instrument and Electricity Section, Taiwan Power Company

[Presentation from Korea] (16:35~17:00)
"Learning from Operating Experience"
Mr. Kang Jae-yuel
Executive Vice Chairman, Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF)

Q&A (17:00~17:20)

Break (17:20~17:30)

Closing Remarks (17:30~17:50)
Mr. Uetake Akihito, Senior Managing Director, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)
Mr. Zhang Ting-ke, Vice Chairman, China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA)
Mr. Chen Pu-tsan, Chairman, Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA)
Mr. Kang Jae-yuel,  Executive Vice Chairman, Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF)

Reception Dinner (18:00~19:30)