(1) trying new things
(2) choices
(3) italian sausages
This post should really have been called "out with the old!" because I'm just now bringing out a book I've had for well over a year! Maybe I'll save that title for when I drag out my UFO's, eh?
For a long time I've admired the free-pieced, liberated letter quilts made by several people including Lynn at The Patchery Menagerie, and Julie at Quiltdivajulie to name a few - they look like such fun!
These are by no means the only liberated letter quilts being done, they are just two that I mentioned.
Anyway, I bought Tonya Ricucci's Word Play Quilts at the Quilters Unlimited show in Virginia last year and tucked it onto my book shelf til just the right time, which happens to be - now!
I carried the book, along with the 1", 1-1/2", 2" and 3" strips called for, to the bee on Saturday and started playing with liberated letters, and you know what? It's actually fun!
Hey, as an added bonus I can use my pre-cut strips for these letters!
Thanks to Bonnie Hunter's scrap user's system, I
The book starts you out with easy capital letters; this practice gave me a chance to see what to do differently when I go to create the "real" letters!
I can already see some chunkiness I don't like and that might not work but hey, this is my first practice shot! Mixing different colored fabrics within the same letter can work but needs to be thought about; in some letters light colors might not work as well on a light background ... and so on.
Right now I just have a "hit cloud" - later they will be a bonified "hit!"
Stay tuned for marvelous creations using these liberated letters - even I can't wait to see what I come up with!
Have a great Tuesday everybody - sew forth and sew on til later...