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Showing posts with label ufo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ufo. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Little by slowly

Three things to be happy about:
(1) popcorn
(2) trail mix
(3) a child's enjoyment of simple things

They're doing some work on my street, digging and pounding and jack-hammering.  My neighbors' 3 year old son is just fascinated with it all - he's a truck man!  Me... I look forward to them finishing so I can park in front of my house again!

My latest progress photo on the Scrap Crystals UFO - three rows done, two more go go!

Still sewing away at it; I want to finish this before I pick up something else.

Besides, I have to show more progress on it at the guild meeting this Saturday!

Among the sewing I still need to do - I'm combining the blue and green sashing strips that I pieced on phone book pages into longer strips, then cutting them down into usable 12-1/2" pieces.

Little by slowly, but it's progress!

When I cut a strip I have to move the ruler left or right to get a piece that's long enough to have a decent seam allowance after cutting.

So, that means unsewing tiny bits and recombining pieces to get what I need.  Some of the strings I used were a bit narrow, but the good news is I included a lot of 2" pieces so I have plenty of wiggle room!

I was looking at some of the strings I used in these sashing strips; at one point I wasn't too sure about the other colors I let creep in amongst the blue and green ...

But looking at it now, I think I made a good decision.

All those reds and yellows and golds add a lot of texture to the sashing, without overpowing the quilt.

The SNS cornerstones give it light, and help pull the sashing together.

That's it for now, have a great Wednesday.  Don't tell anyone but I have to get started on my taxes!  Sew forth and sew on...

Monday, April 4, 2016

Those little things

Three things to be happy about:
(1) a sale
(2) finding new ideas
(3) putting your feet up

Here's something I found intriguing.

I was watching the weather yesterday morning and just happened to catch the lady in the background ... See the "quilt" she's sitting in front of??

Not really a quilt, on closer inspection I discovered it's an orange board with a lot  of photos attached.  Sure looked like a quilt though!

Sometimes I have to just sit back and laugh at myself!

Here's another heehee - I bought a new Spring-y wreath for my front door yesterday from Michael's.  Wasn't 100% satisfied with it, but I could live it with, especially at 40% off.  Today I looked at it hanging there and decided ... well maybe I could find something better at A.C. Moore, since I was going out that way anyway.

Didn't see anything I liked on display at A.C. Moore, so the floral designer spent about 20 minutes with me, pulling together just the right flowers so I could make one myself.

When I got back home and looked at the one I'd left hanging on the door I said to myself "you know, that wreath is right cute!"

So I had to make a decision:

Door #1...

... or make it myself??

I'll take door #1 please!!

Meanwhile, back in the sewing room, still putting the finishing touches on the units I need to make in order to finish the Scrap Crystals UFO...

A bit of trimming was in order, but I didn't really mind that.

My sewing time today will be dedicated to finishing up as many of the sub-units as I can, making sure the blocks are mixed, old with new, to get a good variety in the fabrics.

Because I had to go out I've already fotted away a good part of the day, so we'll see what I can get accomplished.  Sew forth and sew on...

Friday, April 1, 2016

Lazy is as lazy does

Three things to be happy about:
(1) lacy curtains
(2) creative juices
(3) hot oatmeal

Well, this is what woke me up this morning at 7:45:
I think they're replacing the HVAC unit in the building behind me
I swanee

I named this post "lazy is as lazy does," but lazy doesn't actually "do" anything.  To be honest, it won't do a'tall!

Remember this UFO?

Scrap Crystals, started on a Bonnie Hunter cruise to Alaska - in 2013!

This one was targeted to work on in February, and I've been working on it - off and on!  I'd work on it awhile, then start digging at something else - that's what I call UFO lazy!

One thing that made me put it aside in the first place was the HST's not coming out the right size.  We were instructed to cut 2" strips and make the triangles using the Easy Angle tool - good instructions but my HST's were some-timey on me and it was so frustrating.

I went ahead and cut some strips at 2-1/2" and squared them down.  Yes, you waste a bit of fabric but it's working a lot better at that larger size.  I got tired of picking seams loose and I just started tossing the piece - and you know how I feel about tossing out scraps!  So, I went and dug em out to use in a crumb block, clever eh?

Units are being sewn and quarter-blocks are being lined up.  I won't sew them together until I have them all made so I can get a good mix of old and new fabrics.

I'm so looking forward to finishing this UFO so I can start on another one next month.

Yikes, it already is next month!

Sew forth and sew on til later...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Just a game

Three things to be happy about:
(1) sunny weather
(2) old-school music
(3) a new ballpoint pen

There's a game that I play sometimes, and it's called "where'd I put it??"

I hate playing that stupid game!

I'm working on the South of Baltimore UFO that I've wanted to finish up for some time.  I made scrap yardage for the flowers in different colors...



loads of yellow...

and green for the leaves...

... but I can't find the blocks I already made!

One thought was to start over from scratch; if I find the blocks, okay.  And if I don't - oh well!  But would that be considered a UFO, or a new project??

Meanwhile, to avoid frustration I put that UFO gently aside and pieced two quilt backs.  I'll go ahead and pick up the scrap crystals UFO, that's what was next on my list anyway.  Sounds like a plan!

Sew forth and sew on til later

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

UFO update

Three things to be happy about:
(1) fish fries
(2) old fashioned values
(3) a childhood nickname

Mine was Tansie - don't ask me why, but mama called me that all the time!

My bee's Christmas swap blocks are now officially put together and ready for quilting!

I went with black for the outer border; didn't want red or green or gold or white -- or to think about it any longer!

As I mentioned, my guild is doing the All People Quilt UFO challenge, it's a good way to stir up those UFO's that are hanging around!  I want to do some more work on my Baltimore Album quilt blocks, but before I can do them I need to make scrap yardage!

Working on yellows and blues right now...
a bunch of blues done; I might need to make more, not sure at this point

and yellows!  a nice little pile of scrap yardage...

and next up - pink!

When I get some red and green and brown stockpiled I can start laying out more blocks.  What flower designs will I use?  I have no idea, I'm making this up as I go along!

That's it for now, sew forth and sew on til later...

Monday, February 15, 2016

UFO Blocks

Three things to be happy about:
(1) walnuts
(2) company logos
(3) the smell of bacon cooking

I've been working on the Christmas swap blocks I got from my Bee, that had been sitting almost a year.  I'm glad to say - I've made a lot of progress!

I've sashed the nine blocks I'll use in the wall hanging. although I met a challenge head on when one of the blocks stretched because I had handled the slashed border too much.  Got out of that one!

I laid out all the blocks before I started, so I felt okay joining them as I went along. But after I got them all assembled I noticed some things I could have done differently.  Oh well, it passes the galloping-horse-at-50-feet rule, so I'll let it stand as is!

Now I just need to put on the bottom sashing, and decide on an outer border.  It won't be very large because the hanging is large enough already!  Maybe next time we'll swap smaller blocks, eh?

So that'll be two UFO's done already, I'm averaging one a month!  Gotta make a UFO list...

Sew forth and sew on til later

Friday, February 12, 2016

A change of direction

Three things to be happy about:
(1) patterned throw rugs
(2) Ott lights
(3) sweet tater tots

I've never tried the sweet potato tots but they sound good; I like the sweet potato fries, so I know I'd like the tots too!

Still working on the Christmas swap blocks from my Bee.

I don't have a large enough square ruler to cut the diagonals, so I just use my 8-1/2" wide ruler.

Whatever works...

But this didn't - yuck!

It looked great when I did that one block with the angel, but I don't like the way that red and white looks when the blocks are sewn together.

The sashing declared a turf war - not gonna work!

Oh how I hate unsewing!

So I went to my stash to find some low-impact fabric to surround the tilted blocks as a straight-on sashing.

I picked out a muted shade of green that would have looked good, but I didn't have enough of that piece, and green can be a bit tricky anyway.

Different shades of grey will work, using the same fabric on two sides of each block.

I'm using 4 different fabrics that are muted enough to let the blocks take center stage.  I feel good about this choice.

Sew forth and sew on

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Just in time

Three things to be happy about:
(1) pink bubble gum
(2) a new notepad
(3) being spot on!

I was just in time, taking my sewing machine to Hancock Fabrics for repair!

Somehow I missed it on the news, but they filed bankruptcy and will be closing 70 stores... the store I went to yesterday morning is one of em.

They start the liquidation on Thursday.

Will your local Hancock's be closing??

Yesterday was the last day Jeff will be at the store; he was able to replace the foot pedal on my Touch n Sew while I waited.

The good news is he's trying to get a contract with a small-appliance store that's within a mile of the Hancock location.  The other good news is he'll come to your home for a small fee.

I bought my Singer somewhere around 1970, Jeff is the only repairman who has worked on it for the last 40 years - that's a loooooong time!

In other news, now that I finished the x and plus UFO, I can move on!

At our guild we're doing our version of the All People Quilt UFO challenge.  On my list, the number Carol pulled corresponded to these Christmas blocks from my Bee that I haven't done anything with since the swap in April 2015.

Because all the blocks aren't exactly the same size, I thought using a twisted block setting would be a good choice.  So... I pulled out this book that I've had for a long time, Twist n Turn by Sharyn Squire Craig.

I started with one of my own blocks to see if I like the look - looks pretty good!

Onward and upward with these blocks... I have to show some positive progress at our next meeting, on February 20.

Heck, I might have the flimsy done by then!

That's it for now, have a great Tuesday, go out and buy some fabric, sew forth and sew on...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Onward and sew forth!

Three things to be happy about:
(1) flannel pj's
(2) waking up refreshed
(3) hot coffee

My sister Ruby used to say it like this: "hot caw-fee".

There's just something about coming to the end of a mystery or project, when all the fabrics you gathered have either been used or repurposed, and you can use that bin for something else!

Ahhhhhh, Allietare!  Thanks everyone for your comments and encouragement.

Pieced and ready for the LA.

Since I have an abundance of left over 2" strips that will just overflow my bin, I've decided to continue on with the x and plus project that I put aside last October.

I'm over halfway done, so that's a good thought!

I had kitted up a few blocks that I saved between the pages of an old Quilter's Newsletter magazine.

Handy to just pick up the pieces and start sewing!

A bit over 65 done, working towards 90 for a full sized quilt.

I'll try to keep this as my main project til it's finished - that is, if I can resist the gorgeous easy-to-do blocks that Lynne is working on!

Happy Groundhog Day!  By now (just before daylight??) Puxatawny Phil is either still asleep or they pulled him out into the bright TV lights so he can blink and kick his feet.  Poor critter.

Sew forth and sew on til later - keep the sunny side up!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Another UFO

Three things to be happy about:
(1) scary movies
(2) finding hidden treasure
(3) buying fabric online...

... which I haven't done in more than 2 years!

I was going through a bag of scraps (and discards) looking for large hunks to cut down when I found a zippered bag with these cute little blocks!

I vaguely remember participating in a half-square triangle block swap when I used to hang out on the quilting forum at About.com.

Oh my that place has changed in the last 15 or so years!  It started out being called something like "the mining company," covering any and all topics before it evolved into what it is today.  Well, it still does that, but now it's more organized, and Janet Wickell does a fantastic job as their quilt expert!

Anyway, I don't remember how many of these HST's I collected, they're probably scattered here and there among my stuff, but at some point I pieced a few blocks and even joined three sets of pairs together...

There were eleven blocks in the bag, made from 2-1/2" squares with muslin as the background part.

I like the look of these set flush together; this will make a great leader/ender project!  I have lots of 2-1/2" color strips, so as I'm cutting fabric I'll cut some muslin strips to use for HST's.

My Easy Angle ruler will make cutting triangle pairs easy enough.

That's it for now, have a great Monday -  sew forth and sew on til later!