... you run smack into a virus! And sadly it happened to me last week and added misery to an already miserable few days.
It has been so HOT I didn't feel like doing anything but lying on the floor in a puddle. I have two window AC units, one of which works okay but no way can it cool two floors and a basement. Well, the basement isn't that important because I don't do anything but laundry down there, but my sewing room is on the top floor and it was TOO HOT to stay up there and sew. Or sleep.
But the good news is the temperature has dropped a few degrees and I got my PC back yesterday. All the garbage is gone, I couldn't believe how much stuff they found on there! I didn't lose any files or have to reload software, thank God.
And the other good news is I was able to set up a sewing area in my living room where the AC is, and I did get a negligible amount of sewing done just to keep my hand in.
I sewed together these basket blocks that had been UFO-ing around for who knows how long...
now I have to make a border decision.
Right now it's a smallish wall hanging, approximately 26", but when I'm done it might be a lap size, who knows. I want it to have a scrappy border, something to add a little interest; it just looks too plain and boring as it is.
And I also finished the solid fabric quilt top that I'm swapping with Yetunde, I have to decide how I want to quilt it ...
the top edge looks crooked, but it's straight!
here to see the original Kandinsky this was inspired by.
I think Yetunde will like it 'cuz she's nice like that! *wink*
That's it for now, still trying to get re-inspired after this awful heat wave.