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Showing posts with label scrap crystals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrap crystals. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2016

It's a Mystery! Again!

Three things to be happy about:
(1) Peppermint sticks
(2) Peppemint patties (the red and white ones - not those York peppermint patties, they're too sweet!)
(3) Finding loose change

My sister has a group she walks with just about every morning.  She tells me that every time they go walking - every single time - they find money in the street!  It may just be a penny or a dime; once they found a handful, just laying there!  So far I've only found two pennies, one greatly used.

Go figure.

Are you ready for another mystery??

I was sewing the binding on my Scrap Crystals quilt and lo and behold, it wasn't long enough!

I was so sure I cut enough strips, and what you see on the left is all I had left of the fabric I used, sheesh!

Had to go on a fabric hunt...

I hope this piece is close enough, I couldn't find anything else!

See... you can barely tell the difference, right?

Attached to the quilt ...

I don't think you can tell at a glance that they're different.

People in polite society won't notice, right?


So I'll be sewing this down by hand while we're buzzing at the Bee today.

I believe today is new officer nomination and election, and committee appointments.  Anyone not showing up will likely be appointed where they're needed, in absentia.   Ahhhh, democracy!

Sew forth and buzz on

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Mail Call!

Three things to be happy about:
(1) a stubborn mule (you get to feel superior!)
(2) children running
(3) eating breakfast for dinner

I got a very welcome package in the mail yesterday!

Remember my Scrap Crystals quilt, taught by Bonnie Hunter on her August 2013 Alaskan quilters' cruise?

(In case I haven't mentioned it, my approach to a quilters' cruise is this ... I work diligently during class time, perhaps I might drop in during the evening extra sewing time, but the bulk of the at-sea time?  I'm enjoying the ship's pools, shops, clubs, casino, eateries and just plain people-watching  - if I go home with only one block pieced, that's perfectly fine with me!)

I finished the top last April, I showed the finished top in this post.  In mid-September I sent it off to Missouri Star for quilting.

I'm quite satisfied with the results!  They estimated a 7 week turnaround - it was about 8 weeks but I wasn't in a hurry.

Can you see the quilting pattern?

(This iPad shot came out really dark)

I wasn't particular about the pattern, it's such a busy quilt!   But I picked a snowflake meander just because the quilt is called Scrap Crystals.    

I chose a backing fabric, they threw in the batting for free and trimmed it - and I had the audacity to ask for the scraps!

Well shoot, I paid for em...

Lots of scrappiness in this quilt!

The sashing treatment is different from Bonnie's.  I pieced blues and greens to make the strips, used neutral diamonds as cornerstones.

I blogged about making the pieced sashings here and here.

Just have to make the binding and a label and this UFO is officially finished!

Now to tackle that Texas Tumbleweeds... sew forth and sew on...