(1) throwing a dinner party
(2) a parking spot close in
(3) classic board games
During my worker-bee years, one of my coworkers was an avid board game fan - especially Trivial Pursuit - and there'd always be a game going on at lunch time. Yesterday I went to her retirement luncheon, and it was very nicely done.
I've always enjoyed Clyde's but I hadn't been to this particular one in years and years! This one in Rockville, Maryland, has a horsey decorative theme that's very ... horsey. Saddles, bridles, riding boots, helmets ... what can I say?
I liked this hallway though, I thought it looked very festive. And I was fascinated at how the waiters could tote several bowls of soup on their arm (seven, at our table) without dropping any.
Isn't that interesting? It doesn't take much to make me happy!
This was the second retirement luncheon I've been to since I retired. It was nice getting to see former coworkers again - some still working and some who took the buyout at the end of December. But, man oh man - why didn't I wait six months!? I was ready to get out of there but looking back, I could have stuck it out for $25,000!
After the luncheon I picked up a few items at Costco, since it was a fairly short hop up I-270. They were selling these orange trees, and I wondered who in the world would buy them in this area, at this time of year??
Is this the time of year to plant fruit trees?
But what really tickled me, and made me take a picture? This little guy...
You can't see it but he was standing there eating orange after orange off the trees! When I saw him I grabbed the camera from my purse, but it wouldn't turn on, poop! By the time I realized my batteries had fallen out and reloaded them, he had stopped eating and had one of the trees in his shopping cart. Cracked me up!
Sew forth and sew on