Yesterday was our guild's annual Christmas party meeting, and as always it was fun with so much going on!
When I left home it was a bit cold, but the atmosphere at the meeting was warm with good cheer, great food, and chatting with friends you only get to see once a month!
We had the drawing for our raffle quilt (won by a lady in Baltimore), gift exchanges, door prizes, an ugly fabric auction - look at some of the uglies that were auctioned off:
somebody got a nice piece of "batik-y" that can be used for a back, for around $3 (I think):
And what would any guild meeting be without a parade of quilts - also known as show n tell:
so much talent in our guild!
And of course lots and LOTS of great food - and these were just some of the leftovers!
Sew much to see and do at guild every month! Short day today, gotta run - sew forth and sew on til later!