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Showing posts with label quiltville quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quiltville quilts. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2016

En Provence!

Three things to be happy about:
(1) leftover spaghetti and meatballs (they taste even better the second day!)
(2) tea tree aromatherapy blend
(3) getting safely home after a trip

I hope everyone had a very happy Thanksgiving and, if you went away, I hope you arrived home safely!

Yesterday I was able to start on step 1 of the En Provence mystery!

First of course I went to my 2" strip bin, pulled a lot of strips from there that I just cut into smaller lengths and sewed together into pairs.

I'll use as much of those as I can before I start cutting into yardage.

I found this Christmas fabric in there that I can fussy cut, I like the texture that the dove wings will add to my 4 patches!

Any little odd pieces that are neither fish nor fowl can be tossed into the strings bin.

Ye olde brown paper bag test - these will do just fine as neutrals!

I like adding little odd prints in my quilts!  I can work around some of the larger printed areas.

This fabric is printed with vintage cereals but when I was a kid I don't remember seeing Pep cereal, this even had a toy inside.

But on the other hand mama never fed us cold cereal anyway ... it was either a plate of hot grits - or a plate of hot grits!

Sewing neutral strips to neutral strips...

looking good!

Sixteen 4-patches done, can you see the dove wings?  I may need to rethink some of my neutrals but for now, it's a start!

I will be linking up with Bonnie Hunter's En Provence Linky party so you can see what other participants are doing!

Sew forth and sew on til later...

Saturday, November 26, 2016

It's a Mystery! Again!

Three things to be happy about:
(1) Peppermint sticks
(2) Peppemint patties (the red and white ones - not those York peppermint patties, they're too sweet!)
(3) Finding loose change

My sister has a group she walks with just about every morning.  She tells me that every time they go walking - every single time - they find money in the street!  It may just be a penny or a dime; once they found a handful, just laying there!  So far I've only found two pennies, one greatly used.

Go figure.

Are you ready for another mystery??

I was sewing the binding on my Scrap Crystals quilt and lo and behold, it wasn't long enough!

I was so sure I cut enough strips, and what you see on the left is all I had left of the fabric I used, sheesh!

Had to go on a fabric hunt...

I hope this piece is close enough, I couldn't find anything else!

See... you can barely tell the difference, right?

Attached to the quilt ...

I don't think you can tell at a glance that they're different.

People in polite society won't notice, right?


So I'll be sewing this down by hand while we're buzzing at the Bee today.

I believe today is new officer nomination and election, and committee appointments.  Anyone not showing up will likely be appointed where they're needed, in absentia.   Ahhhh, democracy!

Sew forth and buzz on

Friday, November 25, 2016

It's a Mystery!

Three things to be happy about:
(1) Black Friday deals (for those of you who go there)
(2) The Vermont Country Store
(3) Jingle bells

Yes, it's a mystery ... it's a mystery why I procrastinate so much!  By now I should have finished the granny square quilt I was working so diligently on ... oh well, I fotted around and didn't reach my goal!  

While my Scrap Crystals top was at Missouri Star being quilted I was supposed to make the binding so that when I got it back, I could just sew it right on.

That didn't happen, so now I have to make the binding as well as sew it on!

There wasn't enough of the border fabric to make binding, I was looking at these two fabrics as possibilities...

I chose the fabric on the left because it's less busy, there's enough scrappy activity on the front!

This morning I cut the strips and sewed them together...

I think my choice will look good with both the back and front of the quilt.

So now, rather than being able to start the En Provence mystery along with everybody else, as a punishment I have to attach this binding so I can hand sew it at Bee tomorrow.

Another reason not to procrastinate?

I dampened some fabric for my granny square quilt and placed it in a baggie to soften up.

Well, I didn't get to the pressing and it molded on me!  When I didn't press it after two days I really should have placed it in the freezer.

And what's with the pink area on the right edge??  Yuck!

My friend Charlene suggested I add vinegar to soapy water and wash it, and the mold should come out.  If that doesn't do the trick I'll just toss it, I have plenty more of that particular fabric.

The up side of this experience?  I learned two good lessons!  Sew forth and sew on...

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Mail Call!

Three things to be happy about:
(1) a stubborn mule (you get to feel superior!)
(2) children running
(3) eating breakfast for dinner

I got a very welcome package in the mail yesterday!

Remember my Scrap Crystals quilt, taught by Bonnie Hunter on her August 2013 Alaskan quilters' cruise?

(In case I haven't mentioned it, my approach to a quilters' cruise is this ... I work diligently during class time, perhaps I might drop in during the evening extra sewing time, but the bulk of the at-sea time?  I'm enjoying the ship's pools, shops, clubs, casino, eateries and just plain people-watching  - if I go home with only one block pieced, that's perfectly fine with me!)

I finished the top last April, I showed the finished top in this post.  In mid-September I sent it off to Missouri Star for quilting.

I'm quite satisfied with the results!  They estimated a 7 week turnaround - it was about 8 weeks but I wasn't in a hurry.

Can you see the quilting pattern?

(This iPad shot came out really dark)

I wasn't particular about the pattern, it's such a busy quilt!   But I picked a snowflake meander just because the quilt is called Scrap Crystals.    

I chose a backing fabric, they threw in the batting for free and trimmed it - and I had the audacity to ask for the scraps!

Well shoot, I paid for em...

Lots of scrappiness in this quilt!

The sashing treatment is different from Bonnie's.  I pieced blues and greens to make the strips, used neutral diamonds as cornerstones.

I blogged about making the pieced sashings here and here.

Just have to make the binding and a label and this UFO is officially finished!

Now to tackle that Texas Tumbleweeds... sew forth and sew on...

Friday, April 29, 2016

Three quilts done

Three things to be happy about:
(1) one quilt finishd
(2) another quilt finished
(3) and a third quilt finished - yes!!

I got these back from the LA in record time!

I was waiting for a good day to photograph them outside where the light is better, but it's been overcast the last couple of days.  Also, it's been raining and I won't chance these on my porch railing.

So here's my X and Plus, looking good!

Closeup to show the quilting.

I really like the border I put on this one!

My Red and Black Passion.

Is that the name I finally settled on???  Need to know before I label it!

Closeup of the quilting, she used a variegated thread.

When I give Bernerdett my tops and we discuss the quilting pattern I usually end up saying "ount know."  In this one she quilted a design that echoes the border fabric - clever!

And last but not least, Allietare!

By now you've seen plenty of these floating around the blogs, so I just posted a closeup to show off the quilting.

This is the one I'm binding now, just 1-1/2 sides left to do!

So that's it for now, have to make a run to Costco and Target today, not looking forward to going out - I dislike trundling around in yucky weather!

Sew forth and sew on til later!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Scrap crystals top done

Three things to be happy about:
(1) Outlander tv series
(2) a new handbag
(3) an unexpected funny

You ever come face to face with something that was so funny you just had to stop and laugh?  Then take a picture of it?  The other day I was separating some Black Forest ham that I got from Costco; I looked at the pieces I'd just removed from the package and this is what I saw:
this little piggy is napping, LOL!

Moving right along....

I hadn't planned on posting anything else about the Scrap Crystals UFO til it was done, but I may as well share the last little steps.

My last dilemma, border-wise, was that I couldn't find the piece of yardage I remembered seeing.  I didn't quite like this fabric, I even let it sit awhile to get used to looking at it, but no dice.  I think it's the black background that's throwing things off.

I searched through every bin of fabric I have, looking for that elusive piece of blue-green fabric that I knew I had - couldn't find it!  So therefore I only thought I had it.

I did find a piece that was sort of blue-green with a faint yellowish swish running across it, but that's no good for this project.

You're probably thinking "oh my, she has a large stash!"  Yep, I do - but this isn't even half of it!  LOL

I located these two pieces that could have worked, at least they came closer than anything else I could find that was large enough...

Viewed through the camera there's only a subtle difference in the two, but I decided to go with the second one, just to get on with it!

So here's the top with the borders, finished and being check off my UFO list!

My guild's UFO challenge pulled at this month's meeting was #8.  I don't remember off hand what that was on my list, but I know I'd finished it already.  Running out ahead of the pack!

Well that's it for now, buy some new plants, find something to laugh at today, sew forth and sew on...

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Another one bites the dust

Three things to be happy about:
(1) fresh tomatoes
(2) e-books
(3) spray adhesive

While I wasn't looking, Hancock's in Gaithersburg sold 99.999% of their fabrics!

I was in this store last month; they had fabric coming out of their ears, but the prices hadn't been dropped enough for me to buy anything I didn't need...

I mean, reduced to 40% off????  That's the same as a regular sale at JoAnn's!

Among the stuff they had but I don't need and wasn't tempted by were some books, embroidery floss, thread, Christmas junk, some 2016 calendars (75% off, they oughta quit) and some upholstery fabrics.

But I did get this fabric though - black and white is always good, 3 yards of gold that I can definitely use.

I got the green Christmas fabric because I liked it - and it felt good!  Large enough for a backing.

All at $8.99, minus 75%.

I can use this 10-1/2" square up ruler, it was the only one left, just hanging there.

Not a bad deal for $6.40!

So the last day for this particular store is this week, I think it's April 21.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking on a border treatment for the Scrap Crystals quilt, this doesn't look too-too bad I guess.

I've been looking for a piece that's a sort of blue and green muted swirly stripe, that I know I have.  I remember seeing it about month ago, so frustrating!

I'll keep looking though.

Today will be a no-sew day for me, I'll be out and about - there's a jackpot with my name on it waiting at Maryland Live casino!  My friend Brenda and I want to do some happy dancing before we come back home.

Sew forth and sew on til later,

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Little by slowly

Three things to be happy about:
(1) popcorn
(2) trail mix
(3) a child's enjoyment of simple things

They're doing some work on my street, digging and pounding and jack-hammering.  My neighbors' 3 year old son is just fascinated with it all - he's a truck man!  Me... I look forward to them finishing so I can park in front of my house again!

My latest progress photo on the Scrap Crystals UFO - three rows done, two more go go!

Still sewing away at it; I want to finish this before I pick up something else.

Besides, I have to show more progress on it at the guild meeting this Saturday!

Among the sewing I still need to do - I'm combining the blue and green sashing strips that I pieced on phone book pages into longer strips, then cutting them down into usable 12-1/2" pieces.

Little by slowly, but it's progress!

When I cut a strip I have to move the ruler left or right to get a piece that's long enough to have a decent seam allowance after cutting.

So, that means unsewing tiny bits and recombining pieces to get what I need.  Some of the strings I used were a bit narrow, but the good news is I included a lot of 2" pieces so I have plenty of wiggle room!

I was looking at some of the strings I used in these sashing strips; at one point I wasn't too sure about the other colors I let creep in amongst the blue and green ...

But looking at it now, I think I made a good decision.

All those reds and yellows and golds add a lot of texture to the sashing, without overpowing the quilt.

The SNS cornerstones give it light, and help pull the sashing together.

That's it for now, have a great Wednesday.  Don't tell anyone but I have to get started on my taxes!  Sew forth and sew on...