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Showing posts with label quilt show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilt show. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2018

Quilt exhibit

Three things to be happy about:
(1) new movie releases
(2) a hot cup of tea
(3) fall foliage

My bee had a quilt exhibit at Harmony Hall in Ft. Washington, MD from the middle of August until October 5.  It was very successful; here are some of the quilts we displayed.

These are just a few of the beautiful quilts we displayed, I've forgotten the total number.  The opening reception was very well attended, and there were dozens more visitors during the weeks the exhibit was open.

Sew forth and sew on til later!

Monday, October 8, 2018

It was a challenge

Every year our guild is invited to submit quilts for the SewExpo in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and this year our challenge was to make 36 x 36 quilts using half square triangles.  I didn't make it to the show to capture all the entries, but here are some that were shown at the guild meeting:

I apologize for all the "head shots" - I wasn't standing in the best place for pics!

I like how each quilter put her own spin on the challenge, making it uniquely her own! 

And last but not least!  Remember this disobedient quilt? 

I swapped the first border for one with a smaller print.  Although it isn't super perfect (the sunflowers are too large for one thing), it got finished and put into the show!

That's it for now, enjoy your Monday ... sew forth and sew on

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Quilt show and other goodies

Three things to be happy about:
(1) a rocking chair
(2) new non-designer sneakers
(3) an empty bird nest

I'm glad about the empty nest because I found one under my porch awning, and I couldn't have brought myself to destroy it if there had been eggs in it.

Felicia and I went to the Faithful Circle quilt show early last month, here are just a few pics:

Cute spiky stripes ...

... and a 3-D setting

Challenge: use the fabric and alphabet drawn from a bag


What would a quilt show be without at least one Baltimore album style quilt?

and another one!  This one looks Celtic somehow

This one was for me - I love houses!

t-shirts ...

 and tuffets!

There was an entire section dedicated to Quiltville quilts ...

these are just a few - do you recognize them??

We ended the day with a trip to the Amish market, such temptation!

but I only yielded to a package of molasses cookies and half a loaf of sweet potato bread. 

That's it for now, it's a nice day to get out and do stuff.  Sew for and sew on til later!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Triangles, quilt show

Scrappy triangle block 22.  When I saw the pattern for this block I thought of a butterfly flying towards the sky, or an angel with golden wings. 

I found the perfect piece of sky fabric in my scrap bin, it has just the right amount of yellow swirling through it to make it interesting!

Of course I had to redo the bottom piece of block #21!

You know the deer appreciate it by that relieved look on their faces.

I can share a little more quilt show goodness with you; the show was small, yet there was a lot to see.

First, here are the labels from the Political Circus quilt; she chose to make one for each party.  Clever!

Another HST idea, love this heart quilt...

This rail fence is different from all the others I've seen because she pieced most of the strips that make up the rails...

You might not be able to see the detail, but the blue and white quilt on the left caught my attention because each blue 3 (or 4) inch block is made of diagonal strings!

That's it for now, enjoy your Monday.  Sew forth and sew on

Friday, December 1, 2017

Needleart Exhibit at Montpelier

It was such a beautiful day yesterday!  A day meant for enjoying the sunshine and exploring, not for shopping in a crowded mall or sitting indoors, hunched nose-to-the-needle!

I visited Montpelier mansion in Laurel, Maryland, where my guild showed several pieces in their annual  Beyond Needleart exhibit.

Here is a brief history of the mansion:

Located south of Laurel, Maryland, Montpelier Mansion is a five-part, Georgian style plantation house most likely constructed between 1781 and 1785.  It has also been known as the Snowden-Long House or simply Montpelier. Built by Major Thomas Snowden and his wife Anne, the house is now a National Historic Landmark operated as a house museum.  The home and 70 acres remain of what was once a slave plantation of about 9,000 acres.  It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1970, primarily for its architecture.
I found this door knob and lock very interesting...  It's probably original to the house.

One of the bedrooms...
Can you see the double wedding ring quilt in the baby's cradle?  And look at the little step stool necessary to climb into this huge bed!

Dining room...
There was another room with small tables set for food; it had musical instruments, so maybe it was the music room?

This must have been the childrens' nursery...
I'm guessing at the things I saw because we had not set up a guided tour.

And ... the needleart exhibit.  My guild had 15 pieces on display; here are a few, along with other contributors.

The black and white piece on the right is mine!  Part of my guild's 36x36 challenge.

Sew forth and sew on