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Showing posts with label half square triangles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label half square triangles. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Another twist

Three things to be happy about:
(1) eggs scrambled with that substitute crabmeat stuff
(2) a matter of no importance
(3) spontaneous road trips

Well!  After a breffus of scrambled egg substitute and other substitute stuff, I went with Charlene and Pat to the new Costco in Wheaton Plaza (Maryland).  We missed the grand opening, and I wanted to check it out just because, so we went.  I didn't get a photo but it's a nice store, plenty of parking, and you access it from a mall entrance.  I had to go right in and check out the new ladies room (don't ask) while Pat and Charlene bought cards at the card store across from the entrance - different and handy!  It was a bit crowded - why are there so many people out wandering around on a Monday morning - don't they have to be at work??!


I woke a bit early yesterday morning and started thinking about the cut along I posted about, and how I was making even more scraps and crumbs every time I cut my shapes from the large scraps! 

Then I said - hey!  That star Rosa made is very pretty, why don't I make some scrap yardage and cut a few triangles from that too??!

Just to test out my theory, I made a couple big pieces and layered them with a light background fabric and cut them using the 6-1/2" die...

Here are a few layouts... I'm not so sure.  I only made four pieces and it's a bit hard to see what they'll really look like, but one question I'm asking is do I want to use that light background or should I go with something a bit darker or brighter (like red or gold)?  Definitely I should use something that reads as solid, a medium or large pattern would kill the design!

And another thing I need to be aware of is the size of the scraps - see that blue strip and the brown one?  They really stand out and could potentially change the shape of the block! 

I'm also wondering if I should try using a smaller HST die - I have a 4-1/2" that's part of a "value die" (three shapes on one die) and there's a 3-1/2", but if I use either of those the scraps need to be smaller.

Something to think about!  I need to think quickly because if I want to invest in another die right now, Joann's has them at 40% off until May 4th. 

Have a great day, sew forth and sew on til later!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Mail call, testing HST blocks

Three things to be happy about:
(1) April fool jokes
(2) flower shop windows
(3) an audition that goes well

I love receiving packages in the mail!  I was a winner on Char's blog hop giveaway and it came Saturday afternoon, yes!  Lots of good stuff was in the envelope - Utility Quilting  by Carolyn Forster, a pincushion and a dish cloth (made by Char herself!), a collection of 6” charms, and two skeins of DMC perle cotton.  Thanks, Char!!

My half square triangles look very promising!  I saw in the front of my Spectactular Scraps book that the authors show all 256 four-patch triangle blocks, and they credit the concept to a French monk, Dominique Douat, 1704.  Evidently he was into mathematics in decorative patterns; I wonder if he was a quilter?  Whatever.

In the book the authors made quilts using several layouts that they identified by number; I sewed together a few patches to see how they look - this is block #1 in the book:

and here are two layouts using that block:

In one layout the yellow stripe will stand out, the red stripe in the other one.

And here's their block #5:

I laid out a sample block; each layout has four of the blocks put together:

I like this one!  I can see that I'll need to cut a bigger variety of fabrics though.

Block #6:

And here's my layout:
this one's okay, but for all of these I can't really be sure what they look like til I add more blocks.  

I can start with the basic 4-patch block and mirror image the one next to it, or rotate the units right or left. It's easy to play with these on my design wall, I can see lots of fun ahead! 

That's it for now; have a great Monday, sew forth and sew on...