Three things to be happy about:
(1) a refund check in the mail
(2) a glass of iced tea
(3) shower-damp skin
I'm still poking at the free form quilt I wanted to make with gifted scraps, and when I looked at the little block I did earlier I realized I was working with too-small pieces. I don't want to nickel-and-dime this wall hanging.
The sunflower is perfect as is, I think that panel looks great!
I'm not too wild about the little block at the left, though; it bothers me sitting over there...
I moved it to the top of the piece, I like it in that position but I'm not too crazy about the blue...
Do I need to add another strip of that white and black piece at this point? I introduced it in that block, so I need to address it again at some point...
I also cut the other 16-patch block in half, sewed the short ends together and cut a long strip from it, I like it! I'm deciding now if I want to put a thin strip of "something" between it and the larger panel, or let it be as is.
Some shade of red looks better in that top right position I think.
Not sure yet if I'll leave the purple in that position or how large it will be.
Still playing, I have time!
Sew forth and sew on til later!