... as viewed from a television screen shot of Channel 4 news.
They were warning (threatening) of a 1-2" snowfall starting in the wee hours this morning; they were promising to keep us updated starting at 4 am this morning. I don't know if they did or not, I was still sleeping! So this is what 1-2" looks like:
well heck, I'll take it!
My latest adventures in the En Provence mystery quilt ... Sometimes I think it's a mystery why it's taking so long to finish, but then again - it isn't!
See that peek-a-boo hole in the middle there?
That's part of a sashing strip - I turned a lot of my purple 4-patches the wrong way! I started off doing it right in the first two blocks, but somewhere along the line I did one wrong. THEN, rather than looking at Bonnie's sample, I looked at my own layout and kept repeating and repeating that wrong layout.
So my sewing time (such as it is) the last couple days has been releasing those errant 4-patches, turning them a quarter turn, and sewing them back in - without unsewing the entire row! *Sigh*
Still cutting pieces for the QST's, sewing them as leader enders as I go.
Okay I admit it - I'm getting just a bit tired of this one, looking forward to finishing it up and moving on!
This is my last En Provence post til I get it finished, what more can I show and tell about it?? I don't want to bore you, you might not want to come back!
That's it for today, keep warm, stay out of the snow, sew forth and sew on