
Welcome to my blog, we're talking about quilting and other good stuff. I'm glad you stopped by ... look around, add a comment, become a follower if you feel inclined, tell your friends about me, and come back soon!

Showing posts with label community service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community service. Show all posts

Friday, October 6, 2017

Breast cancer awareness month

Three things to be happy about
(1) bright sunshine with cool breezes
(2) the Statue of Liberty
(3) Stephen Colbert

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer risks, the value of screening and early detection, and treatment options.  As a comfort for women who have had a mastectomy, our Bee is donating heart-shaped pillows to Sibley Hospital to be used as an underarm support during healing.

As I was going through the pictures on my camera I realized that although we did this months ago, this month is a very appropriate time for sharing.

The pattern was provided by Sibley Hospital ... place the middle line on the fabric fold and cut out one for the front and another for the back - very very easy!

Sewing and sewing ...

Lots of pretty combinations - the fabric doesn't have to be pink!

Stuffing ...

... and stuffing!

The first batch!

We placed them into clear plastic gift bags, tied with a pink ribbon.

More will be taken to the hospital this month; it always feels good to do good!

Sew forth and sew on

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

It's always those little things...

Three things to be happy about:
(1) remembering the coupons
(2) broccoli slaw
(3) sleeping under a quilt you made

It's that time of year again, when the nights are downright chilly. I keep a quilt on my bed year round, but the last two nights are the first time I've actually slept under it.  Sears and K-Mart, eat your hearts out!

Speaking of eating, my favorite home made snack lately is a combination of raw almonds (I get the large bag from Costco), California raisins and small chunks of crystallized ginger.

Sometimes I add a few English walnuts if I have em.


SO I finished the quilting on that pesky top! 

I put in a new needle before I started, so I knew that wasn't the problem.  Then a light bulb went off  - I adjusted my thread tension and the problem disappeared. 

Why do the small things always gang up to make you feel stupid??

For the binding I used this very ugly "why did I buy it" Christmas fabric.

I mean, blue? 


Doesn't look too too bad cut up though  ...

And not too too bad attached to the quilt... 

I mean, alongside that very ugly red and green "why did I buy it" Christmas fabric!

I believe it'll fly.

Sew forth and sew on

Monday, October 2, 2017

Please don't stop me now!

Three things to be happy about:
(1) fall breezes
(2) hot oatmeal
(3) turning the calendar

It's October already, where did September go???

My October started out trying to finish this quilt that's due to my guild in less than three weeks.

But I swanee, it seems it doesn't want me to quilt it!  I had thread breakage no less than 6 times and I don't know what the problem is. 

I changed threads (including the weight), I rethreaded, I adjusted the tension, I rethreaded, I RETHREADED - nothing seems to work!  The problem seems concentrated on the top of the quilt, the back looks perfect, no bird nests or skipped stitches. GRRRRRR! 

Today I'll change machines and see if that works better.

Meanwhile, I liked that wonky churn dash method that I found on You Tube (Missouri Star) but I didn't like all the negative white space in the 12" blocks.

I'm making one for myself using 6" blocks and different white-and-black fabrics for the background, for a super scrappy look!

Getting a big ole green infusion from Jennifer's scraps I nabbed at the retreat!

I like how these are turning out. 

I'll make a decision later on the setting, but for now I'll keep "churning" them out!

Meanwhile I'll try finishing my quilt on my Janome, I've never used that machine for quilting before, only piecing.

If it still doesn't work out my only other choice is to throw it on the floor and stomp on it (the quilt, not the machine)!  That won't get it quilted but it might make me feel better!

Sew forth and sew on

Friday, September 29, 2017

But first ...

Three things to be happy about:
(1) a straight cut
(2) comfortable shoes
(3) making a difference

Enough play time with the scraps, time to finish a more pressing item.

This lap quilt is for a member of our guild whose church wants to honor their servicemen (and women) with quilts for Veterans' Day.  We have to turn them in no later than October's meeting, and it just needs quilting.  This goes to the front of the line!

I found this wonky churn dash pattern at Missouri Star (You Tube) and I liked it right away.  The piecing is very easy and it went together in no time at all.  I liked the technique so much that I'm working on a quilt using smaller blocks..

You're probably thinking "but there's only ONE red block!?" Yep - that's how I roll!

One of our workshop projects at last week's retreat was this Sewing Date Traveler bag by Robert Kaufman.  You can find the free pattern here.. 

I like the chicken fabric I used on the outside; the red lining has cat phrases "Dogs eat, cats dine"  "Kittens are angels with whiskers"  "A cat can purr it's way out of anything."  Cute.

I'm kind of proud of this bag because zippers scare me away and I didn't think I could do it but I did! 

It doesn't stand up by itself and it's not perfect but when I add the binding - this puppy will be finished.  Now I feel like I can go forth and conquer another bag!

There's no hurry but I may as well get it out of the way.

Feels great to check stuff off your list!

Sew forth and sew on til later

Friday, October 21, 2016

Stars revisited, Wee Bee quilts

Three things to be happy about:
(1) Cinnamon raisin toast
(2) the soft, cool feel of flour
(3) summer breezes in the fall

Hi everyone!

In the last post I did before taking my hiatus, I shared the little stars I was making for a community service quilt but I was undecided about the setting.  I decided to just use black and white sashing and cornerstones, to keep it simple and to get it finished - I figured the stars themselves had enough activity going on.

So here's how it turned out - I wasn't 100% satisfied, but I figured it was going to someone I didn't even know anyway, so no need to stress out over it.

Besides, this quilt just might make someone very happy!

I love sharing pictures of what my fellow bee members are up to, here are a few from last month's meeting.  Some are service quilts ...

from Shirley.

Our quilts went to female veterans; most of them had this label:  "This quilt was made out of appreciation and respect for your service to our country....Please accept this quilt with deepest gratitude."

Sandra modeled a jacket she made...

This from Sondra...

Service quilt from Lynora

Linda's cobblestone quilt

not sure whose this one is but it's pretty!

another one from Sondra using batiks...

and another one - a chevron.

Quilty eye candy is always fun to share, I love seeing what other people are working on.

Remember - if you're a U.S. resident and would like to own the crumb blocks in my giveaway, go HERE and leave a comment.  Tell me how you'd use crumb blocks, I need new ideas!

Sew forth and sew on til later...

Monday, March 30, 2015

Service day at the guild

Three things to be happy about:
(1) spring!
(2) helping hands
(3) a worthwhile project

Since March 21 was national quilting day, our guild meeting this month was focused on creating kits for Days for Girls International, one of our community service projects. Please visit their web site to see what this worthy organization is all about...

We had a great turnout for our community service day, and it was actually fun!





kitting up...

every hand was needed and appreciated!

Sew forth and sew on til later...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cool breezes

Three things to be happy about:
(1) a clean movie theater
(2) your favorite bookstore section
(3) a jogger at a stoplight

Well we asked for it, and here it is: cooler weather!  In fact, it's downright cold to me - last night I slept in my flannel pj's with two quilts on my bed!  I'm determined not to turn on my heat just yet.

I've been doing "behind the scenes" stuff off and on lately, one of them being gathering my fabric for my quilters' cruise next month with Bonnie and Pat (woo hooo!).

I'm collecting fat quarters but I've also been cutting strips from a lot of fabrics, for maximum variety.  I think I need to step up my pace though, the cruise date is November 3 - just one month from now!!!  I was telling a friend it will come and then be over so fast, my head will be spinning!

I don't think I've ever shown this quilt I did for a community service project...

I think this was made about 2-3 years ago, I'm not sure.  For some crazy reason I don't think I kept a photo of it, this is a scan of a photo taken by fellow guild member Elsie.

I made the birthday cake a la Mary Lou Weideman, and trees a la Gwen Marston/Freddy Moran.  I think it turned out well, it looked even prettier in person.  The quilt was donated to either Holy Cross or St. Mary's Hospital, at this point I don't remember - we've done so many community service projects!

Well, keep warm if that's where you want to be...  sew forth and sew on til later


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A little of this and a little of that

Hello followers and visitors, I'm glad for you to see me, I guarantee!  This was literally translated from the late Justin Wilson, cajun chef extraordinaire.  I used to love watching his show, he always used a liberal amount of white wine - half in his recipe and half in his glass!  In his recipes he'd throw in a little of this and a little of that, then take a sip of wine... I b'lieve that's how he made 'em turn out so cajun good.

Thanks everybody for your comments on my posts...

Wendy, it was great seeing you again at Hampton, I've tucked my ribbon safely away for next year.  Penny, it was great meeting your for the first time - we'll be looking to see your stuff!  5440 members, the quilt you had in the dining room was gorgeous, I wish I could have oggled it closer!  Maybe I'll see it on your web site.

Sue, see what I did to ya? hee-hee.  Now you'll have to keep us updated on those quilting projects and the antics of your twins!  Cuz we'll be checking!

Vrooman, I like your pocketed calendar for receipts, but you reminded me of my taxes, yeeech!  I also have a quilt block-a-day calendar at the office I'd forgotten about that I've had at least 10 years(?) and I've used several blocks off there.  There's a rocking horse pattern that I adapted  a very long time ago, for my great-niece (in California) when she was a few months old - she must be 10 by now.  Here it is, pieced into 16-inch blocks:

You'll notice a different one in the slide show on the right:

I made this one about two years ago for my guild's community quilt project.  Can you see a little "growth" there?  I can!  Different source too - I googled "rocking horses" and found one that I made an applique pattern from. 

Well, that's all for now, have a perfectly quilty day everybody!

Sew forth and sew on til later...