That's where the happy part comes in...
Yesterday was the annual shopping trip to Lancaster and the Kitchen Kettle area with the Faithful Circle Quilters (hi MaryBeth!!! I've been doing the Lancaster trip with MaryBeth Little for a long time and just yesterday discovered she's the MaryBeth who's one of my followers!) Anyway, at the crack of dawn I scooted down 16th Street and picked up Emily from my Bee, and we headed out to Columbia, Maryland to catch the bus.
Sauder's, our first stop, had rearranged their shop a bit since last time - I don't have too many photos to share but I wish I'd gotten a couple inside the shop, it looks neater and there's a lot more light. And... they got rid of their outdoor toilet!
I've been on a serious fabric diet for awhile and I haven't been buying a lot of fabric... in fact I haven't bought any for a long time! But on this annual trip I allowed myself some freedom - if you're like me your stash is traditionally low on neutrals. Since I'll be cruising with Bonnie Hunter to Alaska in August, my mission on this trip was neutrals and more neutrals!
I have no idea what her quilt design will be, but since I need more neutrals and the design will probably include neutrals - I can't lose!
I fell in love with these cute prints from Marshall Dry Goods' Storybook Collection. I only got six quarter-yard cuts at $2.99 a yard, so it didn't expand my stash too much or dent my wallet. I feel pretty good about staying on my fabric diet!
I couldn't resist getting a half yard of this cute Peanuts print from Zook's in the Kettle area; if I made an impulse purchase, this would have been it...
I like words! These just had to come home with me...
the one on top supports breast cancer research; there are two Christmas fabrics and another with quilt-related phrases.
In the Kettle area I bought a bag of eleven bean soup mix that I've been wanting to try. Charlene says it's pretty good, so I'm looking forward to making it when the snow flies! They always have such cute decorations and novelties in the Kettle area. I thought this spider pumpkin holder was so halloween-y...
The weather couldn't have been better yesterday, I loved it! And so, after a great day of shopping and the excellent smorgasbord lunch at Shady Maple, Terri the bus driver delivered us safely home and we bid each other a fond farewell til next year...
Sew forth and sew on...