Three things to be happy about:
(1) the giant HOLLYWOOD sign
(2) the ripple effect of kindness
(3) impressionist paintings
Yesterday while I was waiting in the dentist's office a sweet little lady came in and was looking around at the abstract paintings on the walls as she was waiting her turn at the counter. I had to smile when she approached a 5 or 6 year old who'd just come from his appointment (his mom was at the counter) and asked him "do you like the paintings?" He looked at her with a curious expression, then looked at the paintings and said "what paintings?"
Little kids are like a boxa choklits - you never know what you're gonna ge-yet.
I've slowed down a bit on sewing the En Provence mystery units, a lot of other stuff is popping into first place.
But I'm back working on it - here come the flags!
I was telling Gayle of Mangofeet that the skinny little tip on those QST units keep wanting to wiggle even though I hold onto them til the end - ouch!
My solution? A smidge of Elmer's glue at the very tip - a little dab'll do ya!
Potato / po-tah-to
Whatever it takes, eh?
All I know is - it works for me!
So here are the units done so far ...
Six completed, plus enough flags pieced to make eleven more.
Thank goodness it's not a race! I finished the 2015 mystery in February 2016, I talked about it in this post.
So I'm confident I can finish this one within two more months or so.
I also have another flag to fly - see that pretty neutral on top?
Leaving the dentist yesterday I remembered there was a little variety store close by that sold fabric. I popped in to check for a few more neutrals, and I got lucky!
Not only had their fabric quality gone up, but their Christmas fabric was 50% off. I got a total of 10 quarter-yard cuts; when she was toting up the price for the Christmas fabric she said "oh heck, I want to get rid of this!" I had 7 sale pieces, she charged me $4 for the bunch!
Wave a flag today, you can find one someplace; sew forth and sew on...
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Showing posts with label neutrals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neutrals. Show all posts
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Cutting neutrals
Three things to be happy about:
(1) new calendars
(2) loading your stapler
(3) Hallmark cards
Yesterday was a neutral kind of day - as in, the cutting of for the Allietare mystery!
I allowed myself to cut into some more neutral stash - I did a good job of using my precut strips, so I can cut some more.
I'm still following Bonnie Hunter's guidelines for selecting neutrals, I even used a piece of brown paper bag!
This piece is pretty but it sorta didn't make the grade, I'll save it for another project. In fact, why is it even in my neutrals container??
These two pieces just slid under the line so they will go into Allietare.
As you know, I like words!
Anybody remember these headlines??
Sometimes you can't tell if a fabric will work at the size you need; you'll never know til you cut it!
It worked just fine!
I may have to do some fussy cutting if I use this strip again, but I like how this one turned out.
I've cut all the neutral lally-furry-grams or whatever, now I just need to finish cutting the black sets for the wings.
That's progress! Sew forth and sew on til later...
(1) new calendars
(2) loading your stapler
(3) Hallmark cards
Yesterday was a neutral kind of day - as in, the cutting of for the Allietare mystery!
I allowed myself to cut into some more neutral stash - I did a good job of using my precut strips, so I can cut some more.
I'm still following Bonnie Hunter's guidelines for selecting neutrals, I even used a piece of brown paper bag!
This piece is pretty but it sorta didn't make the grade, I'll save it for another project. In fact, why is it even in my neutrals container??
These two pieces just slid under the line so they will go into Allietare.
As you know, I like words!
Anybody remember these headlines??
Sometimes you can't tell if a fabric will work at the size you need; you'll never know til you cut it!
It worked just fine!
I may have to do some fussy cutting if I use this strip again, but I like how this one turned out.
I've cut all the neutral lally-furry-grams or whatever, now I just need to finish cutting the black sets for the wings.
That's progress! Sew forth and sew on til later...
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