Three things to be happy about:
(1) cell phone bling
(2) folding chairs
(3) the color yellow
We had our first meeting of the year yesterday, and the room was really buzzing!
In some cases some people hadn't seen each other since our last meeting of the year in November, so the excitement level was very high.
There was a lot going on; Valerie models her Wee Bee t-shirt...
... while Sondra prepares strips for another chevron quilt.
I like the fuss-free way she pieces the strips; she says you really can't make mistakes.
If I know Sandy, she'll probably have the quilt - pieced, quilted and bound - ready for show n tell at next month's meeting!
Several people turned in their blocks for the Inside Out Pineapple block swap.
I love the different colors, these will make pretty quilts!
What would a bee meeting be without show n tell ...
I received this wonderful "WOW! Bag" as a Christmas gift; notice my initials embroidered on it - wow! It starts out as a large bag, then it unfolds into an even
larger bag with a shoulder strap.
I've wanted one for
years, ever since the pattern came out!
Go to this link for details.
Linda S. wow'd us with this square in a square quilt. The black fabric in the middle is printed with spools of thread.
She doesn't usually make large quilts but this one was super easy!
Double wow! Pat K made this lovely basket quilt, a Fons and Porter pattern.
Yellow, red, and black-and-white - this is definitely going on my must-do list!
And last but not least, Sondra shared another one of her lovely table runners.
I love those colors!
I always have fun at bee, and I'm looking forward to next month.
Sew forth and sew on ...