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Showing posts with label AIDS block. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIDS block. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2013

Busy at the bee

Three things to be happy about:
(1) iced tea with real mint
(2) hot pink
(3) lending a helping hand

Today is my mom's birthday... had she not passed away in 1995, she would have been 100, imagine that!

We had a great bee meeting on Saturday!  Pat did a workshop on the spiderweb quilt that she made last year and displayed at the North Michigan Park community day activities - her quilt won the viewer's choice award.

Anyway, we convinced her to do a workshop, and Saturday was the day.  In my humble opinion, Pat is a very good teacher.  :o)

I like the technique and it's easy to do, but I wasn't crazy about the quarter-block that I made; except for a few pieces I purloined, my strips were all 1 inch wide...bo-RING!
I think I'll like this better made with random-width strips.

We collected about 10 AIDS blocks for the panel; we need to start putting the panel together in September, so the others will be collected by that time.  There were some pretty, creative blocks turned in:

Felicia had asked that we make pillowcase dresses for a project she is helping with; there were quite a few collected...
some people used pillowcases and some just used fabric from their stash.

And then Debbra couldn't resist a photo-op!
She's visiting from California for a few weeks, WeeBee real glad to see her!

Have a great Monday, sew forth and sew on til later...