(1) iced tea with real mint
(2) hot pink
(3) lending a helping hand
Today is my mom's birthday... had she not passed away in 1995, she would have been 100, imagine that!
We had a great bee meeting on Saturday! Pat did a workshop on the spiderweb quilt that she made last year and displayed at the North Michigan Park community day activities - her quilt won the viewer's choice award.
Anyway, we convinced her to do a workshop, and Saturday was the day. In my humble opinion, Pat is a very good teacher. :o)
I like the technique and it's easy to do, but I wasn't crazy about the quarter-block that I made; except for a few pieces I purloined, my strips were all 1 inch wide...bo-RING!
I think I'll like this better made with random-width strips.
We collected about 10 AIDS blocks for the panel; we need to start putting the panel together in September, so the others will be collected by that time. There were some pretty, creative blocks turned in:
Felicia had asked that we make pillowcase dresses for a project she is helping with; there were quite a few collected...
some people used pillowcases and some just used fabric from their stash.
And then Debbra couldn't resist a photo-op!
She's visiting from California for a few weeks, WeeBee real glad to see her!
Have a great Monday, sew forth and sew on til later...